The Daily Bread 0030: Bible Fluency (Part Five)

in #dailyword8 years ago

It is important to notice the fluidity and harmony that exists in the bible regarding that there is no divorce and much less remarriage. Paul tells the bachelors to marry: 1 Corinthians 7: 8 I say to singles and widows, how good it would be for them to remain like me, 9 but if they have no gift of continence, marry, it is better to marry than to be Burning. Obviously there is a council to marry those who are never married (single) and Widows (single). To the widows he gives them the same advice, to marry because it is better to marry than to be burning, yet to the divorced he says: 1 Corinthians 7:10 But to those who are in marriage, I command, not I, but the Lord: Let the wife not depart from her husband; 11 And if he be separated, remain unmarried, or reconcile with her husband; And that the husband does not abandon his wife. Why does Paul advise bachelors and widows to marry and not divorcees? He does this for two reasons: one, this is what Mr. Jesus said, and Pablo is a mere spokesman for this he says: I command not I, but the Lord. And the second reason is that the divorced are still married! They are not single! Regardless of the reason for which they divorced (be it infidelity, contempt, etc.). This is why Paul only urges them to remain unmarried or to reconcile with their husband. If your husband is unfaithful to you, or mistreats you, you are not obliged to be abused or mistreated, but the Bible is clear: stay without marriage. Those who remarry are then in adultery. Luke 16:18 Whosoever divorces his wife, and marries another, commits adultery; And he that marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery. Romans 7: 2 For the married woman is bound by the law to the husband while he lives; But if the husband dies, she is freed from the law of the husband.3 So if in the life of the husband he is joined to another man, he shall be called an adulteress; But if her husband dies, she is free from that law, so that if she joins another husband, she will not be an adulteress.

There is even more undoubted evidence that God is against divorce and that remarriage as such is adultery. For example, John the Baptist told Herod, Herod! One of the most despotic men that ever existed, even when God's law should not apply to him, John tells him: It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife. This is extremely important because many say that if someone married in the world, and divorced and then remarried does not have to leave the woman who has, because all things are made new and so on. This is to take verses out of context, what you tell us here is that, although Herod was impious and a tyrant, it was against God the fact that he had a woman who had divorced his brother Philip.

· Keep the Sabbath. Adventists place great emphasis on keeping the Sabbath and with great reason for beginning in Genesis we see that God sanctifies the Sabbath and blesses it, and then it becomes a commandment for the people of Israel. So reading the Old Testament (which is the bible) we see total fluidity in which the Sabbath must be kept, not to do any work in it. If we are asked: because Christians do not keep the Sabbath, the answer should never be: well, in my church they do not keep it, and they have not taught us that. This is not a concept that a Christian should rather take all the counsel of God (the scriptures) and see that he does not say as to this. For the time being "the river is flowing well" and in favor of keeping the Sabbath according to the Old Testament, but we must read the entire Bible to come to a conclusion about this. We speak in the beginning where we must maintain the context of the scriptures unless the bible itself does not explicitly say them. We begin to see a lathe or change in when to keep the Sabbath with Jesus himself:

Matthew 12: 1 At that time Jesus went through the fields on the Sabbath day; And his disciples were hungry, and they began to pluck the ears of corn and to eat. 2 When the Pharisees saw it, they said to him, "Behold, your disciples do what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath." 3 But he said to them, "Have you not read what David did when he and those who were hungry? This is a good opportunity for Jesus to reiterate and strengthen the law, and to immediately correct the disciples for violating what should not be done on a Sabbath, however, instead of doing this, Jesus gave a reason for not It was wrong to do what the disciples were doing. It is not that there is a lack of fluency in the Sabbath, but that the Sabbath in particular had a role to play and Jesus appeared to be in the end. Jesus ends his statement about this question by saying: Matthew 12: 8 for the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. This seems to indicate that the Sabbath is obviously subject to Jesus and not Jesus to the Sabbath. In fact, on several occasions Jesus is violating the Sabbath (Matthew 12: 4, Matthew 1210-12). Now we understand that Jesus came to fulfill the whole law and fulfilled it without violating a tilde of the law, how is it then that if I violate the Sabbath? The Sabbath was Jesus type, in the sense that while on the Sabbath Jesus rested we found rest from our sins, and in the same way that the slaughter of the goats ceased to have validity, since it was only the type of the perfect sacrifice Of Jesus, once Christ came, also on the Sabbath when Jesus came, Colossians makes this clear: Colossians 2:14 canceling the record of the decrees that were against us, which was against us, taking it out of the way and nailing it in The cross, 15 and spoiling the principalities and powers, publicly displayed them, triumphing over them on the cross. 16 Let no one therefore judge you in food or drink, or in regard to feasts, a new moon, or sabbaths , 17 all which is a shadow of things to come; But the body is of Christ.

Paul also lets us understand how we are to deal with the Sabbath, Romans 14 tells us "Romans 14: 5 One makes a difference between day and day; Another judges the same every day. Each one is plenty convince about his own mind. 6 He who observes the day, does it for the Lord; And he who does not heed the day, does not do it to the Lord. He who eats, for the Lord eats, because he gives thanks to God; And he that eateth not, for the Lord eateth not, and giveth thanks unto God. Paul clarifies here that if anyone wants to keep the Sabbath, he can do it, it is not sin, nor is he violating the grace that is in Christ Jesus only that each one is convinced in his own mind. So we can see a "why" in the "pare" of biblical fluency in keeping the Sabbath, but it is explicitly clarified in the scriptures. We say a "stop" or stop because it does not indicate the need to keep the Sabbath (even if someone wants to keep it, too) as the Israelites claim in the Old Testament, but if we take the full Bible we see that it is actually fluid The fact that we have ceased to keep it because since the Sabbath was Jesus type, once Jesus comes, he comes to replace the Sabbath, so that we continue to keep the Sabbath, but in the person of Jesus, not in the day.

Written by Robert Pool
Translated by Bruno Smith

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