Amethyst Use Tutorial
On the first day of February, an Apple version of the decentralized social app called Damus was launched in the Apple App Store and the Android version of Amethyst was launched in the Google App Store
使用教程(Use Tutorial)
1、app下载地址(App download address)
全球可下载,使用的IPFS web3 分布式存储。(Globally downloadable, IPFS web3 distributed storage.)
2023年2月6日(February 6, 2023) amethyst-v0.13.1.apk
可以使用google应用商店的手机可以直接搜索 Amethyst 下载。
Mobile phones that can use Google App Store can search Amethyst directly for download.
官方GITHUB下载地址 Official GITHUB download address:
Releases · vitorpamplona/amethyst (
打开软件后,点击 Generate a new key 直接就进软件了。此时已经有了公钥和私钥了。
After opening the software, click Generate a new key to enter the software directly. Now you have the public key and private key
Click on the avatar in the upper left corner→Profile→the right side of the avatar
对应的是 私信 私钥 公钥 编辑
Corresponding to private message private key public key edit
3、设置(set up)
在个人主页页面点击 编辑
Click Edit on the profile page
4、搜索好友 (search for friends)
对应的是 个人发推文 好友聊天群聊天记录 搜索 最新消息
Corresponding to personal tweets, friend chat group chat records, search, latest news
点击 搜索
Click to search
输入 公钥 用户名 都可以
Enter the public key username can be
5、好友私聊 (private chat with friends)
点击好友头像进入好友主页 点击 私信 。
Click on the friend's profile picture to enter the friend's homepage Click on the private message
6、建群 (Build a group)
建群图文流程 Graphical and textual process of building a group
点击 app 最下方的 从左到右 第二 个图标
Click the second icon from left to right at the bottom of the app
点击 + 号
Click on the + sign
编辑好群名等 点击Post
Edit the group name, etc. Click Post
点击右边上面的灰色 分享 ,公钥自动复制。粘贴我相信大家都会了。
Click the gray share on the upper right, and the public key will be copied automatically. Paste I believe everyone will.
本交流群公钥(Public key of this exchange group):note13uun6lfjchyqymfhu2e8n296j556dq064l266jxmtk8clwcmehrssgh5ax
有些用户想个性化上传自己的 头像 和 背景图片。
Some users want to personalize and upload their own avatar and background image
重要:本人推荐 去中心化 IPFS 存储地址 免费送你 1TIB 空间 上传你想个性化的 图片 获得永久存储且只要地球不毁灭,你的数据永久存储的网址。 后端是 FILECOIN
Important: I recommend the decentralized IPFS storage address to give you 1TIB space for free Upload the picture you want to personalize Obtain permanent storage and as long as the earth is not destroyed, your data will be permanently stored URL. backend is FILECOIN
去中心化社交的本质是没有自己中心化的服务器,所以 修改 头像 背景图片 都是 用的 连接 ,为了保证自己的数据 安全 和 不被中心化管理员最高权限访问 ,建议使用 去中心化存储获得自己的头像连接网址。
The essence of decentralized social networking is that it does not have its own centralized server, so modifying the background picture of the avatar is all using the connection. In order to ensure the security of your own data and not be accessed by the centralized administrator with the highest authority, it is recommended to use decentralized storage to obtain your own The avatar connection URL for .
7、发图片和发视频(Send pictures and videos)
图片和视频需要先上传到 个人账户里面。
Pictures and videos need to be uploaded to the personal account first.
点击 你想发送的 图片或者 视频的 CID 进入下一个页面
Click the CID of the picture or video you want to send to enter the next page
鼠标指向 ‘美女图片.jpg’ 点击鼠标右键 选择 复制链接 。然后 复制到 amethyst 的聊天框里面 直接 Post 就能显示图片了。
Point the mouse to 'beauty picture.jpg' and click the right mouse button to select Copy Link. Then copy it to the chat box of amethyst and post it directly to display the picture.
自己发 推文 同理 tweet yourself
8、屏蔽广告(block ads)
按住你想屏蔽的广告 直到弹出 以上图片的 选项 点击 Hide User , 就可以了。
Press and hold the ad you want to block until the option of the above picture pops up, click Hide User, and that's it
点击自己左上角头像 选择 Security Filters
Click on your avatar in the upper left corner and select Security Filters
点击 Unblock 就解除了这个用户的屏蔽,可以看到他的任何消息了。
Click Unblock to unblock this user, and you can see any of his messages.
先复制对方的公钥 格式是: @用户公钥 聊天内容
先复制对方的 Text 内容。然后点搜索 复制 Text 内容,等搜索出来这人的消息,点这条消息左下角第一个回复图标 回复。
码字不易,求关注 公钥(The code word is not easy, please pay attention to the public key):npub1p5jjayjkpnsl4hlr9tkx2fq4gwu4099fszk875cvun9hyvdgg88qgqh9uh
用户名(username): LN@LN
公共群(public group):filecoin
群公钥(group of people):note1wrtcuws3cc625ctlj4sl2e6u7yxxq5vnfdrv3ksjrunjg7s63fvs7qcut6
公共群(public group):Amethyst 使用交流群
群公钥(group of people):note13uun6lfjchyqymfhu2e8n296j556dq064l266jxmtk8clwcmehrssgh5ax