Food photography
Hello steemit friends ! This is our lunch yesterday, this is a fish(Yellow tail scad) , grilled in a banana leaves. When grilled in a banana leaves it adds more flavor to the fish, and looks more homey for me. I loved it.
I love cooking good for my family.
This is my entry for:
#dailyfoodphotography by @howtostartablog
#foodphotography by @juliank &
Photo taken in my Huawei KIW-L21
Thanks for joining! Is this a Pinangat?
Looks like one 😁
All the best this Wednesday.
Hindi ho sir , pinrito ko po muna tapos ho binigyan ko ho ng Gata ng niyog, saka ko ho binalot sa dahon ng saging , tapos ho inihaw ko po, para ung gata ng niyog manuot sa laman ng isda habang iniihaw.
Salamat ho sa comment ho sir.