Dark Cloud

in #dark7 years ago


Toan- The boy has fashion issues. His oversized hat protects him from the sun, monsters, gods, etc.
Xiao- Cat girl. She often claws at the hero. Spay her before you meet any male cats.
Ruby- She's a genie... but she doesn't grant wishes! What's up with that? She has no purpose except pissing you off.
Goro- 6 arms and 7 feet tall. You must perform a flawless victory.
Ungaga- Friendship!
Osmond- Fatality!!!

Plot: Some dude stole your car and you have to locate it. No! Wrong piece of media! It starts with a general who brought forth a magical onion! Fatality!!! He gave the onion, rings to his opponents and they died from massive gas. They sealed away the evil onion, and rings until 500 years later...

Emerge the evil genie. Fatality!!! A byproduct of the onion rings. The evil genie farts a lot. His evil fumes destroy whole towns. The witch's broom sticks don't work. The dark miasma the evil genie produces; allows his conquest of the world. Enter a guy with silver white hair. He's not the main character. Instead Then he follows the hero, Toan around. He looks like Sephiroth, so that's what I'll call him. Sephiroth wanders the planet looking for his chance to find something. I forget what he's looking for. But he's responsible for dropping all treasure chests around the world. I guess he was bored. The lesson with the genie to pair it with a game. Watch out for Galoob.


Let's get into the main plot. That stuff I mentioned earlier has no relevance. The town is attacked. Toan finds himself dancing with two gay guys hoping to die. I think his girl friend dumped him. It's the hat! He dresses like a reject from Old Navy. Luckily Toan does. The genie, the one I mentioned earlier attacks. He has relevance to the plot! What? Huh?
Toan is resurrected by the Fairy King. Friendship! But it comes at a price! Toan has to traverse through the local dungeon to rescue his girl friend. But before he can do that he has to rescue this fat guy. The fat guy wants to take a bath with the hero. We're moving on... Fatality!!! You get to the end of the dungeon and you have to fight a dog man. This massive dog creature is really tough to beat. I saw an invisible fence sign, and a collar on the dog man. So lure it out of the cave with a bone, and then it's collar will go berserk. Dog thing dies. You never see him again. Full fill villager requests to help restore their village. It's pretty easy. Point all houses toward the sun. After you are run out of town, you come across the next location the genie destroyed.

Here's a list of useless moves, characters and items in the game. Swords, they break when used to much. Animality! The following characters blow... Toan, Xiao, Goro, Ruby, Ungaga, Osmond, Lui Kang, and Georama. Analysis is best way to fish after you go to the dungeon screen. The best way to eat cheese is through the port town of, Aiur. After you create a warp gate you must stand back and eat more cheese. You better not be confused! Onto the final boss.

First you end up in this moon town. You need to create a giant robot to combat the evil genie. The hard part is the robot needs gasoline. So onto your quest. First go to the gas station. Make sure no one is there. Make sure to X out your license plates. Now fill up the tank and jet! This used to work until they installed cameras. You have the OPTION of paying. Since it's an option just follow my steps.

Now you have what you need you confront the genie. This is the hard part. You must do a ka me ha me ha wave into the genie. You do this by mashing X on the controller. Congratulations you win! Friendship! But here's the bad part. Remember Sepiroth? Well he's been possessed by the essence of the dark genie. Now you have to fight him. Perform a flawless victory and you win. There's also some stuff about traveling back in time to change history, but it's not important. What's important is you have a full tank of gas.

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