The Daily Bread 0022: Effective leader

in #dailyword8 years ago

2º of Timoteo 2
24 For the servant of the Lord is not to be contentious, but kind to all, apt to teach, to suffer;


Jesus was the most effective leader that ever existed. The reason why this can be said is that about 2000 years after his death his followers have increased and his message is better known today than when he was on earth. This is the evidence of a good leader, who despite the absence of his organization, message and purpose continue and is maintained over time. Many organizations, businesses, or even families, once their founder or leader is absent, deteriorate, change the message and purpose, and others disappear altogether due to the lack of leadership of the founder. A family whose children are all in disobedience, plunged in vices and sins is the result of some failure in the leadership of the parents. A church whose doctrine has deteriorated, whose members are scattered is evidence that the pastor's leadership has failed. After the death of Jesus the disciples died for the message and out of love for their leader, this is evidence of Jesus' leadership par excellence.

The various ideas and differences in an organization do not indicate failure in leadership, but the difference in purpose and goals does. The leader must take action, not just command, he should put practical examples not only delegate, so that the followers see the leader "leading." Jesus said Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; This indicated a specific purpose, but it was reasonable from the action that the leader (Jesus) had already done, dying on the cross by his followers, they in turn would only have to carry this message to the world. If it was necessary to die it would not be strange to them as their leader had died setting an example and the cause was bigger than their lives. If there is no purpose and goals there is lack of vision, if there is no vision there is no leadership. Jesus equips his disciples for the work, not only by teaching them (which is essential in leadership) but by empowering them, that is, by enabling them. Matthew 10: 1 Then he called his twelve disciples, and gave them authority over unclean spirits, that they might cast them out Out, and to heal every disease and every ailment. So much so that the followers were amazed. Luke 10:17 And the seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us in thy name.

The leadership has declined in church, not because the followers of Jesus have forgotten their purpose and goal but because many have emerged who have seen the leader as a way to be "bosses" and even to make money by this means. Jesus as a good leader saw that this would happen (every good leader goes back to the future to correct possible obstacles) and made a contrast between secular and Christian leadership Matthew 20:25 Then Jesus called them and said, "You know that the rulers of the nations They rule over them, and those who are great exercise power over them. 26 But it will not be so among you, but whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first among you will be your servant; Jesus could properly say this because he had already set forth Matthew 20:28 as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. The "leaders" of today are completely different, they like to exercise authority, and not to serve, they have a series of "bodyguards" that make them inaccessible to those who need them, have the best parking in their churches when they should be friends , Behave with a pride that resembles Satan and not Jesus. Any leader who does not resemble Jesus without a doubt his leadership is in decadence and by disappearing. So, like Jesus, every leader must establish a purpose and goals that establish a clear vision, and above all give leadership example by being a good servant and implementing actions not only by delegating.

Written by Robert Pool
Translated by Bruno Smith

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