@efotagodstime Diary game 19th July 2021, going to church at a long distance to fellowship with them, and privilege to visit there SNAIL POULTRY, and excited after church
, h inello my steemit people all over the world, IAM greeting you all , this how my day went yesterday been Sunday, l pray in the morning as usual, take my bath, ND prepare my children, then I left them to a far distance church, I got there by 8:26, everyone was so happy to see me cus It been a while, and I was also happy to see them all,
We prayed and dance to the glory of God, after church I was privilege to visit my pastor children SNAILS POULTRY, when I saw snail I was shocked and surprise how it was been treated and talking care of, they built it house with block, and plastered the hole place, except the floor, I asked why is floor not plastered, they told me they get water from the ground, and they feed on fresh melon leave as their food
I saw plenty eggs, and it different stages of growth, this is the eggs
and I will told it way of harshing, the eggs will peel it shell to form this
from that starts growing gradually to become this and as it grow it colour changes, nest stage picture
that is the second stage, I was happy seen them