Blood Donor Good For Health
Have you donated blood? Well, this time I will discuss about blood donation. Not everyone can donate blood, because there must be a recommendation from a doctor. Before someone who will donate blood, usually the doctor will check the patient / donor first. Because in the human body there are several kinds of blood groups, there are blood groups A, B, AB and O. Doctors will also check the condition of the patient / donor before it is certain to be taken his blood.
Setiap darah yang diambil hanya 1/4 kilo dan 1/2 kilo saja. Itu pun tergantung bagaimana keputusan dari pendonor atau instruksi dokter yang menanganinya. Selama proses donor darah dilakukan, si pendonor akan disuruh duduk atau berbaring supaya darah yang keluar akan normal dan tidak menimbulkan gangguan. Setelah darah didonorkan, biasanya oleh dokter yang menanganinya akan disuruh istirahat yang cukup kepada pasien, supaya tubuh bisa memproduksi darah kembali dan pula di suruh makan makan yang dapat meningkatkan penambahan sel-sel darah.
If donor blood is found to contain infectious and dangerous diseases, then the blood can not be transfused to others who need it. Then the blood is stored in the cooler to remain frozen and not damaged. The benefits of donating blood are equally helping others who need blood and the donor can be replaced with new blood cells. May be useful for all steemit friends. Do not forget vote @rakanfatah and leave your comment.
that's good, every body have to do this type of job.........
Great post.
Specifically, post menopausal women and men who eat iron rich foods.
Some evidence suggests that it can help reduce cardiovascular disease associated with high iron.
Iya, benar itu
bereh that nyan.. long pih karab jeut donor lom nyo
Neu donor ju,, supaya ngat meutamah fresh tuboh,, hahahaha