Daily Dose of Sultnpapper >>>>> Special Anniversary Edition<<<<<

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

Thank you ...

One year ago today was my first day here on steemit. If there were ever a green horn to come along to this place I was surely it. I didn’t have a clue and there weren’t many people handing any clues out either; but somehow I have managed to stumble and bumble my way through 365 consecutive days of writing and publishing the Daily Dose into the steem block chain.

I didn’t know what to expect when I arrived here and the truth is I still don’t. This last week I have looking back at some daily doses from when I first got here and it really is a miracle that I have done as well as I feel I have.

One thing for certain is that I am better writer today then I was 365 days ago, because I wasn’t a writer back then and I still don’t consider myself a “writer” or a “blogger” but as far as being able to put my thoughts and my stories into words I have surely came several rungs up the ladder.

Making it through one complete year here feels like I have won some type of award and this is my acceptance speech I am writing. I remember watching television years ago and it would never fail that an award winner started mentioning names of the people they needed to thank and then ultimately left out a very important one and made some people angry and also made the person doing the “thanking” look like a real jackass for forgetting.

There are quite a few people who I need to thank and you know who you are, so a sincere “thank you” to each and every one of you. You people are special to me and I enjoy the hell out of being able to inter act with you each and every day.

You didn’t think I would run the risk of actually naming names did you? Come on, you people know me better than that, I make a jackass out of myself pretty regularly and I’m not going to do it on this special day.

All of you people I just thanked I know well enough that what I am about to do isn’t going to make even one of you angry with me, and if it does, then I don’t know you as well as I thought I did. I am going to mention only one person by name and that is because he is the reason most of you even know me and he deserves a big “special thank you” and that is @ethandsmith. So Thanks to you Ethan for your advice, encouragement and support.

Ethan came across the Daily Dose back when I just came on here and he would stop in and make a comment pretty regularly and he offered some much needed advice and encouragement. I wasn’t active on steemit, I was just writing the Daily Dose and posting it and he extended an invitation to me to join a group called the Unmentionables.

I was excited and scared at the same time and my excitement over road my good judgment, which was to decline the offer. Even after I accepted the offer I started back peddling and he told me, “it is up to you, but I think you would fit in.”

Everything that Ethan had told me up to that point was correct and so I trusted his judgment and joined in. Without his encouragement and his belief in me I doubt that I would have ever joined any groups and I bring this up because there are thousands of people who come to steemit and then after a short amount of time are gone. If it hadn’t been for him, and my future grand kids, most likely I would have been gone too. He is more responsible than the grand kids for me having stayed, just to be clear on that.

We all need to do our part to help the retention rate when it comes to the new folks. Take it from me that support, advice and encouragement goes a long, long, way so; pass it on.

Thanks for allowing me to spend time with you.
Until next time,


Hello, every time I read something that you write I feel identified, I arrived recently and I have no clear expectations, but here I am, sometimes with more frequencies than others but that is because my internet is dire ... I just want to tell you that your words have encouraged me to continue ... have a nice day

I thank you for letting me know that what I say has encouraged you and that you identify with the stuff I write, it gives me a great feeling to know that, thanks for making my day even more special.

Congratulations on your special day! Thank goodness you stayed. I think a lot of us started the same way, flying by the seat of our pants. But we stayed and got better at writing and made some really good friends along the way.

We all need to do our part to help the retention rate when it comes to the new folks. Take it from me that support, advice and encouragement goes a long, long, way so; pass it on.

Thanks Ceci, what you said here is so very true.

That’s a tremendous accomplishment, having posted faithfully for that long. I struggle to make 2 posts a week sometimes, so my hat is off to you.

I’m glad I stumbled across your blog, although quite a bit late in the game. I’m enjoying reading what you have to say. Keep it up!

Thanks man, as for being late; better late than never, that is what I have been told and believe too.
Your posts are always high quality, so only doing two a week is still something to be proud of.
Thanks again.

You have come a long here! congratulations on this great achievement!

You have come a long
Here! congratulations on
This great achievement!

                 - audreybits

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Thank you so much.

Well done for sticking it out mr Papper & you're not alone in bumbling your way through steemit! My son & my nephew helped me a lot in the beginning but so did you; I got to know @thesteemengine by reading your blog so thank you for that, the people there are amazing, you were fortunate to make contact with @ethandsmith!

Thanks Lizelle, Ethan was truly a blessing sent to me on numerous occasions, without his encouragement and support along with a whole host of others, you included, I probably would have been long gone by now.


thank you so much

Congratulations @sultnpapper! I'm catching up with this a bit late as I was rushing about all day yesterday and then had a mini-crash today. My body and brain just said "Enough! Lie down!"
Yes, I'm very glad you didn't quit and I agree that Ethan is deserving of a special mention, because the SteemEngine is a special community. "The Unmentionables" - haha. I'm not surprised you were a bit wary at first!

We do need to listen to our bodies for sure, if anything or anyone knows it would be the body on when to shut it down.
Ethan is a great young man, he is going to be a force in his chosen line of work when he completes his degree.

Absolutely. He has a great radio voice as well. It's not easy to broadcast without lots of hesitations, "um"s and "ah"s.

happy anniversary for yesterday, I am very happy that you stuck with it and yes it only takes one person to reach out and give you a helping hand, that is so important. I used to do a post every week welcoming new steemians makes me think I should do that again xx

I have spent a fare amount of time over in the introduceyourself areas and have met some nice folks some lasted a few weeks and some are still here, it is something that we all need to do even if it is just one or two people a week we make contact with, it might just be what they need at the right time.
thanks a bunch,

howdy sir sultnpapper! well congratulations are in order. No matter what happens to the price of steem hopefully this platform will remain and that could be more important than any funds. great job sir.

Thank you sir, very much appreciated. Hopefully it will make it and steem will rise, and not from a boiling pot i might add. The funds would be great but that isn't why I am here for sure.

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