The Light Caller Chronicles part 1

in #dandd7 years ago

Image by Jason Chan

I don't know how long I have been here. It seems like it has been years though for all I know it could have been hours, stuck on this island....

The last thing that I can remember is being brought before the council of Solars. Sometimes I really do feel that they are pompous assholes. Seriously, they expect me to account for the few small mistakes that I have done in my life after devoting it to Mystra and the expansion of magical knowledge. I have devoted my self to helping others and uncovering the arcane mysteries that have been lost to the ages. Just goes to show that no matter how good you are you still have some prick above that will nail you for one little mistake, if you can call it that.

Sure I may have forcibly removed some higher ups in the hierarchy via disintegration, and yes it felt so good when I finally got my revenge for what they did to me. Now though Tadriel is telling me that I must answer for my actions. Maybe I should have listened his guidance, taken a more compassionate approach and tried to help bring them back from corruption. Then again they deserved worse.

Since I have nothing but time I have been "advised" to record my life, and by advised I mean given a book and nothing else to do. I may as well as record this so people can hear of my life and judge it for them selves.

From my earliest years I remember my mother raising me in Harrowdale. It was a peaceful life. I was only 4 at the time so I wasn't required to assist my parents on the farm. The only problem that I had was my father seemed to hate me and it was years later that I finally discovered the truth.

I was always different. Maybe that was why I didn't have many friends growing up. I was told that I was beautiful from the day I was born, and that I looked nothing like my parents. Turns out that I was left outside of the town and my mother happened to discover me on the way back from the market. My father didn't want to keep me, he said that there was something unnatural about me and I would only bring trouble. Maybe it was my piercing golden eyes, or the tan skin and golden hair. My mother said I was her little angel and that I must have been left for here by them since she couldn't conceive.

When I was 5 I started to get visions in my dreams. They were always encouraging me to take a caring and compassionate approach to situations. As I got older I discovered that it was my guide Tadriel. Turns out that my father was an angel who had left Celestia and had me with a human woman. No one knows what happened to them and I never did manage to find out either.

When I was 13 I discovered that I was destined to be more then just a farmer. It was the day that tragedy struck and my life was forever changed. I was working out in the fields that day, enjoying the sun and taking my time since I didn't have any other chores after. I wanted to drag it out since I knew that the other kids my age wouldn't hang around me and if I tried to join I would just be ignored until I left. So once I was done my work I decided to take a nap near this big old Elm tree that I always loved to climb. I remember watching watching the leaves ripple in the wind as I slowly started to drift off. Little did I know that when I woke my life would be forever changed.

I remember Tadriel came to me while I was sleeping and I remember this becuase it was one of the few times that I could see concern in his face and the message he gave was as clear as Lathanders light. It was one word. RUN! Thats when I woke to the sound of screams coming from the village. I bolted up looked in the direction of my home and all I could see is smoke and flames coming from the buildings. I have never ran so fast as I did at that time. All I could think of was my family, the people of Harrowdale and that I had to help any way I can.

As I got near the edge of the village I started to find the bodies. Chunks bitten out of them and horrible slashes that tore limbs off. It was horrible, but once I got deeper in the smell hit me. A horrible rotting smell. Trolls. That explained the fire and it is the only way to keep them down and it must have gotten out of hand.

I rushed the rest of the way home to find my father dead at the door partially eaten. Then I heard my mother screaming from inside and my blood froze. I rushed in just in time to see a troll tear my mothers head off and start feasting. I was screaming and have never been so angry and heartbroken in my life.

That is when the troll noticed me. It turned and reached out one of its gore covered hands to grab me. I was so full of rage at that point. I don't know what came over me, I refused to run, all I know is that the troll had to die.

I felt something well up inside of me and and explode from my hand as I pointed at the creature. A bolt of pure burning fire flew from my hand and struck the creature in the chest. I have never seen a creature that panicked like the troll did. It went in a frenzy trying to put out the flames on its self and while doing so struck me in the face. The last thing I remember is the troll had put the flames out and was stalking towards me as I blacked out.

Well that is enough for today. I am going to go enjoy a hot meal and relax in the bath. Hopefully I get a decision from the council today but if not I will continue this pointless task of chronicling my life.

Hello my fellow Steemers!

Thanks for reading. I will continue this soon so please stay tuned. I plan on trying to get a post at least twice a week so if you enjoy what you read and want more just keep an eye out.

Have a great one!

Image credits:


Nice creative work! Are you coming up with all of this by yourself?

Thank you. The locations and stuff are straight out of Forgotten Realms but the story is from my head. I am doing a back story for a character that I have written up for a D&D campaign. So most of it will be made up until I get to the campaign then it will all be based off of what me and other players do.

Ow man I got the feeling about dungeons and dragons when I started reading, great work man!
Can't wait to read more! :)

Thank you. I will make sure to keep them coming.

You did big research!) cool!

Thank you. I have been playing D&D for years and have most of the Forgotten Realms books so i have lots to pull from.

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