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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/02/18> My thoughts and a quote from J. Edgar Hoover.
Awareness is definitely a good place to begin. They say ignorance is no excuse...but we really can't do anything about things that we don't know about. We have so much access to information now, that raising awareness is easier than ever. I look forward to the Daily Dose!
Awareness is an excellent place to begin and you couldn't be more correct and wrong with your second sentence. The correct part is, "ignorance is no excuse" the wrong part is, "but we really can't do anything about the things we don't know about."
Ignorance is nothing more than not knowing about something. We can do something and that is to learn about what we don't know. That is why I chose to read the congressional archives and the laws that are on the books and see just exactly what they have written there. It may not be for everyone to do but I have been the curious & suspicious type person pretty much all my life and I like to know the truth.
The saying that we hear, "you can't handle the truth" is very true for some people. If they ever actually found out the truth it would shatter their perception of their country and life.
All I try to do is get people to think, use their minds and ask questions. I know it sounds like a cliche but seriously, just about everything we have been told about the history of our country is a lie or left out very important details.
If we don't know a thing exists, we can't seek knowledge about it. We must first have the idea, or the inkling of its existence in order to know what to even search for.
Seeking knowledge randomly is a thing that I do... but in order for that search to be directed I have to have a kernel from which to start.
So you are in a place where you know the system is flawed. Many people aren't there yet and still have blind faith in what they are told. Until that awareness is raised, either through them actively seeking to disprove what gunnery already believe, or through a third party introducing new information, they can't change their belief system. Constant questioning is helpful, but without awareness in some form we really cannot act.
Often, people will have a feeling that something is not right and that will lead them to seek other information, but it still becomes with raising awareness and leaving complete ignorance behind.
You are right, I didn't communicate my thoughts well enough on that last reply. The bottom line is that there is information available and hopefully when people see information that is counter to what they know or believe they know to be true that they will at least look into it and see if there is any merit to what they looked at.
Thanks for the great replies and interest in expanding your knowledge on the subject of government.
Yes! I'm kind of an information junkie myself. It's a good thing I don't have kids or other major responsibilities because I get lost in the internet rabbit hole much too quickly. The day you and I started this conversation I think I lost about 4 hours from my day searching for information on the Federal Reserve and assassinated presidents and connections between different people who worked for the assassinated presidents. Needless to say, I didn't get much work done. :-)
The thing is you learned about the Fed and how it works and that a case surely could be made that those dead presidents and their financial policies might very well be the cause of their deaths.
Working the rabbit holes can be fun and educational, plus rabbit stew really tastes good when you finally catch one.
Yup! And it's nice to have someone to share it with too!