RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/19/18> Following up on the “Courtesy letter “ the oldest boy got.
A person would be surprised just how all that works, if you want to know just how jacked up all that is just tell the doctor or hospital you don't have medical insurance and you want to know the "cash" price for what you need done.
A friend of mine who has medical insurance to comply with the mandate says he never even uses the insurance and that a procedure that he needed done was billable through insurance at just under $5 grand with his 20% that he would have to pay it would be a grand out of his pocket.
He said he went to a different doctor and for the same out patient surgery done in the doctor's office without using the insurance his total bill was just under $700. He saved over $300 not using the insurance. The insurance appears to be just another tax we have to pay disguised as a "benefit",
I don't believe he is lying about it either, but I haven't had a situation where I could ask the cash price since he told me this to find out for myself.
No, hes right, I had a medical savings account at my former job. Went and had something done and the price they quoted me for "not having insurance" was way way cheaper than what it would have been had I had insurance. I wish I could remember what the price was now. I think it was like 750 or 950 with the insurance and I paid under 300 with my medical savings account debit card.
I don't doubt my friend is right and that he had it done at a considerable amount less by paying cash. I just never have done it myself so I couldn't swear too it, but you have so we all can take that as fact now. So it would be wise to get a second opinion, not on the diagnosis, but on the cost.
@sultnpapper I have heard similar stories so I believe it to be true