Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/21/18> Letter to Santa; wiped away with not even a trace left.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

Let's talk about...

Let’s talk about wasted effort. If steemit would allow; this Daily Dose would printed in the color red to signify just hot I am right now to discover that the letter to Santa that I was going to publish today is flat gone. I wrote that letter to Santa on Thursday morning but I ran out of time before leaving for work to get it posted to the steem blockchain.

I thought that...

I thought that I would do that Thursday evening when I returned home from work. That was my plan and I didn’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work. In my hurry to get out the door and head for work I decided not to take my computer with me, I knew I wouldn’t have time do anything on it and so I just started minimizing screens in order to just get to my desktop screen and then I would close the lid (screen) and pick up where I left off when I got back home.

As I was minimizing screens I came across one that said something about software updates or something like that and that my computer was going to restart in 13 minutes and some odd seconds. It said click here to re-start now or it had another button that I could click to postpone the restart. I was in a hurry like I said; so I clicked the postpone button.

I didn't close...

I didn’t close the screen and just left the computer on my end table. So the postpone took effect and at some point during the day it decided it was time to go ahead and complete that software update. All those screens that I had open and minimized must have gotten closed when the computer shut down to restart. The Microsoft word program I write in was closed without saving what I had written. My letter to Santa was completely wiped away along with the two previous Daily Dose columns, and at least those two Daily Doses had made it into the steem blockchain.

I have no idea...

I have no idea how long the postpone length of time was but whatever it was, it wasn’t long enough. I should have known better too; I need to click the damn save button. My haste led to a lot of wasted effort and not a damn thing to show for the effort. I do have an apology to make so I will get that out of the way right now.

Earlier in the...

Earlier in the week I was complaining about steemit,com and how they had my numbers of posts screwed up. It turns out that it wasn’t steemit.com that had it screwed up; all that credit should go to steemconnect. It was steemconnect that was the source of my frustration I just didn’t know it. Thanks to the readers of the Daily Dose I was able to figure that out. So, I am sorry steemit for blaming you. There are plenty of things I could blame you for but this was not one of them.

I am officially...

I am officially on vacation as of today and not scheduled to be back at work until 01/02/19. I have a lot of things I need to get done in this time off in preparation of ditching this job. First is trying to get them to pay me what I have been screwed out of in the form of commissions. Back in 2017 one of the largest chain of supply houses that was a customer of mine changed how they purchased product and went to using regional distribution centers. So no product got shipped direct from manufacturer to a store, all products had to through the regional distribution center.

That put a big...

That put a big drop in my “ship to” numbers and I was shorted the commissions on the product shipped to my stores from that regional distribution center. That chain did provide the numbers to the manufacturer as to what stores received product and the company I work for was paid their commission for 2017 numbers in January of 2018 in the form of one check. My company never compensated me my commission portion after they received their money.

Back in September...

Back in September I sent an email to the owner of our company when he questioned whether or not I was going to make the sales goal number for fiscal year 2018 informing him that with the “adjustment numbers” I would be over the goal. I also mentioned to him I never got paid commissions on the adjustment numbers from 2017. I also carbon copied my direct supervisor on the email. I never got a reply from either of them regarding that email. I also told them that the same situation was happening for 2018 and that I was aware of what was taking place so in case they were "not" aware they needed to look into it and get it straightened out on the commission end.

I never heard...

I never heard one word back from either of them regarding that email. I was finally paid the commissions on the 2018 numbers last pay check but I still haven’t been paid for the 2017 adjustment numbers. I also got screwed on bonus money this year and last as it was tied to the raw numbers and not the adjusted numbers. I had to work hard and fight to get the sales, I shouldn’t have to fight to get paid for the work I did with the people I work for. I am currently going through the HR department lady to try and get this straightened out.

I also will...

I also will end up being screwed out of eight vacation days for 2018. I made the mistake of not using them earlier and when I went to use them all in December, like I normally did for 11 years, I was told I didn’t give the two week’s notice as required by company policy. I haven’t read that policy book in years and so I said, "okay, approve what you can." The guy I report to now said he couldn’t approve all the days I had coming to me since that would have me being off work the last three full weeks of December plus New Years Eve day.

Since I turned...

Since I turned the request in on 12/6/18 the two weeks was 12/20/18 that makes today my start of vacation. It also makes me a complete dumb ass since I found out yesterday that the employee policy book says that PTO (vacation) is yours to use at your discretion but in order to maintain service levels for customers two week’s notice is asked for “if possible”.

So by trusting that the boss knew what he was talking about I screwed myself out of some time off. It would figure I find that out on the 20th and not the 7th, but just one more reason to get the hell out of this place.

I don't need...

I don’t need to be working for people I can’t trust and it seems they just can’t be trusted any longer. It might also explain why the turnover rate at this place is higher than most companies now that I look at it. Even the service guy I worked with on Thursday said that he thinks he has been getting screwed out of some of his commissions on the service work he performs since his check just shows the commissions on billable hours and parts sales but those numbers never are tied to what SRO’s (service repair orders) the commissions covered. If I were to stay with this company I would be in the service department and that would be the exact situation I would be in, never knowing what is what.

Looking back ...

Looking back, at the last few years it seems like each October and November I never did get my commission statements from my company and I checked because I saved them all in a file on the computer. I was right, I never did get them but I always knew about what I had coming to me since I always got a copy of the numbers from the manufacturer. I bet if I were to dig further I would probably discover even more discrepancies but at this point it isn’t even worth the effort. I just need to get down the road and put this place in the rear view mirror.

So today starts...

So today starts the process in earnest of leaving, I will be contacting my new company and firming up my start date with them. I plan on giving two week’s notice to the place I am at but my guess is they will say “that isn’t necessary, just turn in your truck, computer and phone now.”

I was hoping to string this process out a little longer and transition over to the new place on March 1st, but it doesn’t look like I will be able to make that happen. The new company said they are ready for me whenever I am ready to make the move so it looks like it will be sooner rather than later.

I didn't look...

I didn’t look at the company policy on quitting the company. I wonder if they are as adamant on two week’s notice about quitting as the bosses seem to be on vacation days. Not likely. One of the main reasons I am not going to try and string it along any further is because they want me to go to a pump training school in Wisconsin at the end of January.

I don't do...

I don’t do well in cold weather and about as far north as I will travel in winter is Dallas, TX. There isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that you will get me to frozen tundra like Wisconsin in the dead of winter. My blood would probably freeze in my veins if I got north of Oklahoma City. To me I get cold when the temperature starts dipping below 70 degrees, I know it can reach -07 and colder in Wisconsin at that time of year without the wind chill factor.

So this vacation...

So this vacation won’t be the normal relaxing and enjoying the time off like it normally has been for me, I have a lot of things I need to get accomplished before I am scheduled to go back to work on January 2nd. Getting squared up on what is owed me is one and that process is under way. Getting all the insurance coverage’s lined up is another as well. Writing a resignation letter is also on that list along with another letter to Santa Claus.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose. Be sure to check out this post by a good friend of mine, @enchantedspirit , here is her latest post https://steemit.com/astrology/@enchantedspirit/changing-times-changing-signs-forecast-for-venus-transit-of-scorpio-2018

Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


Oh no, it's so frustrating losing stuff on the computer!
My youngest son is also in sales (flavors & product development) and also has issues at times with targets and commission which is moved to other sections. He's leaving his current company (second time around, it was his first sales job) to join a Spanish company so will be doing travelling to Spain as well.
It really is horrid that you have to fight for what is rightfully yours not so!
Enjoy the break with your family :)

Thank you, I plan to enjoy the time off and Shortie and I spent the afternoon on Friday getting in some last minute Christmas shopping. So do you get plenty of sample flavors to experiment with?

I suspect you might be able to guess the reason why there is not one thing on my computerators that has the name Microsoft attached to it. It's been several years.

When I came home to a deceased power switch on my desktop (where I do 98% of my business) I decided that I'd punched enough money and energy into that 10 year old machine and bought a refurb newer machine. It was at my door in two days and I fired it up the day it came.

It came with MS 7 on it. I originally started there, and was amazed how easy it was to go to where I wanted to be and use what I wanted to use. I spent the remainder of that day thinking I could run a 'split machine' with two OS on it.

Until Microsoft started to update. I just left the damn thing on overnight and when I got up in the morning I wiped the disc to zeroes and installed Ubuntu (Linux) again. It cost me most of a day, but I once again do not have a MS product on my machine. Any of my machines.

And even worse than MS is employers jerking you for money. It's happened to me twice and I gave them plenty of notice when I left. They noticed when I didn't come to work the next day.

I don't want anything that's yours, but I want every single thing that is mine. EVERY ONE.

One of the best places I worked at had a secretary/ops manager that I just loved. She called me at home one night about this time of year and said "I see you haven't used any sick days this year. They are use it or lose it. So I'm calling to wish you Happy New Year since you will be desperately ill for the week of work days that are left and I won't see you until next year."

That's the kind of place that you can give more than you get to.

I hope the letter to Santa makes an appearance soon. I'm guessing that I'd really enjoy it. I wish I were reading it right now. Ah well. Wish in one hand, guzbuck in the other and see which gets full faster...

I am with you on the yours / mine stuff. I am not a rich guy by any sense of the imagination and every nickle I earn I deserve to be paid. I also believe in sharing and caring and those things seem to be missing from there and have been for quite a while but I never paid any attention to it since in reality all they were doing basically the middle man in the employment arrangement between me and the manufacturer.
Now that I am having to deal with them everyday and the BS that goes along with it I know why so many people come and go so fast.
I am not sure if it was a Microsoft update or not as I was in such hurry, but that is my guess, most other stuff asks you if you want to up date and don't force it on you, but at @enchantedspirit made it sound like there is a setting that can be switched so it doesn't allow the auto updates and I would sure like to know where that is.

Keep looking. I may have told you. My reply to your query.

Just got it done. Thanks.

FOR TSE ---> The Weasel is in your corner on MS stuff. I run Windows because my Astrology software requires it. I tried to find something for Linux that would do the same thing with no luck. That and a little program I also use constantly called Short Keys. I literally could not do Whistle Stops without that one. It runs on Windows, too. Worth its weight in diamonds.

The last bad computer crash we had I tried Linux for a while ... and except for those two show-stoppers I might still be on it. Cw talked about setting up something called a "virtual box" on my computer to let me run Windows / MS programs as needed, but it sounded like too much aggravation.

I did, however, switch over to Libre Office (after they finally got a decent version put together) completely and ditched Word with virtually no problems or learning curve to cope with. AFAIC, it's the same thing -- and free. (Best of all!!) The only thing is I have to remember to save docs in Word format when I send something to someone else -- so they don't have problems, potentially. It's a small inconvenience. The problem is being sure I remember. I get so used to this one it doesn't occur to me that it's not totally mainstream.

I obviously use Libre Office and have for quite a while. It has command lines that go back to pre Microsoft and a program I bought called Einstein Writer. The first word processor that had a spell checker with it. It seemed unlimited at the time, all I had to do was enter the correct spelling of up to 1000 of the most used words that I misspelled! MS bought them fairly early on and poof! Word was born.

In all actuality, I use chrome and drive for most of my stuff today. It translates well and is fast and easy. I do use the Libre Office spread sheets because it's command lines go back to Lotus 1,2,3. It's the thing about old dogs and new tricks.

FOR TSE ---> There are few things more annoying and discouraging than writing something ... getting it just the way you want it ... and then losing it. I have been there more than once -- and it doesn't get any more delightful with practice. Not even a little bit. My sympathies. Srsly.

That auto-shut down / update thing from Windows seriously ought to get them sued. I know what you're talking about there, too, and I shut that damn thing down the moment I found out about it. With my computer on almost constantly (and sometimes overnight) I could just SEE myself in the kitchen, in the bathroom, out walking with the dogs, etc. when that 15 minute count-down began -- and I wouldn't know a thing about it.

I don't know how much grace it gives you -- but I seem to recall something between 1 and 6 hours before the notice comes up again ... and you go through the whole shitty process once more.

The arrogance of it just took my breath away when it happened to me. These guzbuckers are going to take it upon themselves to shut down my computer so their updates can install ... and they don't give one diddly squat what I might be in the middle of at the time. I mean it. I felt like I'd been hijacked -- and I was every bit as mad as you were tonight -- even though I didn't lose anything to them in the process.

I passionately hate "updates" of any kind to begin with -- and I won't auto-allow them ever if I can help it.

I am so sorry. And no kidding ... I'd help you hang the bastards.

(P.S. TYVM for the plug at the end. That was very kind. I thought about you when I wrote that piece -- about busted relationships and disrupted finances starting around Oct 5 ... and picking up the pieces to start again in the New Year. "Reorganizing." That's not much fun either.)

I don't know if you remember my letter to Santa from last year but the consensus, if I remember correctly was that most people loved it and I had a pretty good one penned this year in my mind. It followed up on a couple things from last year and had some nice current stuff in it as well.
If there is a way to shut down those auto software updates someone please point to the door as I would like to get into the place.
You are most welcome on the plug, very deserving.

This is how it's done on my computer. It should / might be similar on yours. I hope so.

Go to the Control Panel on your computer -- the menu you access from the Start button maybe, down in the lower left hand corner. Go Way down to the bottom where it says "Windows Updates" ---> click on that. Go to "Change Settings" in the left hand sidebar. Make changes there ... including NEVER check for updates ... which is my setting now. Even though they yell about how it's "Not Recommended." Eff 'em.

You may also be able to check something instead like, "Don't install without asking" ... or "Until I give permission." I don't care. They now leave me the guzbuck alone -- which is the whole point.

Got it done. Thank you so much. It was checking everyday at 3:00 AM and installing them.

One thing I really like about Ubuntu. I have to enter my machine password to run an upgrade of any sort. It takes maybe 20 seconds out of my life maybe once a week (I tend to let them pile up a little :) But I get to decide when!

I actually had Ubuntu on this laptop at one time and I just couldn't get along with it so I had it stripped off and put windows 7 back on it. That was when I was really pissed off at Microshit for some other reason.

how frustrating to lose a post you have put so much effort into, I feel for you, happenned ot me once or twice but both times ones I had juststarted on so not so frustrating.

Sorry to hear your loosing your leave and the company is messing you around maybe its a good indication that the change of job is what is needed you do not need that BS from an employee I know you have lots to do but enjoy your vvacation and all the best for 2019

Yes, a lot of frustration around working that Santa letter up only to end up loosing it because some company things their stuff is so damn important.
I will be fine with the time off I have but change is in the air for me for sure and just one more thing to mention in my resignation letter when I write that one.
All the best for all of us in 2019 is what I hope for; we all deserve a great year after this one we are ending.

Yes this year has been rough for so many may 2019 start of well and be a good year for us all my friend

Sorry to hear about all the bullshit you are getting from your current job, you deserve better! It sounds like a shady company anyhow so its best u leave and hopefully this new job treats u much better and pays u what u earn.

If u aren't good in cold weather then u don't want to go to wi in Jan!!!!!!! I know because I grew up there and just moved from there.. Its a frozen tundra at that time of year and temps are often well below ZERO, so pack like ur going to Antarctica! LoL.. 😉

It is really kind of funny because I have "worked" there so long but the reality was that I never really had much interaction with them. I really reported to the manufacturer and got directives from the manufacturer on what they wanted us to focus on such. The only thing I got from my employer was the financial end in compensation, expenses and insurance stuff.
Just in the last few weeks I have learned of people who have come and gone so fast from our Houston location I never even met them, just hearing stories about them now.
I will not be going to Wisconsin in January maybe in July but not January. The company I am going to go to work with is the rep firm that handles the sales in Texas for that same company from Wisconsin, so I wouldn't mind a trip up to the facility to meet the engineers and see the production facility.
The only ice I want is in my tea.

I am sorry to hear about that letter to Santa but am sure that the next one will be an even better one. I know that you have a lot to do but do try to find some time to rest during your vacation too. Resignation letter and all other papers and stuff you need to work on will get done but do not forget to enjoy some time with your lovely family. Much love 💚

I will find time do exactly that the rest part and family time. It won't take long to write the resignation letter, . "I quit."
See how easy that was.

FOR TSE --->

I made the mistake of not using them earlier and when I went to use them all in December, like I normally did for 11 years, I was told I didn’t give the two week’s notice as required by company policy. I haven’t read that policy book in years and so I said, "okay, approve what you can." The guy I report to now said he couldn’t approve all the days I had coming to me since that would have me being off work the last three full weeks of December plus New Years Eve day.

Ok, let's call a spade a spade here. They can do any damn thing they want, including give you the benefits / vacation, etc., you've earned through 11 years of employment. What they've decided to do is stiff you because ... well, that's the kind of person / company / POS they are. And you, for your 11 years of devotion, can just go pound sand for all they care. If they were making any kind of effort to keep you, somebody would be playing this hand a lot differently, IYAM. (Which nobody did. But I felt like telling you anyway.)

Oh they already gave me an offer to stay and I signed it about three weeks ago, but it isn't one that can't be terminated by either party at anytime. They are just being assholes. Thanks for voicing your thoughts.

(Wondering what their chances are of finding someone to replace you and bring them up to speed in the three weeks they could have given you graciously for vacation ... thus maybe creating a little good will for themselves in this situation ... instead of behaving this way. Not great I'd guess. So -- that's what I mean by saying "they could play this hand differently." But that would require thinking differently. And we know how hard that is for some people.)

Yes, I see what you are saying now. Thanks.

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Thank you very much.

Howdy sir sultnpapper! wow you got alot of writing to do and things to square away. I hate it when I lose important things on the computer or a program starts doing the updates or something and everything gets shutdown...like overnight and you get up the next day and everythiing you were working on and had open is gone!

I just got this years letter to Santa done and send off to him and the folks here on steemit so that is one down and several to go.
It was a bitch losing that first letter to Santa , the second one just didn't capture the spirit of me if you know what I mean. Hard to explain but it is good , I think.

Both @catweasel and I agree ... what you (generic "you") rewrite is never as good the second time around. Not for either of us. I don't know why that is, but the second version is consistently inferior. That's a big part of why losing the first one is always so painful. It's not just the work involved to resurrect it -- it's the disappointment when you finally do finish.

I've been known to just abandon a project completely at that point. I figure it must never have been meant to see the light of day. Because that's what happens. Writing ... and rewriting ... and editing ... and starting over. Writers get used to it. Goes with the territory.

Howdy today sir sultnpapper! haha, writing letters to Santa, that's hilarious in itself!

You should try it sometime @janton, unless you don't believe in Santa Claus like my youngest girl Shortie. ;)

haha! of course I believe in Santa Claus, a person would have to be crazy not to! lol.

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