The Daily Bread 0036: Prophetic Chronology of the last time part 4

in #dailyword7 years ago

The second event occurring in prophetic chronology is the great tribulation, which could occur immediately, or within a short time after the abduction. The Bible does not specify the time that would occur after the rapture for the last week of the 70 weeks Daniel prophesied to begin.

The great tribulation is a period of 7 years (more explicitly the last 3 1/2) of the wrath of God upon this earth. In this period of time a sinister character nicknamed the wicked, the Antichrist, the beast will arise. This character will take power in this period (Daniel 11:32), but will also be punished during this same period, culminating with his live release to the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20). There is a time span which is the most mentioned throughout the bible, it is called the last week, 7 years, 3 ½ + 3 ½, especially the last three and a half years also known as 42 months, 1260 days etc. Where does this period of time come from?

Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring forth enduring righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and anoint Holy of holiest. 25 Know therefore, and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks; the square and the wall will be rebuilt in times of trouble. 26 And after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah shall be taken away, but not by himself; and the people of a prince to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and their end shall be with a flood, and until the end of the war the devastation shall endure. 27 And for another week he shall confirm the covenant with many; in the middle of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease. Then with the multitude of abominations shall the desolate come, until the consummation cometh, and that which is determined shall sprinkle upon the desolate.

Point number 1: From the beginning of the order to restore and build Jerusalem to the Messiah prince there will be seven and sixty-two weeks (7 weeks (49 years), plus 62 (454) weeks plus one week (7 years). Order of restoration (69 weeks) (483 years) death of the messiah for another week will confirm the covenant with many (1 week) (7 years)

Although here we see that refers to weeks actually has a double explanation since one day refers to a year, let's see some scriptures where years and days of years is used:

Explanation of years per day:

Genesis 29:16 And Laban had two daughters: the name of the oldest was Leah, and the name of the younger, Rachel. 17 Leah's eyes were delicate, but Rachel was beautiful in countenance and beautiful in appearance. 18 And Jacob loved Rachel, and said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter. 19 And Laban said, It is better for me to give it to you, and not to give it to another man; stay with me. 20 So Jacob served for Rachel seven years; and it seemed like a few days, because he loved her. 26 And Laban said, It is not so in our place, that the younger should be given before the elder. 27 Fill the week of this, and the other will be given you, for the service you do to me for another seven years. 28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled the week of it; and he gave Rachel his daughter to his wife.

NUM 14: 33 And your children shall be shepherding in the wilderness forty years, and they shall bear your transgressions, until your bodies are consumed in the wilderness. 34 According to the number of the days, of the forty days in which you recognized the land, you shall bear your iniquities forty years, one year for each day; and you shall know my punishment. So one day can refer to a year and this time is exactly what happens.

Output of the order or beginning of the count:

Nehemiah 2: 4 The king said to me, What do you ask? 5 And I said to the king, If it please the king, and your servant has found favor with you, send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers' sepulchers, and I will rebuild it. 6 Then the king said to me (and the queen was sitting next to him), "How long will your journey last, and when will you return?" And it pleased the king to send me, after I had appointed him time. 7 And I said to the king, If it pleases the king, let me give letters to the governors on the other side of the river, so that I may pass through until I come to Judah;

in 450 BC was given the order of King Artaxerxes - until his crucifixion 33 BC 450 + 33 = 483 years exactly

the remaining 7 years are for the Jews is the period of the great tribulation after the last week, Jesus comes his second coming after the millennium. So 70 weeks we multiply by 7 (70 * 7 = 490) and 490-483 = 7 (a week of years) so that everything has been fulfilled literally only missing this last week.

Important note of the 490 days:
Matthew 18:21 And Peter came and said to him, Lord, how often will I forgive my brother, who sins against me? Up to seven? 22 Jesus said to him, I do not say to you seven, but even seventy times seven. This is indicative that in 490 years Jesus would return and forgive Israel, and also after 490 years ... there was no need to forgive his brethren, because it would be the end. Romans 11:25 For I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brethren, that ye be not arrogant concerning yourselves: it hath hardened in Israel, until the fulness of 26 Then all Israel shall be saved, as it is written, "The Deliverer shall come out of Zion, who shall turn away wickedness from Jacob." The fullness of the Gentiles is a term used to denote when the church number is complete, Rapture happens, then Israel goes through the great tribulation, but as verse 26 says all Israel will be saved. The first 3 1/2 years will be peace (due to a peace treaty made by the antichrist) then the remaining 3 1/2 it will be the wrath of God.Apocalipsi 11: 3 (the two witnesses appear in the midst of the tribulation) And I will give my two witnesses that they shall prophesy for a thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.4 These are the two olive trees, and the two standing candlesticks before the God of the earth. 5 If any man will hurt them, fire cometh out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies; and if anyone wants to harm them, he must die in the same way.6 These have power to close the sky, so that it does not rain in the days of his prophecy; and have power over the waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plague, as often as they will.7 When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war on them, and will overcome them and kill them. And their corpses will be in the square of the great city that in a spiritual sense is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. 9 And they of the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations shall see their carcasses for three and a half days, and they shall not suffer them to be buried.

Written By Robert Pool
Translated by Bruno Smith

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