Dansformation 12 Weeks Workout Challenge - Week 7 Day 1 - Legs Workout - Meals, Natural Juices, Supplements
Hello dear steemians,
Today I started the week 7 of my Dansformation 12 weeks workout challenge with my legs day, as always, like every Monday.
The good news is that after only 6 training sessions of my legs I doubled the weight on barbell, every week I get stronger and I'm tankful because of that because this is applied in my day by day activity too.
I know a lot of people skip this workout because of the consequences which come after or because it's the most exhausting workout but I understand that legs are half of our body so even if you don't like to train them in my opinion you have to.
I love to train my legs like I love to train all my parts of body so I have no "reason" to skip this day :)
After warming-up my body for about 10 minutes I started my workout with the following exercises :
Barbell Squat : 5 sets 10-8-8-8-12 reps
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Barbell Lunge : 4 sets of 10 reps
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Barbell Deadlift : 4 sets of 10 reps
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Smith Machine Calf Raise : 4 sets of 12 reps
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After workout picture :
What did I ate today :
Milkshake : 250 ml almond milk, 100 g mix of almonds with sunflower seeds, 1 teaspoon of spirulina, 1 teaspoon of green barley powder
Vegetables soup
Juice : 2 apples, 1 orange, bunch of grapes
Quinoa, sweet potato, broccoli and vegetables salad
Juice : 1 yellow grapefruit, 1 banana, 1 kaki, 1 apple
Quinoa, sweet potato parmesan and arugula salad
Yogurt with peanuts, almonds and berries
What supplements did I took today :
Spirulina : 1 teaspoon in the first meal
Green barley : 1 teaspoon in first meal
Creatine : 1 measure in water immediately after workout
Whey protein : 1 measure in water immediately after workout
Casein : 1 measure in milk before bedtime
This is how my day ended and how a new week started, overall was a pretty good day. I'm satisfied how my workout went.
Tomorrow I will train the chest and the abs. If you don't wanna miss my post be sure that you're subscribed to my blog
I appreciate your time reading my post, hope you find it useful.
I wish you a wonderful week. See ya tomorrow.