Dansformation - 12 Weeks Workout Challenge - Week 9 Day 5 - Shoulders Workout

Hello dear steemians
Slowly the end of week 9 is coming, one more training day tomorrow to close this week then I will have only 2 weeks to go to the end of this challenge. I feel that everything passed so fast but a lot of things happened during this time, a lot of changes, a lot of findings and a lot of data to compare how was before and how is now.
One thing is clear, I feel way better from when I started to care more about what I eat, what I drink and doing sport every day.
Related to my today's workout, I trained my shoulders with the following exercises :
Standing Military Press : 4 sets of 8 reps
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Side Lateral Raise : 4 sets of 12 reps
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Upright Barbell Row : 3 sets 10 reps
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Dumbbell Lying Rear Lateral Raise : 3 sets of 10 reps
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Barbell Shrug : 4 sets of 10 reps
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After workout picture :
I was thinking today that I don't have any selfie in the gym bathroom so here we go, my first and last selfie ever into the gym bathroom :))
What did I ate today :
Milkshake : milk, 1 banana, sunflower seeds, 1 teaspoon of green barley
Fried chese
Salad - missing picture :(
I didn't eat to much today, was a quite busy day for me and "I didn't had time" to eat.
What kind of supplements I took :
Green barley : 1 teaspoon in first meal
Creatine : 1 measure in water before and immediately after workout
Whey protein : 1 measure in milk immediately after workout
Casein : 1 measure in milk before bedtime
This is how my day ended, overall I'm quite satisfied.Tomorrow I'm gonna train my arms so stay tuned if you are interested about what kind of exercises I do.
Thanks for reading my post guys, I appreciate your time.
I wish to all of you a great weekend !
See ya tomorrow.