Unfortunately, it looks the Daily Polaroid Photo Series may have to come to end.

Man I hate making posts like this, but I think the Daily Polaroid series may have to finally come to an end. With Instax film costing up to $12 for 10 shots, that's about $1.20 per shot, not including tax. These days, my Daily Polaroid posts are lucky to break $2 before payout. I have a few that have, but by and large I'm barely breaking even, and most of the time actually coming up short after the payout division. So, considering that Steemit has been my main motivation for keeping this up as frequently as I have (although not nearly as much as I did up until a few months ago), financially it just doesn't make sense to keep it going.
I still have a small handful of shots left in my current pack, so I'll finish that out and get them scanned and posted, but beyond that I don't think I'll be able to keep it going. This also doesn't have me holding out much hope about bringing back my Daily 35mm Photo series. As I've said in a previous post, I seem to have lost some of the support I once had, and lately have been having a hard time breaking that $2-3 amount on any post. I do plan to keep posting in hopes to regain some of that support, but some of my projects which require a purchasing of supplies will have to be shelved until then since I was using my earnings from Steemit to fund those projects.
Judging from your other posts, you have a lot of talent and a keen eye for things. Keep your head up, because when one door closes another one opens. I'm sure you'll find something creative to replace this series. I'll follow you so I can see what you come up with.
I have a different perspective you can look at this situation from, if you really love taking the polaroids and 35mm shots and you make those small amounts of money off it, you are actually getting to take your images for free and that is not too bad at all.
Sorry, but even as a pro photographer I don't work for free. I started doing it because of Steemit, because you can earn rewards for it. Not for breaking even. That's not what this place is for. Nobody comes here to post in hopes of breaking even. So, while I do love taking pictures, I do it all the time already.
Nice post and picture...the picture is very clean and neat
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