RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/02/18> My thoughts and a quote from J. Edgar Hoover.
I have always found American politics fascinating. The more I read about NWO the more I think we (as a collective world) are FUCKED. Excuse me. (@bigtom13 did warn you - we are outspoken peoples 🤪)
It fascinates me that from George Snr, a republican, Merica went to Clinton, a Democrat, and this cycle keeps happening, like your country is being yo-yoed from left to right and back again. Can a balance not be found? OR do they want us to concentrate on this game of charades while they shuffle things behind our backs?
I find the effects of this yo-yo game very curious, for ex, if you look at how the Obama/Hillary Clinton period created the SJWs , The Can't Say That generation, and how a new conservative youth is forming to fight this, the Ben Shapiro's and Steven Crowders, it is indeed a very curious phenomenon to watch, especially as an outsider.
And, to touch on your other points... what exactly do you think they are hiding in Antarctica? Could it be the edge of something? Or are you hinting at something else?
Who/what do you think built the pyramids? Are you alluding to giant men, or aliens, or something else? I would be so interested to hear your thoughts.
It's good to know that some people are awake, we need to carry the torch of light and keep the conversation alive.
Damn, I'm glad I found you and your blog!