Timeless words of wisdom: The daily ten
Usually, I always think the solution to economic problems of countries lies not in the hands of a renowned economists or a financial guru. The turnaround of countries is not dependent on the conferences of astute politicians. But rather the extent to which science and technology is given premium and it can only serve as a multiplier effect for development.
Whether we admit it or not, STEM is deep rooted in our way of life today and there's no disputing the fact that we are so dependent on them .Science and technology constitutes the basis of development in the world today; engineering and mathematics also it's ally.
We might not all be scientific but today's reality demands we are technological.
Now, I give you today some of the famous timeless science and technology quotations and words.
Good day, steemians...
Here are today's ten timeless quotes
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.
-Albert Einstein
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
-Isaac Asimov
Technology makes it possible for people to gain control over everything, except over technology
-John Tudor
Science is what you know, philosophy is what you don't know.
- Bertrand Russell
Science is fun. Science is curiosity. We all have natural curiosity. Science is a process of investigating. It's posing questions and coming up with a method. It's delving in.
-Sally Ride
Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world."
- Louis Pasteur
We live in a Newtonian world of Einsteinian physics ruled by Frankenstein logic."
- David Russell
The only thing that science has done for men in the last hundred years is to create for him fresh moral problems
- Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1950.
For science, God is simply the stream of tendency by which all things seek to fulfil the law of their being
- Matthew Arnold
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
-Albert Einstein
Technology is the end product of science. Science is the abstract discovery of the unknown and unsure using experimentation and tests which will lead to a concrete discovery. In my Soc classes, there are arguments whether arts and humanities is also science despite the fact that it make use of scientific methods. We have different type of science in the humanities:
a. Science of society - Sociology
b. Science of man - Anthropopogy
c. Science of money - Economics
d. Science of environment - Geography
e. Science of population - Demography
f. Science of the mind - Psychology
g. Science of events - History
h. Science of logic - Philosophy
i. Science of credit & debit _ (mis)management & accounting. Lol
The social science is sciences, i am more sure about Sociology & Anthropology.
Sorry about the digression, more oil to your jar of knowledge.
Wow, I've been greatly enlightened by the breakdown of what science really is...Science is indeed life. Thanks bro for stopping by.
Nice introduction to the quotes, indeed the world and everything in it revolves around science and technology.
Nice work, gathering those quotes, nice work or in essence your post is complete food with 10 richly nutrients to run and start the week with.
Kudos. Keep steeming
Thanks my bro. I've just come to realize that some are indeed timeless as it cuts across every sphere not only science and technology. My goal is to etch them on the blockchain.
Technology is the end product of science. Science is the abstract discovery of the unknown and unsure using experimentation and tests which will lead to a concrete discovery. In my Soc classes, there are arguments whether arts and humanities is also science despite the fact that it make use of scientific methods. We have different type of science in the humanities:
a. Science of society - Sociology
b. Science of man - Anthropopogy
c. Science of money - Economics
d. Science of environment - Geography
e. Science of population - Demography
f. Science of the mind - Psychology
g. Science of events - History
h. Science of logic - Philosophy
i. Science of credit & debit _ (mis)management & accounting. Lol
The social science is more science than the sciences, i am more sure about Sociology & Anthropology.
Sorry about the digression, more oil to your jar of knowledge.