The Daily Adventures of a SteemPeak Developer #3 - More Activities and a New Filter

in #dailyadventures5 years ago (edited)

When working on SteemPeak, PeakMonsters or while using some other dApps I find myself using external websites to check the transactions I've casted (most of the time I use

Most transactions can be checked on the Activities page directly on SteemPeak, but some of these transactions contain custom_json operations that were not included into that page least until now :)

Show Generic Transaction in the Activities page


Read other posts in the series HERE

These operations don't have a fixed structured as the common 'social' activities (votes, comments, ...). So to handle all of them I created a single generic component that just display the json contained is each transactions as is.

Not sure someone will find it useful, but if you want to have a look this is the code powering the Vue component used to display these generic activities:

    <div class="media-left">
      <span class="btn border-grey-300 text-grey-300 btn-flat btn-icon btn-rounded btn-sm">
        <i class="icon-lab"></i>

    <div class="media-body">
      <div>{{ text }}</div>
      <div class="media-annotation"><a :href="'' + activity[1].trx_id" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="text-muted">{{ timeago(timestamp) }}</a></div>
      <div v-if="fields.length > 0" class="well text-size-small p-10 mt-5">
        <samp v-for="field in fields" :key="field" class="display-block"><span class="text-bold">{{ field }}</span>: {{ operation[field] }}</samp>

import formatter from '@/helpers/formatter'

export default {
  name: 'GenericActivity',
  mixins: [formatter],
  props: ['activity'],
  computed: {
    type: function () {
      return this.activity[1].op[0]
    operation: function () {
      return this.activity[1].op[1]
    text: function () {
      const words = this.type.match(/[A-Za-z][a-z]*/g) || []
      return => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1)).join(' ')
    fields: function () {
      return Object.keys(this.operation)
    timestamp: function () {
      return this.activity[1].timestamp

Considering that for most people and common scenarios these operations are not relevant, I decided to hide them by default. A new filter will be available to include them in the displayed results.

This is a preview of the updated Activities page showing the new filter with some new operations that will be available on with the next release. Hope you like it:


As always feedback and suggestion are much appreciated, both in the comments or on our Discord ;)



You're doing some great things!!

OH that's gonna be cool. All the info for the games and other apps will be super interesting to sort through.

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