Sinful: Merrals Chapter 2 - Sharon's Transmogrify

in #darkfic7 years ago

The homemaker had begun to think someone had heard her prayers, as the devil in red armor did not return over the weekend. Which was good, she told herself. She didn't want her children seeing what he made her do.

Her children had questions about the cops sitting outside but Sharon fibbed past the truth. They didn't need to hear her horror story. The doctor saw them all again and congratulated them on their return to health. Sharon wished their regular doctor could see them, but Dr. Callean was still the only one available.

Something seemed to be pressing Sharon into a trap and she felt the next time she saw that stalker, the trap would close for good. If only he was her only problem, but then maybe his poison was what was making her strange. Her husband, silly crushes from TV, and other innocent fancies were usually her targets when she pleasured herself.

Now it was a blackmailer, every time and often. Sharon had never felt so consistently horny in her life. The doctor hadn't been able to help with her libido either, despite all her note taking.

Monday came and with it came the scum who had somehow wormed himself into her fantasies. Nervously she watched him walk up the now vacant driveway and into her kitchen. He sat and smiled at her hungrily. Three large pans of lasagna were her answer to the smile.

He did something then that sent a shiver crawling up her spine. He just sat there, grinning at her with his sharp teeth and hostile eyes. Sharon was relieved he was staring into her eyes and not other places. Not as relieved as she would like, but still relieved.

This devil didn't usually shun food for any reason. The opposite in fact, which made his disinterest in it worrying. Trying to ease her growing discomfort, she tried to grin back. She thought she did a fair job of it, but the devil continued to stare.

She would have to break the ice it seemed. She cleared her dry throat, “So, can I ask your name?” Sharon was getting tired of just calling him 'devil'.

He didn't break his stare. “Name? I do not have a name appropriate for anyone to call me yet. What would you like to call me? Husband, Master, Owner, Lord?” He grinned wider, his teeth seemingly sharper.

Sharon almost flinched. He was playing mind games and from his stare, the devil wanted an answer. She remembered that German video her husband had made her watch when they were first married. He hadn't gotten any for a month after. What did he call the guy in it?

“Would you mind if I called you Dominick?” she asked, not having any trouble calling him a code word for a sleazy German who liked going both ways down sex street, any sex street. It took more than a few roses for her husband to save their marriage.

The devil eyes narrowed gleefully, ignorant of her thoughts, and seemed to roll the word in his mouth. “No, it has a nice sound, like dominant.”

“I'm glad you like it, Dominick.” She fought to keep her mental joy at finding a way to strike back down, even if in vain, off her face.

“I also like that look in your eyes. A flash of hate mixed with disgust. I wonder what the name means,” he growled, letting the words trail off as he tilted his head at her. Her blood went cold. Smirking, he finished, “No matter, another way for you to squirm so pleasantly like you do, my pet.”

Her heart sank. He seemed to have some way of reading her like a book, no matter how she tried to control herself. She had masturbated before he had arrived, hoping to keep herself from repeating her last shameful 'treat' but she felt herself flushing again. The memory of that sleazy video merged with her rising heat and she heard herself talking, “I'm glad you like it, Master Dominick.”

She would have jumped out of her own skin if she wasn't already feeling so subdued, if she wasn't thinking about the things in that video had done to them by someone wanting to be called 'Master'.

The newly dubbed Master Dominick crowed out loud, “Even better, luscious, even better! A fitting title given your service.” He pulled a dish of lasagna closer and dug in a fork. The fork paused halfway to his mouth.

He looked at her again and she stared back. Sharon felt she was being appraised and her subdued mood couldn't hide anything anymore. Her horniness was burning away her fear and anxiety. She found herself staring back expectantly. She didn't care about getting this over with, just getting to some pleasure. Her face was burning and she was keenly aware of her nipples rubbing uncovered against her dress, the air against her exposed pussy under her skirt. His eyes stared back bright, like they were the only light in a dark forest.

What was happening to her?

“Now you have a name, of your own impatient devising, to call me and willingly acknowledge yourself as my thing. The time has come for you to attend my wishes and pleasure as such,” he whispered loudly, “Do you not agree, my pet?”

He wanted something more than watching her play with herself, she trilled inside. Disgust battered at the thought, revulsion at her mind's eye, but she nodded anyway. Whether she was happy or not, she had to please him till she found a way out for her family. She whispered back meekly, “What do you want me to do?”

“Since I have enjoyed your honey, I think it's time you enjoyed my seed. Come under this wooden thing and pleasure me while I eat,” he commanded. His fork resumed its course as he watched Sharon lowered herself. He smiled around the fork, teeth biting into the metal.

As she crawled between his legs, she could hear his fork against the pan. He was eating much slower than usual. The bastard is taking his sweet time, she thought, leaving me plenty of time to enjoy myself. This time she did jump at the thought and bumped her head. She ignored the pain and crawled ahead, something hot driving her limbs.

There was plenty of light from the glass doors under the table. Taking a calming breath, her twitching hands sought out his clothes. First was the metal plate that extended and bent to protect his crotch. She wiggled it free of the hooks and strings attaching the piece to the neighboring plates. Below the metal plates, there was metal loops laced together with a length of leather string attaching the crotch section to the rest.

The smell of sweat was strong and she tried to brace herself for more as she fiddled with the wool underclothing. He must sweat a lot in this, she thought as she unlaced the wool cloth. At least his bulge didn't look much bigger than Mick's, she thought. The cloth was parted by her hands and she got a look at his manhood.

He was still getting hard, she realized somewhere between wonder and horror. She brushed her fingers along the shaft and gripped it lightly, filling the meat fill and harden. Watching intently, she stroked the devil's monster till a hard foot of cock pulsed in front of her face, frightfully thick.

“Do not fear going a bit wild,” Master Dominick's voice growled above the table, “In fact, I insist.”

Sharon's mouth had gone dry and she desperately tried to lick moisture back as she took hold with both hands. She stroked her new Master vigorously. Getting a good rhythm, she adjusted herself and opened her reluctant mouth to take in his massive head. Her tongue made contact.

Her tongue on his penis was like someone kicking her in the head. The mere touch sent her pussy into overdrive and her juices rolled down her leg, her nose flaring to breath as much smell as she could get. Sharon had only known her husband, but even she knew this wasn't right.

Those thoughts dimmed when he shifted forward, pressing himself into her mouth. Sharon heard herself moan loud and welcomed him into her, sucking at it furiously. She adjusted again, leaning her body into his tasty penis.

Her throat could let the girth of the penis in now. She removed it and coughed surprised, but as soon as she recovered she had him back in her mouth. She sucked him down to her tonsils again, wanting all of her mouth tasting him.

She couldn't explain it to herself. Sharon had never been so lustful in her life. It wasn't the size. The penis terrified her more than anything but she couldn't deny her internal stirring, the yearning of her taste buds, or her pounding heart. She came up for breath then dived down the shaft again. Her left hand was still jerking the shaft, but now the right sought her Master's balls. Her husband liked this, so she thought he might as well.

When she found them, she felt some unknown thrill in her heart. They were proportionate to his cock, so large in fact she could barely hold both in her hand at the same time. Caressing them, she sucked harder, needing to taste him with every inch of her tongue as it raced around the shaft.

When she came up for air again, she began to stroke him with both hands again as she tried one of her own favorites. Licking his balls, ignoring the hair, she pressed her lips around one to suck on, then the other. Her tongue was greedy for more and she pressed her jaw open wide, getting both in. She felt the pulse of his building climax as she savored both orbs filling her mouth.

She released then and she savored them more urgently, groaning into his testicles. When she felt her own loins relax, Sharon returned her mouth to his penis. Bobbing on the mammoth shaft freehanded, her hands ripped her shirt open and began to obscenely fondle her breasts.

Sharon found herself way beyond the pale of her morals, but she was feeling too much everywhere to pay attention to that. His penis seemed to be the tastiest thing she could remember.

His penis was twitching in her mouth, close to releasing. Slobbering, she needed to know how he tasted. She couldn't go on and her lips fought to stay in contrast as she pulled away, making a loud slurping sound. She was panting, trying to recover as she watched his penis twitch. He was almost ready to feed her something good, she could sense it.

She had an idea, something fun her husband liked to talk her into back when they had made love regularly. She wanted it so bad then, she screamed when her head hit the table. She didn't have enough room! She wanted it so bad though and laughed happy when his chair slid back. She latched onto his midsection without a care to look up.

Pressing herself under him, she smooched his fragrant penis with her big breasts. Running her hand between her wet lips, she used the juices to slicking her breasts before pressing in on his foot-long pole. She actually giggled in delight as she saw his penis grow a deeper red, stretching out between her fleshy slicked breasts even more.

Sharon's moans drowned out the sound of the fork above her. She quickly gained speed as she stroked him with her breasts. Her itching tongue sought out the penis head, slathering it with more juices. She was pleased to hear him moan aloud, though it had a decisively withheld sound.

Quicker she went, her breasts blushing around his penis. Her breath was coming in short gasps, her next orgasm building. She let her mouth leak more saliva to increase the wonderful wet feeling of his hard penis violating her bosom.

She was there again! Her insides felt like they spasmed violently and she came under him. She felt her cum pool between her legs. “Save some for dessert, luscious,” a voice above chided.

Sharon was on her back, panting as she tasted his precum in her mouth. Relishing the feel of her privates, she let herself feel wonderful. She was really enjoying herself, she realized without any disgust. No guilt, only pleasure. The Master's penis twitched up and down expectantly, seeming to command her up and to task.

She rose to the occasion. Returning to her deep throat position under the table, she held her mouth open to catch his penis. He moved his seat in and she greeted him with her happy mouth. She knew she had to be as red as a schoolgirl. Once she got the rhythm down again, she worked his penis further down her throat, as deep as she could. She sucked and fondled his balls. She would sometimes run her fingers through his fur like pubic hair.

She could feel the drool dripping from her chin. Her breasts flew up and down with the force of her movements. Those huge balls jumped and Sharon cheered inside as she slid the head of his penis back to her lips. She stroked him firmly as he released. She was afraid he would whelp, but instead his hand found the back of her head. Sharon wasn't allowed to escape.

The instant his orgasm hit her tongue, her crotch felt like it exploded inside. Half-aware, she felt her mouth fill with his cum instantly and pour out. Swallowing in panic, she sucked down as much of the nutty tasting cum as she could but she quickly began to lose much of the sticky substance.

Removing her mouth, Sharon jerked him off as he kept coming, his flavorful cum falling on her breasts and face. The sheer amount boggled her mind as her large breasts and face were painted.

Two hands grabbed her shoulders and brought her above the table. She was too dazed to pay them much attention, her inner walls still twitching and releasing. Somewhere dishes hit the floor and wood pressed against her back. She couldn't concentrate on any of that though, as her hands idly spread his cum all over the front of her body.

When she finally came to, she felt something worming inside her. Sharon felt great again and squeezed back in thanks. A small orgasm shivered through her, the last her body had to give. The something went wild and she looked down.

Master Dominick's head was burrowed between her legs, his tongue licking far into her to lick her juices in swirling motions. She was in heaven with a devil for a lover.

His wonderful tongue retreated and she felt it replaced with something else. Something more spongy. She sat up to see what it was. He had her spread and was wiping the cupcakes she had made for him along her lips, absorbing her juices.

Mindlessly running a finger through the goop on her breasts, she watched as she enjoyed his treat. “Thank you, Master Dominick.”

He smiled before eating the last cupcake and growled, “You are welcome, sweetness but my time here comes to an end. And you must attend your litter soon.”

A pat on her spent sex later, Sharon was alone. She supposed she would have to clean all this up soon, as well as herself. Maybe he would want more next lunch time? She could only hope. Sharon wanted to argue with herself about that hope, but the other one she had been holding onto just didn't seem that important anymore.

She saw a bottle on the table. Picking it up, she laid back down to enjoy the afterglow just a little longer. Feeding herself her devil Master's cum, she read the label on the bottle:

You will not need this dose.

It took a second before realization struck her over what the second poison was. Despite the risk, she wanted more but he was gone for now. She smiled to herself. Sharon knew he would be back, back and willing to feed her more.

It was a rat race to get everything cleaned up and smelling fresh again before her kids got home, but Sharon managed. Her husband was soon home as well, to her surprise. She tried to rein herself in, but the rest of her household seemed to notice she wasn't as thrilled to see him as usual.

It was a tense night for everyone except the usually attentive Sharon, who kept daydreaming. As much as she knew it wasn't like her, how it was wrong, she already felt herself wish for her devil's next visit. The whole night, she repressed her blush. She went to bed early, wishing to speed along her next lunch encounter.

Sharon had the oddest dream. She was talking with another her. The other her was younger and dressed up for church like she had when little. The other her was talking about being faithful and how she should shun the serpent of the Devil.

Sharon yelled in her dream, “Leave me alone! Why should I be faithful to the scum I mistakenly married!”

“It's all good to regret it now,” her younger self responded bitterly, “but you promised what you promised. You have children. Be their mother, not the tramp to the legions of the Devil.”

“I'm not a tramp,” Sharon screamed out, “I'll serve my Master. He treats me well, doesn't he? He makes me feel good, doesn't he?”

“He's a devil,” younger yelled, the older yelling back, “He's my devil.”

“God sent him to punish you,” screamed the younger. The older her, the lonesome her strangled her nagging shade and demanded, “Is it wrong to find good in my punishment?”

“You have a husband! Get your joy from him, not the devil!” Her shade commanded as Sharon clawed at those terrible clothes, weeping aloud, “At least my devil sticks around!”

Bleeding, her shade shot back, “Your husband does important things. Let him work and wait for him to return. Isn't that what you wanted to do when you married him? Has that devil's taint blinded you?”

Sharon lashed out, growling. Thrashing her shade again and again, she rumbled, “I don't care if I can see, as long as I have his company. He made me his, but he never yells at me or leaves me alone for who knows how long. He is where he says he will be!”

Her broken shade croaked, “So you'll sell your soul for some mating and company?”

Sharon roared, “Yes!” Her teeth found the shade's throat.

Waking in a cold sweat and a mouth full of a coppery taste, Sharon looked around her dimly lit room. She appeared to have slept awhile. Her husband was next to her, asleep. Everyone probably was, she guessed. She felt alone again. Cold and isolated, hungry for the warmth of someone.

“Do not fret, my beauty. I am here with you,” a growling voice rumbled into her ear.

Sharon jerked onto her side and saw a dark shadow squatting next to her. The voice and shape of the shadow told her it was her Master. “Master Dominick, I'm so glad to see you. I … what are you doing here, Master Dominick? My husband will find you out!”

“He already has,” Master Dominick whispered aloud, his growl predominating his speech.

She twisted around to see her husband's head turned toward them, a reflection of dim lights in his eyes tell her he was awake. She gasped and tried to sit up between the two men but Master Dominick put a hand on her shoulder.

“Calm yourself, luscious,” her Master instructed, gently, “Just because all the fool's senses are with him and his mind screams, doesn't mean he can do anything. He can only thrash pathetically inside his prison.”

Sharon was allowed to sit up and she looked back and forth between them. She felt terrible, both for feeling so elated to see her devil in her bedroom and knowing her husband would know the truth now. She bent over and kissed her husband on the forehead. “I'm sorry you had to find out this way.”

Her lips went cold against his flesh as she began to see things. A blond, a redhead, a waitress, a schoolgirl. Her anger built as she saw her husband fucking them all, that sportsman grin on his face. She heard them asking about a wife. He responded each time about a cow back home with knockers the size of melons.

Lucky, they would call him. He was now, he would reassure his whores. She saw them in cars, planes, a church, a cabin, a wedding, endless bedrooms and living rooms. She saw this very room, when it wasn't theirs.

“I'm sorry I broke my word,” she hissed past her anger, “But I always knew you broke yours first, you bastard. Why my sister, I'll never know,” she sobbed, tears flowing down her cheeks. “Why all the tramps, Mick? I don't even know what's in my own body because of you. What trash is in me, Mick?”

Her husband raged behind his staring eyes, unable to answer.

“Come here, my pet, let me make it better,” Master Dominick promised her with his growling voice. Sharon fell back on him and cried. A clawed hand pawed her hair, “Now, my sweet, let all your pain out and conquer it. Let your wounds bleed all the bad blood out.”

She turned around and clutched onto the armored shoulders. With wet eyes she looked up at her Master, “You won't leave me, will you Master? Even though he spoiled me? Please say you won't. Please say you'll take me wherever you go, wherever you want to claim for yourself?”

“Of course, my beauty. I have nothing to fear from what he could … carry. You shall be my pure pleasurable bauble, in my pocket wherever I go. I take it you have healed, knowing you are mine now and will belong to no one else, ever?” He stared down at her with his glowing savage eyes, demanding her binding to him.

“Yes, Master. I mean that, you are my Master. Do with me as you wish and I'll be happy. Just don't leave me behind,” she cried, holding onto the armor on his arms tightly.

“Of course not,” he growled above her, his obvious joy at her words sending a shiver through Sharon. “But now that you are mine in your entirety, I shall reap my crop.”

His tongue found her mouth and tingly flames burst in her mouth, driving away the cold copper taste with comforting warmth. Her tongue flicked about to dance in the flames with his. Their kiss broke and the devil smiled, “You are mine now. Know that you will not be alone in my possessions.”

She licked his chin, “I don't care, as long as you're with me.”

“I shall take any female I want,” he whispered loudly.

“As you deserve, Master,” she breathed, licking his lips. He had so much to give, Sharon could share. As long as she was with him, she could share.

“My mates will bear children, even you,” he snarled, a hand running through her hair.

He'll be in me, she thought. Soon, tonight, I'll have my Master in me. She squeezed her thighs together in anticipation, “I'm honored.”

“I shall have more mates, even from here,” he roared, his teeth sharp like some great predator.

She was licking his exposed teeth, swirling around the saliva that dripped over them. He could eat her or fuck her, she thought. Would it be so bad, her daughters having a wonderful Master like him? Sharing her Master with her own girls?

She shared his hot breath and groaned under the weight of the growing heat deep inside her, “I'll give you everything I have, even my children.”

He smirked and growled next to her ear, “Indeed. Everything here is mine. Time I enjoyed myself.”

Fuck her. He was going to fuck her. Sharon cooed, “Yes, Master.” She didn't wait, but pushed him back so she could stand up herself. Her smooth linen nightgown brushed down her cold flesh on its way to the floor.

They were kissing again, her tongue lashing back fiercely against his. Her mind was wild in elation. A thought broke through her lust and she pulled away, “Sorry, Master, but what about my kids? My husband when he moves again?”

Her Master smiled his toothy grin, “Your children sleep peacefully, no sound will rouse them. As for your former mate, he will remember nothing till I allow it. For now, let him witness.”

Her tongue found his mouth again, her hands blindly fiddling with his armor. His clawed hands found her breasts. With past experience in mind, she quickly untied the layers of metal and cloth, freeing her Master's full length. At first, Sharon was content to jerk her Master with one hand and run her hand about him.

Her patience didn't last and she dropped to her knees, reluctantly freeing her hard nipples from his handling. The flames in her tongue leaped through her body as she sucked at the tip of his penis, lapping up the precum that drooled there.

Her body was reacting similarly as that afternoon, her insides churning at the taste of him. As she enjoyed her own reaction, she looked up at her Master. He seemed to be unaffected, but highly bemused by her. Sharon readied herself and swore mentally to hear her Master moan in earnest. She would know she did a good job as his possession.

With a deep breath, Sharon took in half of his penis, sucking hungrily. Her tongue licked the head about her mouth. Outside, her hands vigorously flew up and down the remaining length. This time when she looked up, he looked genuinely pleased. Sharon smiled around her mouthful and began to take him deeper.

Once she got down enough for the head to probe down her throat, Sharon began to work her head along as fast as she could comfortably. A claw scratched her hands, removing them and placing them on her breasts. Sharon smiled again, grateful for her Master's thoughtfulness. She worked her own breasts, knowing he was watching and growing more aroused. His penis twitched so much she nearly lost it several times.

Sucking him till she was blue in the face, Sharon had to finally come up for air. Stroking him with both hands, she recovered her breath while sucking on his testicles. His hand pushed her forehead backward and her Master shoved in his penis into her mouth. A hot gush poured out, puffing out her cheeks. Gulping, she smeared the plentiful spillage on her breasts as the lonesome cold fled her body.

Suddenly, her Master robbed her mouth of him and she was falling on the bed, her head landing on her husband's stomach. Hot tingles on her skin told her where her Master's cum landed, on her belly and legs. Sharon was baking in her own personal heat as cum all over her warmed her tingling skin.

She felt his wonderful tongue attacking her mound, swirling inside her. Her clit was being teased, her lips pressed together against the tongue. She locked her legs around his head as her dripping insides sang 'wonderful' over and over in her mind.

Turning her head to her husband, Sharon watched his eyes flicker as she panted her heat at him. She fought words out, “Sorry, Mick. Sorry I had to have a Master to feel loved. Sorry that you know now what it's like to have your spouse step out. At least he's more man than you, eh?”

She smiled wider as her first orgasm gave her Master a treat, “He's going to fuck me and I'm going to try my hardest to see that he enjoys himself. He will at least praise me for trying. Keep me close cause I put in the effort.”

Grabbing her tits and groping them in circles, she breathed more angry, horny air toward Mick as she groaned at her Master's attention. “See these, Mick. I got them for you. I know you like being dirty and kinky, so I thought I'd make myself more so. I hoped you'd stay home now and then to fuck me with these things. Love me more for them.”

“You went for tramps instead,” she hissed, her love for him drying up, “I have my Master and I'll be happy to be his sex slave. His horny possession. All cause you couldn't be bothered.”

Her groans became yells, rising in pitch and volume, screaming as more of her cum hit the bed sheets and her Master's tongue. Even his odd ability to suck down tons of food couldn't keep up with her release, much of it dripping onto the bed, soaking it.

Sharon fought her daze and raised her head to see her Master standing between her spread legs. He smiled down at her, “The time has come, my mate. Be fruitful for me, lustful for me, and bear my offspring. Demon offspring.” His voice became a confident and pleased growl, “Yes?”

“Yes, my Master,” Sharon answered his confidence, eager as her dripping privates.

“Good,” he growled, hungry. Her legs were mounted on each side of his head. Sharon reached down and held herself open for him. His head meet her lips, the contact stoking the fire there. Sharon was breached. She cried out at the top of her lungs. There was pain.

There was also joy. Sharon felt herself stretching and pulling at the mammoth penis as the first inch went in. Her Master was easily wider than her husband or any of the toys he had managed to convince her to try. As another inch went in, she felt him widen more in his hunger for her. Another went in and Sharon rocked her hips toward him, eager for the rest of him.

Her arms were squeezing her breasts as hard as she could now as she threw her head back and forth. The feeling of her Master entering her was the most intense she had ever felt, sans the arrival of her children. Where that was painful, this was so lustful, beautiful, and wonderful it brought tears to her eyes.

She managed to gain control over herself and looked up at her Master. He no longer seemed as human as he had. His cheeks and jaw took on a feral look, eyes wild and furious as he continued to slowly push his way into her. His face was so clear, even without the bedroom lights on. She looked around, seeing some other light had cast perfect illumination over the room, not just her Master. Another inch went in and she marveled at whatever was happening to her.

“I don't know how I'm taking all this in, but don't stop, Master! Your possession wants to take all of you!” Sharon screamed, bucking into his advance, “I want you to feel as wonderful as I can! Please, I'll take as much of you as I can, Master Dominick!”

Her Master didn't grin. With a mouth full of carnivorous teeth, her Master called out, “You will, my pet, you'll know all of me. You will remain just as sweet, luscious, for the next time you know me.”

He grunted as another inch went in slowly in, “You'll remain tight, delicious, lustful and so much more! Know this, my beauty, I will not allow you to bear mere half-breeds!” The last inch went in.

Sharon called out in joy, but was cut off as his penis retreated before slamming back in. She felt the pain of such forceful sex, but it seemed less than it should. The dick remained and she squeezed her pussy muscles around his shaft.

“Luscious, you will bear me offspring with full demon blood, because soon you will be a demon yourself,” her Master exclaimed in a trumpet roar.

No pain left in her, Sharon enjoyed the sensation of such fullness, “I'm not going to be human anymore?”

“Yes, you are still part human now, but your body is already more malleable. My full entry should be proof enough of that, my sweet,” he growled, nipping her calf. She felt the little cuts, but found herself cooing at the foreplay. He watched her flesh refuse to bleed and growled approvingly, “Cuts, stabs, even my stretching past your old uterus no longer need give you fear. You can heal them like me, or in this case,” her Master gave her another forceful thrust, “be immune to them.”

Her Master paused and Sharon opened her eyes. He was watching her, listening to her mewling wordless as she wiggled on him. Sharon smiled back, having made him clearly happy. He smirked, “But know you will never have my strength or power. You are mine, thus have no need of them.”

“I wouldn't want them,” Sharon cooed, “I just want this feeling, as often as you would graciously give it to me, Master.”

The devil grunted, satisfied with her answer. He moved her legs to his hips, allowing Sharon to wrap her legs around him. Getting a hold of her waist, he pulled out and thrust back in again. This time, however, he kept repeating his thrust, hard and deep into his new possession. His grunts filled the bedroom.

Sharon's own moans joined him, overjoyed to experience him inside her properly. She forced her hips to meet her Master's thrusts as she fondled her large breasts, pulling them counter to her bouncing body. Her breasts were feeling almost as tingly and good as her crotch.

“You will remain beautiful for decades to come,” her devil promised her, “Beautiful and luscious, bearing me offspring all the while. You will be the mother of the demons returning to the world of humans, all others trembling at our fury!”

His penis was pumping away at her so fast now that their hips were blurs. Her Master bent down to taste her mouth and neck as he thrusts pushed her deeper into the bed.

All at once, her Master pulled himself up, his shaft pausing at her deepest point. She felt the explosion of cum hitting her insides. The cream of his demonhood sent her into spasms, her own cum spurting out of her hole with his as he pumped into her with renewed fury. So much cum had been released into her that the copious excess just splattered out.

She wanted him to cover her again and she wiggled about, trying to get her mouth to work. Her Master, with his mysterious ways she thought, must have noticed as he pulled out and stroked his tip along her lips as he came more. Warm effervescent tingling spread over her belly and breasts. She gasped wordlessly as her Master's penis finally ran dry.

Thinking it was over, she almost sighed, but her Master's clawed hands grabbed her waist and flipped her over, forcing her on all fours. He forced himself back in and began to hammer her powerfully again. Sharon's face dropped to her husband's stubble as she moaned and thrust back as hard as her Master.

Sharon lifted her head a little and looked down at her husband, “We never got this wild, did we Mick? I don't guess we ever will, unless my Master wills it.” Her hatred of her cheating husband curled her lips, feeling the full joy of her revenge and lust.

Cum spilled into her again, but she was already full. Her kind Master must have remembered her preference and he withdrew, the spraying cum landing in her hair and on her back. No sooner had the last drop landed that she was again moved, this time into a sitting position. His penis, covered with her cum as well as his, filled her mouth and probed the back of her throat. She sucked and fondled him happily.

Looking up, his fang filled mouth was wide open and she could see the white had left his eyes, replaced with a dark red. Both were aflame, almost literally. Another demonic load of cum went down her throat. She pulled his penis free and bathed her face in cum, feeling it drip down her face and onto her chest.

This time she pushed the demon onto his back. Her Master allowed her, shifting himself into a comfortable position in his armor, as she straddled him, feeling her legs chill against the cold armor causing goosebumps to run all the way to her nipples. Her Master put his hands behind his head and let her do what she wanted.

Sharon did just that. Spreading her lips, she took hold of his penis and lowered herself down the shaft. She squeezed every inch in welcome. Once she felt his furry pubic hair, she leaned back on her arms. As she took up a brisk rhythm, she felt her Master's satisfied hum through her crotch and gasped at filling herself so full of him.

Opening her eyes, she saw her reflection in her bedroom mirror. She took in the image as she fucked her Master. Not blushing all over like she felt she should, her skin was pale as a ghost. She looked almost otherworldly. Her nearly black brown hair was swaying violently around her shoulders as it stuck at odd angles for all of her Master's cum in it. That was common for Sharon at the moment, her face, neck, shoulders, breasts, and most of her stomach appeared to be completely covered in the demon's cum. Sharon thrusts became more hurried.

She was becoming a demon, she thought, this seed is going to make her a child. She would serve her Master. Often, she hoped.

Staring at the mirror, she watched herself atop a demon and completely covered in his cum. She never would have imagined herself here and now, riding the penis of someone she would call 'Master'. She was slamming herself into him, wanting to feel more release, wanting her husband to feel more anger.

Sharon was wailing like a mad woman, barely able to think of anything else. The tightening of her slick inner walls on her Master shattered the dam holding back her lust, spilling her love juice all over her Master's manhood. She reached down and dipped her fingers in the cum, bringing their fluids to her mouth. She bucked atop him, her back arching as the mix of their honey sent wild sensations through her mouth. The swollen nipples of her big breasts pointed high in the air, bouncing slower as she calmed down, letting her Master enjoy her.

As her lust built up again, a thought came to her. Sharon repositioned herself over his top half, her breasts swaying in front of his face. Her cum covered mouth smiled at him, hopefully both lustful and serious, “Master, can I ask you something?”

He growled in such a way that a horny shiver went up her spine and nodded for her to continue.

“I know I'll carry your child and sleep with you whenever you like. I look forward to the later,” Sharon moaned, “I imagine you will want to do the same with my daughters when they come of age, but what of my son? What will you do with him?”

Her Master's smile never left, but his demonic eyes seemed to wander off somewhere distant. “I am unsure. I must first test him to see where his talents lay. Fear not, my protective luscious, be a worker, fighter, or caretaker of my females, he has no need to fear me. As long as he obeys me and does not mate where he does not have … permission.”

Moving quickly atop him again, her loins squeezed her thanks into him as she tried not to moan so she could talk, “I have one request, Master, if you wouldn't mind hearing it.” His satisfied grunt gave her permission to go on. “When you first take my daughters, may I be present? I wish to … ah, yes! … I wish to reassure them! I want to see each of them become a woman!”

“I will have to consider it, luscious,” he growled, grabbing her hips to guide her as his cock pulsed bigger inside her, “I might have you attend. It would make for a good show for you, making your performance later more pleasurable for me. Besides, I might have you give them pointers, or maybe even … participate.”

She lost it then. The floor of her second story bedroom was creaking loudly as she drove herself into him as fast as she could. The wet sound of their fucking became overbearing, drowning out their moans. She began to cum, trying to bring him off at the same time. His balls slapping her ass told her a moment later that she had, his cum joining hers. She came to a halt above him.

More moan than sigh escaped her lips and she looked at her Master apologetically, “I'm sorry, Master Dominick, but I don't think I can go on anymore. My vagina is becoming raw. Would you like me to suck you off for a while.”

The devil seemed to consider it, “No, you have done a good job already. I would find it hard to believe you wasn't bred already.”

“Likewise, Master. Let me clean you up at least. All that cum will leave your clothes soggy,” she offered. He nodded, smirking.

Sharon lifted herself of his cock and felt a great amount of fluid built up inside her spill out. Hurrying, she hopped down to where she could get her head over his crotch. She slurped greedily at the pools of cum in his armor and clothes. His exposed skin was licked clean next then his still hard manhood. She sucked first then licked the stickiness away, leaving even her Master's pubic hair clean.

Filled with sadness that her night with her devil was coming to an end, she did up his clothing and armor dressing her Master smartly. Her sadness gave way to hope he would be back for lunch. She would make him a huge cake, topped with her honey. She couldn't stand waiting as they stood up.

Her breast was squeezed and his glowing eyes bore into hers, “Very well done, luscious.”

He left. From her bedroom window, she watched. She knew she wouldn't see him walking away into the night, knew it in her gut. All the lights were still off after all and there was no moon, but she waited and watched anyway for a while before turning away.

The sun was still a few hours away. Mick had returned to dreamland and would wake later with no memory of tonight. More accurately, he wouldn't be able to get to that memory till her Master decided to let him. Sharon marveled at what the demon could do. He had said she would not receive his power or strength, but she still found herself wondering how much she would be able to do when she became more like him. Would she just be a mate or would he give her other abilities to better serve him.

The homemaker had her pride. As she looked down at her husband, seeing the cheating bastard's peaceful face, she felt that pride bloom. She had no faith to keep with him anymore. She didn't have a choice with her Master, but she still chose to belong to Dominick anyway. Anything to no longer belong to this slut scumbag. She would be her own woman from now on as far as he was concerned. Until her Master came for her children, she would still act the wife for them, but only then.

Mick was on his own now, like she had been.

The cum all over her was still moist. An obscure but pleasant benefit of being a demon she assumed. She knew she looked like someone had sprayed her with a hose of goop and she remembered thinking how enraging it must have been for Mick, to see so much of another man's semen on her. Taking her away from him and doing a better job than he ever did. The thought warmed her.

Even sleeping there like some angel, she couldn't get enough of her memory of his anger and pain but she still felt sorry for him. Maybe later she would ask Master if she could fuck him. Sharon had always taught pity and mercy to her children, the least she could do was show it to her husband.

After all, she no longer felt the fear of losing him, so she could put her foot down now and make him stay away from the tramps. He would do it, she knew. His job wouldn't allow much scandal and he so loved being a powerful man with his job.

She could have done this before, Sharon considered, but she needed someone. She had always needed the company of others, her biggest weakness she guessed. She swirled the cum in her mat of pubic hair. This issue was now solved.

“Well, Mick,” she sneered at her sleeping husband, “I guess it's a whole new world, for the both of us.”

Her nose brought the sweet smell of lovemaking to her attention. The room was full of it, stains as well. Her Master had reassured her that Mick wouldn't notice. All she had to do was keep the kids away. Easily done, she thought.

Moving to her bathroom, she blinked after turning on the lights, adjusting to real light. Stepping into the spacious bathroom, she admired herself in the mirror. There were definite benefits for a woman being a demon, she thought. Her skin had returned to its mild tan, a few freckles still noticeable through her 'facial mask'. She could tell her breasts were perkier too, the pain they usually caused her back gone. Plopping one last finger of cum into her mouth, she decided it was time to be clean. Sharon stepped into the shower, ready for the cleansing warm water.

From her shower, she put off another look for demonic changes in her body and climbed into bed. She snuggled in her blankets as far away from Mick as she could and dreamed.

She dreamed of the cleaning water that had removed wonderments and of a feeling of renewal. She dreamed of the soft bed and rising the next morning, of beating her children to the kitchen. Cooking her family a wonderful breakfast, smiling for what felt like the first time in a long while. Pleasant moments with her children, even tender moments with her husband who lingered longer than he should.

More joy entered her dream, her husband's words telling her he would be moving temporarily to D.C. for fifteen months, of how he had been chosen to head up his company's lobbying department. She dreamed of being genuinely proud of him, forgetting for a time the wounds he had inflicted on her. His face, so confused at being rebuffed once the kids were gone. Her dream left him horny in the living room, unappealing to her, as she went grocery shopping.

A cake covered in honey filled her dream, her dream self questing to gather the perfect lunch for her Master. She dreamed and yearned for him, sitting on her couch in a now empty house. She dreamed of a bright future.

A clock by her TV chimed loudly, rousing her from her sleep. Sharon bolted up from the couch, wide awake. She found the clock, it was one in the afternoon. Insides sinking, she knew she had failed her Master, their bright lunch gone before it had arrived.

She didn't know what he was going to do to her.

Walking slowly to the kitchen, she hoped he had left having found no lunch and her sleeping. She came into sight of the kitchen table and she froze in place. He was indeed in the kitchen. His form was much like when she first saw him, in the same seat and wrapped in his own shadow. She approached the table and took the seat she had taken when they first met.

This time, his eyes were closed and his head lowered. “Tell me, my pet,” he growled, “What do you do when your litter misbehave?”

Fumbling with her hands, she answered her Master meekly, “I send them to their rooms to sit in a corner. Or in my older kids case, I take their car keys and computer monitors.”

His growl dropped a pitch, “And when their transgressions are worse, when they go against your rules too many times.”

Sharon bit her lower lip. She responded even more quietly, “I spank them.”

“You have disobeyed me. At almost any other time, I would lop off the head of anyone who so much as looked at me wrong. You, female, have left me …


. I have things to attend to and very little time. Make something quick.” His growl grew deeper as he talked until he commanded her to action with a snarl of some mad dog.

Rushing to her fridge, Sharon pulled out anything that looked like it could be made in a hurry. Leftovers went into the microwave, cans of soup simmered, and part of a leftover roast rewarmed in the oven. She hurriedly made sandwich after sandwich between dings and stirs, placing every finished plate carefully in front of him with drinks. He didn't leave plates full long, obviously showing her how slow he found her.

A small mountain of plates built up on the table. Soon, he finished all the food Sharon could find and appeared content. No, Sharon corrected herself, he looked less hungry for food. His smile was still nowhere in sight and his eyes were still red. He stood up and fixed his red stare on her. Sharon didn't dare move.

His voice was not that of a wild beast when he spoke to her, but still retained some inhuman fury, “Not as good as I expect from you, but it will do. You will keep your head. I suppose, since you are new to my belongings, I can also overlook not having a treat. That, however, is the end of my tolerance. You must still be punished.”

Sharon didn't have enough time to whimper or run. Her Master came around the table and closed the gap between them effortlessly, his clawed hands grasping her neck cruelly. He walked into the living room, holding her in the air as he went. Reaching the couch, he dropped her over one of the couch arms so that her ass was in the air. She began to sob to herself, knowing what was next.

His claws found the crotch of her blue jeans and ripped a large hole right where her opening was. She whelped as the claws gave her shallow cuts.

“Know this, my female,” he growled above her, “Like you spank your children, do I hurt you. Learn as they did, not to defy or fail me.



She wanted to respond that she wouldn't, beg him to spare her just this once, but her vagina's scream cut off her air. His penis didn't even wait for her to adjust to his size, bottoming out forcefully in one push. As he slammed into her, she could feel rips inside herself. Her blood leaked, both external and internal. She could still die, she realized, even with her head still on.

Some new feeling started to spring up, something feral inside her waking. Sharon felt anger at herself, outrage at her own injuries. Her blood stopped leaking from her wounds and she felt her pride build, pushing her body to mend.

His brutal fucking was painful, but Sharon knew now she would survive. She heard her weaker self crying and bawling, but her feral self kept her being together. She felt his hands slapping her rear hard. The slapping and fucking went on and on.

Sharon ran out of tears. Her lust, so plentiful before, would not ignite leaving her insides barely wet, adding to her torment. Clawed hands abandoned the spanking. One squeezed and pulled at her nipples and the flesh of her breasts, adding more pain. Another hand grabbed a chunk of her hair, pulling back her neck.

She knew she was being raped. She saw the terrible thing happening to her as if she was standing in the room watching. There was no consent in this, not even the false choice given by blackmail. She questioned her loyalty to her new Master. Before, she would have left her husband for him, but to replace scum with a rapist? With one who would hurt her both physically and mentally, were Mick had only hurt her soul and pride?

I would lope off the head of anyone who so much as looked at me wrong, she remembered him saying. Sharon could only guess that this was his way of saving her from herself. Slowly, the homemaker came to terms with the thought. If she messed up in the future and caused her Master any pain, he would kill her. Sharon's feral self growled in approval.

She would do the same to any who failed her; anyone who failed him.

Sharon could barely keep up healing her insides with the damage being done to it. She didn't marvel as she would any other time that she could heal herself at all. Even though he was raping her, she knew she would follow him still. She too was a demon now. This is what demons do, her feral self instructed. Destroy any opposition or fight to cause it great suffering. She had failed him and in doing so opposed his will. She had made herself opposition.

Her face was too clenched to smile as she started to understand her Master's mind and her own, becoming like his. Another thought burst into her head and she turned it around in her mind as he roared as he enthusiastically abused her. Try as she might, she couldn't quite understand the thought.

The rape came to a sudden halt as his load surged into her, splashing her cuts with scalding fluid. An inhuman, demonic roar vibrated her body and filled the room. Only a little cum leaked out as his seed filled her ordinarily juicy vagina. He remained inside her, forcing cum to saturate her insides.

All at once, he was out of her, letting what cum remained in her hole spill out as she righted herself. Not bothering hiding her crotch or splattered thighs, she turned to him. “Thank you, Master, for teaching me to better serve you, so that I might survive my servitude.”

For the first time that day, her Master smiled at her. Not as warmly as he was given to, but enough to let Sharon relax and move some of her concentration to easing and healing her battered self. His growl was light as he spoke, “I am pleased you see it so clearly.”

“Master, may I ask you something?” Sharon almost winced as he frowned. He finally nodded. “I don't understand how I was able to think so … clearly, while you … punished me. It was almost like I was in my own little world.”

Her Master surprised her then, giving her a powerful bear hug. When he released her, he said in his usual bemused growl, “That's because, my luscious, you are becoming more like your Master. Know this, my pet, that we demons never know mortal and overwhelming fear or panic, like simple beasts and humans do. I could now lop of your head and you would die thinking clearly as you do now. Most likely trying to find the proper words to curse my future with.”

Sharon could only stare as her Master Dominick laughed wolfishly. The red in his eyes had left, leaving only human white behind.

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