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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 8/31/18> Alice in Wonderland, ….no, no, no… it is Morgan’s Wonderland and Inspiration Island.
Well, there is the no doubt coolest story of the day, and it's just plain early.
I spent a part of yesterday in the 'soiled bin' of humanity and this piece was better than a fresh cool shower (In Yuma AZ a cool shower in the summertime is a serious luxury).
What a cool place, what an inspiration. Thank you!
Okay, I'll bite, "soiled bin of humanity" is referring to what? I am not quite sure exactly where or what that place is but I am going to venture a guess. I get three right, that is the standard, on guesses.
Guess one is the county jail. For guess two I am going to go with a homeless shelter. My last guess is going to be the VA hospital in your area.
I am so disappointed that I didn't think about this place earlier in the summer and I attended a meeting at the soccer stadium earlier and did the story on the bomb sniffing dogs that the federal government were testing there that day. The soccer stadium shares the same parking with these parks and literally is just a few hundred feet way from each other.
When you see all the smiles of the people there it is just amazing. I am not just talking about the smiles on the handicapped people; the smiles on the people who are there with those that are handicapped are huge because they are seeing people enjoy something that in most cases they have never been able to experience.
Glad this was a bright spot early for you, hope the day continues to be positive.
Well, it was actually a 'talk show' with a friend of mine one of the guests. Topic of the segment had to do with the slaughter of white farmers in South Africa specifically and the falling down of society in general in SA. I stayed with the show out of courtesy and the next segment was on vaccine damage. I felt like I needed a shower after.
I have a special needs sister. Physically she was fine, in fact gifted. The theory was she was O2 deprived at birth. I got to accompany her and even be listed as her coach at Special Olympics events. She qualified for the nationals twice in sprint and long jump but wouldn't go without family and it was harvest time for us, But I saw those smiles at all levels. From participants and spectators.
One year they made the commanding General at Ft.Lewis Wa. the Grand Marshall of the state meet. It was showery for the opening and his remarks. At the end of his remarks he said "I'm tired of this rain already. Lieutenant, bring on the good weather." In 15 minutes the sun was shining. I suspect he just had access to a much better weather forecast than everybody else, but it was a funny thing.
Oh yea, you were in a much worse place than I could have ever guessed for sure. You would need a good cleansing after that no doubt.
That is a funny story on the weather and the CG, we have a nephew that has the same condition as your sister but his mother just will not accept it. He is in his mid twenties and functions at the level of a 12 year old if that high. There wasn't an official determination either on the O2 with him, but that is the likely scenario as well, it was a long , long labor and delivery and the worst part was her doctor is also a family member, a cousin. The doctor never has admitted he screwed up, but a C section should have been done, at least I think it should have.