Quest: Moldred the Lich king (MAIN VALLEY) (part five)
The guards , gunnar and @stever82 ses @Happyme diamond and the rest of the colonsits attacking the oget they moving the trye and take down one oger is the distanse. @stever82 gets in a powerful hit gunnar and the guards to the armor is gone they are falling back the undead right behind them
@mastergerund gets two good arrow hits in to the oger and Davids wolf is joing in diamond and @happyme take him down. David mamage to heal Diamond almost back to 100%.
@enosh and @hhayweaver is moving to a better position and ready thear bows to reppel the approach undead
the undeads are attacking now its and oger a undeads the oger going at david and hitting him two times the undeads are attacking all around they dont do much damage but its many of them. in the distance a few undeads are moving over here but most of them are still at the wall
"no snike attack you are all in combat"
you can move maps it take one action you will ending up in L12
wood gate 50 of 50
Stone wall 100 of 100
Potions take one turn to use you can give it to somebody else and your self but it you are unconscious somebody need to give you one of their oven:
health potion 4 hit points
armor potion 8 armor recovery
berserker potion 5 to hit one turn
greater healing potion 20 hit points and armor
rock potion boosting the armor by 30 two turns
Overview over all Colones and Quest Rules.
@stever82(boar fangs amulet)(bear cub)(moose sausage)(ale) 9
weponds(+6 iron spike club/gem 8 dam)(+4 cross bow 8 dam)
4 hit points (20 of 20 armor)
Spells: Rage (increase hit chance by 5 and damage by 2. one action. damage the armor by 5
D20 touch en be put on your self or and ally)
potions 4 of 4:2 greather healing, 1 health potion, 1 berserk potion
Abilities (barbarian armor set): 4 actions per turn . +2 Charge attack range 5 squares)(Rage spell) +1 potions. (dam from the cub and sausage has been added to the weponds)
@mastergerund(Ring,ale,amulet) 9
weponds(+8 Scimitar (Rogue) 4 dam)(+4 bow 2 dam)
4 hit points (13 of 15 Rogue Armor set)(wounded)
potions 4 of 4: 1 health potion,1 rock potion. 2 greater healing potion
Abilities (Rogue armor set)+2 movement speed 1-4 on hide (+10 on hide) +1 potions)
Timothy (ale,ring,amulet, ranger helmet) 7
weponds(+8 Hunter bow (Ranger) 4 dam)(+6 heavy spear (short range)(Ranger) 7 dam)
4 hit points (20 of 20 Armor)
potions 3 of 3: 1 health potion, 1 rock potion. 1 greater healing potion
@enosh(ring.ale,ranger helmet) 8
weapons(+4 sword 2 dam)(+8 Hunter bow (Ranger) 4 dam)
4 hit points (20 of 20 armor)
potions 1 of 3: 1 Greater Healing potion
@Happyme(Ring,Eye of accuracy,ale,Moose sausage) 8
weapons (+7 bow 7 dam)(+5 iron sword 6 dam)
4 hit points (44 of 44 Armor)
potions 3 of 3: 3 Greater Healing potion
hit/damage added to the bow
Diamond(amulet.bone amulet,ale,Moose sausage) 8
weapons(+6 Battle Axe 2-handed (ogre)(10 damage)
20 hit points (31 of 38 Armor)(wounded) (+13 from David
potions 3 of 33 Greater Healing potion
hit/damage added to the axe
@hhayweaver (bear amulet,ale.ranger helmet) 9
weapons(+8 Bow 4 Dam)(+5 heavy spear (short range)(Ranger) 7 dam)
4 hit points (17 of 17 Armor)
potions 3 of 3 1 Armor Potion,1 Health Potions,1 greater healing potion
hit added to the bow
David (ale,ring,spell book) 8
weapons(+5 Cleric Staff 4 Dam)(+4 Bow 4 Dam)
4 hit points (11 of 25 armor) (wounded)
potions 3 of 3 2 Greater Health Potion, 1 Rock Potion.
Spells: heal (D6 armor and hp and armor, line of sight)
Touch heal (D20 armor and hp next to the target)
summon wolf (D20 summoning up to 3 wolfs to fight for you)
Summon wolf (+12 teeth 3 dam)
4 of 8 Hit points (wounded)
(+2 movement and +2 charge range)
the outpost
soldiers (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons (+5 spear 5 dam)(improved iron shield)
4 hit points (24 of 24 armor)
soldiers (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons (+5 spear 5 dam)(improved iron shield)
4 hit points (22 of 24 armor)wounded
location: E2
soldiers (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons (+5 spear 5 dam)(improved iron shield)
4 hit points (20 of 24 armor)wounded
location: B5
Gunnar (Ring of healing,Amulet,ale) 8
weapons (+7 master long sword 6 dam (Cleric)(Holy shield)
4 hit points (35 of 35 Cleric armor set)
potions 8 of 8 4 Greater Health Potion, 2 berserker potion , 2 Rock potion
Spells: touch heal ,heal, blind,magic missile
ability +2 spells +1 hit +3 potions)
undead 5
weapons (+3 hands 2 dam)
4 hit points
-2 movement speed
undead ogers (ring,amluet,ale) 9
weapons (+6 Battle Axe 2-handed 7 dam)
20 hit points (0 of 20 armor)wounded
location: D3
undead ogers (ring,amluet,ale) 9
weapons (+6 Battle Axe 2-handed 7 dam)
20 hit points (20 of 20 armor)
location :(fortress map)
undead archery (Ring,Eye of accuracy) 6
weapons (+7 Bow 4 Dam)
4 hit points 10 of 10 armor)
undead archery (Ring,Eye of accuracy,ale) 8
weapons (+5 cross bow 6 Dam)
4 hit points 15 of 15 armor)
location :(fortress map)
undead wolf (+12 teeth 3 dam)
8 Hit points
(+2 movement and +2 charge range)
I swing my scimitar at the Undead next to me in F1.
(I believe 14 or lower to hit unless I'm missing something?)
Edit: Teamwork makes the dream work. Together Timothy and I have cleared the Undead in F1, D2, and C3.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 12.
Seeing undead in F1 fall to the ground below my might sword, I pivot and charge past the outpost guard to attack the Undead in D2.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 7.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 12.
Timothy shoots arrow at undead in C5. (15 or better to hit?)
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 11.
Undead is killed so cleanly I continue my swing into the undead in C3
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 18.
Timothy laughs at my failure to kill the uNdead in C3 and lobs an arrow in its direction.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 2.
Pumping his fist in triumph, Timothy takes his third shot, this time at Undead in C5.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 17.
I will charge attack the undead on g5 @rolld20
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Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 8.
That undead is hit so hard he falls into many pieces i then charge attack the one on c5 sorry that was d5 not g5 before. @rolld20
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Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 15.
Another undead falls at my feet so I charge attack the one on c4. @rolld20
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Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 16.
I land another blow and see the undead falling to the ground around me. So I charge attack the one at b4 @rolld20
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Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 15.
Diamond jumps at the ogre at D3 after it was taunted and injured by @stever82. The mighty should take out the mighty, so she swings her axe ferociously.
Summary: Diamond kills the ogre and I do a lot of missing. The ogre should have been dead earlier, but I was unaware of its total damage. I think 1 of Diamond's and one of my hits were excess.
Diamond's first attack: @rolld20 (14 to hit 10 damage).
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 6.
Diamond seems satisfied with her swing, but there is lots of life left in that ogre, so she doesn't allow herself to smile just yet.
Diamond's 2nd attack: @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 6.
I can just barely distinguish a slight curl on her lips now, but she remains focused on killing this undead ogre and the seriousness of the task is still on her mind.
Diamond's 3rd attack: @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 7.
Finally she allows herself to smile after adding 30 damage to the undead ogre. She signals to me to finish off the last remaining life within this ogre's resurrected body.
As I take aim at the undead ogre I suddenly see Diamond hack the undead ogre to death and then some, happyme puts an arrow in the ogre just for good measure, Master and Timothy quickly eliminate three more undead solders that I was about to shoot. So I turn my sites to one of the remaining four undead when Stever82 suddenly turns into a one-man wrecking crew and eliminates all four of the remaining UNDs. I lower my bow for lack of enemies and tell everyone "I think it is time we take this show to the next level"
hhayweaver Action 1: Move to the next map at L11
Update: I moved to the next map and killed the UND at H10
I can see a few undead minions nearby, as I look to towards the fortress my view is blocked by several large boulders. From this position I can only get line of site on a couple of undead in the distance which hopefully means they can't get a line on me.
hhayweaver Action 2: Shoot the UND at H10 @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 20.
Action 3: Try again at H10 @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 7.
Now I hunker down and try to hide along the valley wall.
I draw back on my bow string and fire an arrow at the almost-dead undead ogre at D3. @rolld20 (15 to hit, 7 damage).
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 15.
My arrow JUST hits the ogre, but it's enough to take it down! Now for some more target practice.
I now focus on getting the undead off David and shoot at D5. @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 17.
Ooooooo, that little guy isn't as big as the ogre. I'll need to shoot more carefully!
Arrow 3 for the same undead. @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 19.
Ugh... My aim is getting WORSE! So Sorry David.
Gunnar has reported that there are some large boulders between the fortress and us. Those boulders should give us quite the advantage since it blocks line-of-sight for many of the enemies. We should be able to approach with caution and pick off a few more of the small ones before the others even know we are here. We may need to taunt another ogre or 2 as well and back off, letting them come after us. After that, we can focus on the archers behind the wall.
Update my charge attacks worked and the undead at d5, c5, c4, and b4 are down.
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OOC: The ogre at D3 should have 8 or 9 damage from @stever82. He went into the other map and taunted the ogre into this map by injuring it.
a yes foregot the location gunnar and the guards did 11 more.
Woops, then I've wasted some good hits!
David is in awe of the undead killing power of his companions, all of the undead that moved into our territory where taken down in mere moments. He looks around to see if anyone is severely injured but it appears that he is the one that has take the most damage but his armor has help up nicely. As he is standing there preparing to cast heal on himself he sees his friend hhayeaver run past further up the valley so he decides to send the wolf to help his friend.
Wolf Action 1: Move to next map.
Wold Action 2: Charge Attack the wolf at L6 @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 12.
Wolf Action 3: Attack L6 again @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 5.
David Action 1: Cast Touch Heal on self @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
Oy, that just won't do.
David Action 2: Touch heal on self @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 19.