
Not only you but almost everyone exists for the sake of existing. But don't you think human potential is much more then this and we should change this common way of existing!

Possibly. I think the point is that all one really needs to want to exist is for the sense of not existing to not seem more pleasant. That being said, the next step is determining purpose. Too many people want a purpose to be handed to them, when the real sincerity of having a purpose is to determine it for yourself. Priority 1 is to continue existing, because no purpose can be optimally accomplished without that.

As long as I'm existing and as long as I'm happy to continue to do so, I think there's a question of what form or extent of thought-out free will I might have to honestly choose that purpose. I have a natural desire to care for people and to want to know things. Both of these desires, however, were given to me BECAUSE they can help to propagate my existence. Am I honestly choosing them if they are natural pleasure driving desires that I have?

I can say one thing: if anything is priority 2, whether determined by my nature or by my calculated choice, it's integrity. I want to ALWAYS be honest with myself. The easiest way to be honest with myself is to be honest with everyone in my life. Even the best lies are actually the truth.

Part of me likes the idea of companionship, to the extreme of wanting to connect with a people as a collective. Like the Borg from Star Trek TNG, only voluntary. Still, even this is driven by a dopamine hit that I get for thinking about expanding my mind and bonding with others. Is it what I want?

I wonder... and I wonder if it really matters... I think, if I design myself to be a prisoner of learning and discovery, I would be happy with that. Perhaps that's what really matters. If I can change my mind, in more ways than one, would my honest purpose and choice then be achieved once I would determine that there are no better improvements that can be made?

Very good points you made here. It took me some time to actually find an answer to it. So I would like to throw some light on the "natural desires". Natural desires are natural emotions that are found in everyone, only in a different ratio. For eg :- greed, crave for attention, to feel appreciated, sadness, jealousy, anger etc. These can be called natural but what you stated above isn't natural. That is what differentiates you from the others. You have a desire of caring for people and want to know things but if it was natural, everyone would carry it in the same proportion. Similarly, everyone can draw, sing, write, act etc but some can draw, write, sing and act better then others. It doesn't mean it's natural. It's their own quality. What is natural is a child's attitude to always look for adventure and happiness in things. Natural is common. Your desire isn't common.

Yes, being happy is what really matters and finding your purpose helps in it. And one can never determine a moment when no improvements can be made. You can always improve.

This is exactly what I needed.

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