BACK PACK / The Kitten
"Back Pack" an orphan kitten, at local shelter. Unfortunately, he succumbed to an unknown ailment. But was a real sweetie to all the short time he was here.
"Back Pack" an orphan kitten, at local shelter. Unfortunately, he succumbed to an unknown ailment. But was a real sweetie to all the short time he was here.
Heartbreaking! So sweet looking. Glad you gave him good care & tlc for awhile.
Thanks @aerialpegasus
How sad. My daughters 1st kitten came from a stray on a farm and didn't make it. My daughter and her boyfriend gave it the best life and vet care it could get in its short little life though.
I can't remember the official thing that was wrong with it but she shook and could not walk straight within a day or two of them bringing her home.
Each day a gift.
Argh man what a shame such a cutie @manorvillemike little one RIP
Yes he never grew.
Awhhh that is so sad Mike. He is a cutie.
Yeah good die young.
The tiniest cat on record is Mr. Pebbles, a 2-year-old cat that weighed 3 lbs (1.3 k) and was 6.1 inches (15.5 cm) high.
🐶 Is he dead? I wish he could meet someone nice. :(
He is gone, but not forgotten.