The Lightcaller Chronicles: part 2

in #dandd7 years ago

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Its been two more weeks.... Two more long pointless weeks of waiting for those damn high and mighty Solars to make a decision on my fate. Sure just because they may not agree with the decisions I have made they feel they have the right to judge me. They don't know shit about me. The only judgement that I will accept will by Mystra's herself. I just hope that once I get this finished that my story gets out there, no matter what the fates have in store for me...

Anyways to continue the story....

The last thing that I remembered was hitting that troll with a blast of fire and then nothing. I thought I was dead. All I know is I awoke to darkness, warmth and a lingering sense that I was eaten. I don't know how long I was lying there all I knew was that there was no way I could have survived and didn't want to find out. For all I knew I was on my way to one of the nine hells. It wasn't until I heard a kindly voice say " I know your awake, let me get those bandages off your eyes."

I felt someone unwrapping the bandages from my face, everything was blurry in the dim light. While waiting for my sight to restore I tentatively asked "Where am I?".

"Your in the temple to Mystra located on Mount Talath."

Wait a sec..... Mount Talath was weeks away from my home!?

"What happened and how did I get here?" I asked afraid to know the answer.

"A group of Harpers where on their way to Cormyr when they stumbled upon your village. They told me that they saw you rush into your home, there was a burst of fire, then nothing. When they got in there they found a troll reaching for you. They managed to kill the monsters that were attacking your home but only able to save you. They brought you here to be taken care of, do you have any family that I can return you too? If not you are more then welcome to stay here."


That was the first time that I met Elandre. He was an Elf that was the head of the temple on Mount Talath and he closest thing to a father that I have ever known. The next twelve years were the happiest of my life. He taught me everything that I know. He showed me how to control my gift and use it for the betterment of the peoples of world. Because of him I learned what I truly was.

An Aasimar.

Turns out that that my father was a Deva in Tyr's court but had been cast out when he fell in love with a human woman. Apparently my mother had died during child birth and in his grief my father left me with the first person he could find and killed himself. I never new that was the true story all I ever was told is that I was a gift from the gods.

It was also because of Elandre that I was able to learn how to control my gift and that I was one of the blessed called a sorcerer. It is a gift from Mystra he would always tell me. It was and I needed to use it to help others, seemed like that was what I was meant for. It wasn't until I was 16 that tragedy struck again and I learned how true that was.

It was just another day at the temple and I was helping with the cleaning before I did my turn in the infirmary. I was just minding my business, doing my cleaning when I noticed him.... It was one of the high priests that had recently came to our temple. I don't know much about him only that his name was Manshoon. He never talked about himself and seemed distant most of the time.

Anyways I was doing my cleaning when I noticed Manshoon slip in to Elandre's chambers. That was odd. Everyone knows that he would be doing his private prayers and is not to be disturbed. I figured that it must be an emergency so I rushed over to see if I could help in any way.

As I get to the door I could hear muffled yelling, it sounded like there was an argument going on. Just as was about to turn away and get back to my duties I heard a crash and something slammed into the door. I pulled open the door to see Elandre falling to the floor and Manshoon teleporting away. I rushed to the one man who has been like a father to me, see the terrible wound on his head, and yell as loud as I can for Mystra to hear me. I know that there will be no one else near as its the middle of the day and there are duties that need to be done.

So there I am yelling, screaming, cursing Mystra to save the one person in my life that I have left. Thats when I saw it. My hands they lit up with a light of there own and Elandre's wound slowly started to close. I wasn't able to fully heal him or even save him but it was just enough for him to wake, look at me and say.

" I am proud of you son, and know that you are favored by Mystra. Follow her with all your heart and she will never do you wrong. Remember always what your learned and know that I love you as if you were my own."

With that he died in my arms.

Next thing I know is someone grabs me from behind and hauled me to my feet. I look and see some of the other acolytes there with Manshoon standing behind them with a evil grin on his face. They had me surrounded, found me with the masters dead body, and his blood all over me.

"I can expla...."

"Shut it traitor, you will pay for your crimes!!"

With that I felt someone strike me from behind and then blackness....

Thank you all for reading. I will try to get another done by Thursday next week as there will be a 3 week delay after due to my upcoming surgery.

I hope you all enjoy and please stay tuned!


Well written man :) getting a look on the backstory of this character is very interesting. I look forward to reading more.

Thanks. I want him to have a full back story. Makes playing him a little easier.

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