Daily Stoic: March 11th - Living Without Restriction

in #dailyquotes7 years ago

Good Morning!

Rockin here from the Whole Foods Wi-Fi. . . enjoying some breakfast and spot of coffee.

Thanks for stopping in!



Ahhh hmmm. .

I am having an inner battle with this directly at the moment. For the most part, in my life, I have made choices based on my heart and what it is I feel is right. It has been amazing, and I would surely continue on like this 'til the end of my time here on Planet Earth.

While it is all fine for me to put myself at the whims of synchronistic happenings through life, what I am battling, at the moment, is whether it is right of me to put my family up to the same. My partner and I are having a baby and I am questioning whether or not to get a "real job" with a more "regular" income in order to provide a form of stability which I am seemingly unable to provide at the moment.

As my own person it is easy. To provide for my partner and growing baby is a different question, and a world I have yet to experience as of yet in my life.

I am continuously bouncing back and forth from one side where the regularity of my contracts picks up and I can continue to do all the things I love to do while providing enough, to another side where "what if" comes in and the right thing to do is at least have a stable position somewhere to pick up the slack when gigs are slow. . .

It is most difficult for me because I have never been someone to restriction on what I can and cannot do in order to make money. But it appears this may be a crossroads in my life where I need to make money, not for myself, but for my family, because it is not right to force a way of life on others when they can have the same choice like me.

Would love to know your thoughts on this!

Thanks for taking the time and dropping in with me. . .

All The Love,

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I love reading the Daily Stoic each day because I love to ponder things, and to get in touch with my Self nature and essence.

While I may not be in full alignment with everything I find in this ancient lineage, it is often a good starting point for some really amazing thoughts and thinking about how to be the best; for ourselves, for each other and for the world.

If you enjoy pondering about Self and Mastery and the inner workings of Manifestation and How The World Works and such, then you will likely enjoy pondering these teachings throughout your day.

The authors Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman also provide some nice insight for each days quote. Both are modern day Stoics and have a lot to offer.

Each month follows a theme -
The, February, is about Passions and Emotions.
This mont, March, is about Awareness.


I believe seeing it (the monies) only as a tool to develop or get you closer to something, instead of the desired final outcome (the experience one wants to provide or have) can sometimes make it easier to roll with... have a great one brother 🌴

hmm for sure! makes sense. . . it can definitely be a great tool for providing some sustainability and comfort in life.. I am becoming more comfortable with the idea that "it's fun to play with money"! :-)

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