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RE: Seasoned with Sultnpapper 02/21/19 > Formerly known as the Daily Dose

in #dailydose6 years ago

First off, thanks. Big THANKS for answering the challenge. You know why I didn't challenge you directly, cause you are at least as bad at them as I am :) Which makes me all the more pleased with your answer. Thank you.

I LOVE the name. Seasoned with... I think you ought to keep that, and if need be add 'daily' to it somehow. And I just can't express how happy I am to see you here. I know at least a little of the back story, so you'll get no looking down my nose from me. I'm glad you've hit the sweet spot with your new employer and all the possibilities of it. Makes me smile just sitting here thinking about it.

I had heard about the case in Houston. Insert all the words here that are not guzbucked you would like. That is brutal on so many levels.

Dead people. That really died for nothing but another meaningless police statistic. That guzbucking sucks any way you look at it. There is not one iota of positive spin here.

1428 cases that have to be reviewed. It will be interesting to see if the DAs office is furiously brushing that number under the carpet or if they are going to run an honest review of all of them. Either way, that will leave a mark.

I can tell you for a fact that serving a no knock warrant at my house would lead to bullets. Even if I couldn't get to my pistol in time. Not that I have a single thing to lead to said warrant. Not one thing.

In other news, I dumped a link in the 'guzbucked room'. The supreme court ruled 9-0 that states COULD NOT use excessive fines or fees or seizures as a revenue generating tool. 9-0 The absolutely rarest of SCOTUS rulings. Who would have ever thought?

I have a hard and fast rule that I never violate more than once per week: Don't Make a Reply to Seasoned With that is longer than the original. So I'll quit with
Damn buddy. I'm glad you are back.


I won't say "I'm back" like I did a couple of weeks ago, that was a little premature, what I will say is that I plan on writing again daily if I have the time and energy at the end of day like before.
I use that "Seasoned with" on WeKu but I couldn't continue to call the blog the Daily Dose when I go long stretches of days without posting one.
I haven't been on WeKu in forever either but I will say that my one word posts I made over there did pretty good on earnings. I think I got up to around the number 13 or 14 before I stopped there.
I read that link you left in the room. 9-0 is quite unusual for that court.
My only question though is how long then before they stop the civil asset forfeiture completely and return all the money and property that has been confiscated?
That is armed robbery and charges should be brought against the cops that confiscated property.
If I could point to what I think has gotten us to the place we are in this country as being a primary cause I would have to say it is that most people do not understand the difference between "legal" and "lawful" and there is a big difference. As long we accept legal as the standard we will continue to be a lawless society is the way I see it.

I don't think I'd hold my breath for the complete cessation of asset seizure. And I wouldn't expect to see any money or property refunded.

It's as you say, there is a huge difference between legal and lawful and we are certainly on the wrong side of that difference.

It's like Mr Jagger says "Just as every cop is a criminal and all the sinners saints...."

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