Timeless words of wisdom: The daily ten
Sometimes, we think it's unfair that we are not gifted in equal proportions the energy of youth, the wisdom of age and the resources of time. When we are young, we have the energy, the time and lack the wisdom of creating value for money.
In our middle age,we enjoy the luxury of wisdom to exchange value for money, little or no time and sapping energy. While at old age (other things being equal) both wisdom and money remains constant while energy is at a very low ebb.
And what seems like the worst part is we live life in forward motion. This life pattern can't be altered nor we have those three things in equal measures. It all simply points to the fact that we should keep living, play our part and make the right moves at every stage to maximize living.
Here are today's ten timeless quotes
long -range planning does not deal with future decisions but with the future of present decisions
- Peter Drucker
Although the exact future can seldom be predicted and factors beyond control may interfere with the best laid plans;unless there is planning, events are left to chance.
- Harold Koontz
Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure. We get very little wisdom from success you know
- John W. Gardner
The rich invests, the poor spends. That is why the poor always look richer than the rich
Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances.
- Bruce Barton
When you lose money, you may be able to recoup it, when you lose clothes or any other material possessions, you may be able to recover them but when you lose time, it can never be recovered.
- B.K. Jabar
Resolve not to be poor; Whatever you have, spend less. Poverty is a great enemy to human happiness; it certainly destroys liberty and it makes some virtues impracticable and others extremely difficult
- Samuel Johnson
Prudence, transparency and accountability are veritable ingredients which cannot be compromised
- Lt. Col. Anthony Obi
Each moment in life is a fleeting time, precious and unique. But some moments stand out as moments of beginning in which courses are set that shape decades or centuries
- President Richard Nixon
The most important piece of luggage is, and remains a joyful heart
- Herman Lons
Keep lifting souls