ok d-lurking here to say, I've been catching a few of the chickens here and there and I'm loving them! Daily chickens are all the rage on Instagram, I have no idea what the homesteaders here are doing -- being so back-woods ;-) You'd think they'd all be all over this like a duck on a june-bug. I'm sure more than a few could do a daily duck or goat or sheep or cow, too! Does raising cats count as homesteading? I could probably do a daily cat. Do I have to put 150 words with it to avoid shit-posting?
Does your phone/camera have "HDR" in the settings? It might solve some of these high contrast situations. It's not just for big landscape views as some think.
And how is it that you're getting to use so many tags?
Hugs! I'm thinking bed now maybe.
This comment was made from https://ulogs.org
On Steepshot you get up to 20 tags :) And daily cat pictures rule!!
And I say put as many or as little words as you want. I am sick and tired of "someone" deciding what is a shit post and what is a good post. If you like it and people who come to your feed like it - that is all that is needed and everyone else can shut up...
My opinion 😇 . 😉 . 😈
There needs to be a grass roots revolt.
This comment was made from https://ulogs.org
It is happening. We are it!!!
Indeed we are!
😂 Let's see those cat pictures!!!
they may be semi daily .... I have something else in mind for my daily ... it's something that makes certain people see red ...more than your freewrites, actually LOL
Oh goody - can't wait 😜
And it it so sad that there is this big group which is poopooing the freewrite initiative. Oh well, each to their own...
There's an essay developing on my computer. Yep. I need my Mama Bear PC to get this thing written.