How DACA touched me (A White American)

in #daca7 years ago

When I heard about ending DACA, I was angry.

I was angry because most of these people were too young to make a decision, they should not suffer for the parents decisions for mistakes (if you consider it to be a mistake.) A toddler didn't decide to illegally come to this country, and it is the only land that they've ever lived in or known. You can look all over the internet to find stories of kids who were accepted or doing well in college only to find out they may be deported.

I'm here to share how DACA touched my life as a white American, when I least expected it. My best friend married a Hispanic male who is here on a work visa. They just got married about a year ago (not the three year length that makes the marriage 'official.' Her husband is a wonderful man, he works long hours, he never complains about working hard, he supports my best friend and is the type of husband most people hope for. His work visa expired next month and without DACA he faces deportation, married or not.

They are trying to buy a house, they are trying to start a life but they have no idea if they will get that chance.

With all of the things going on in this country, to target those who came here as children, have broken no laws and are working hard every single day, it makes me sick to my stomach that THIS is what has become a "priority." 

Meanwhile the head of the EPA is denying climate change, the 'president' is lying/stalling about donating any money those who have lost everything in the hurricane. Whether you take North Korea seriously or not they are threatening us, and according to Trump's statements he finds many more people much more 'dangerous'.

Mexicans are not stealing your jobs, they work hard, they study hard, they love hard and are some of the best citizens that we have. Do you want to work in a field picking food in the hot sun with no breaks? Do you want to work at Trumps hotel for less than minimum wage? These are the jobs they are doing.

And even if they were (and I know some of them are) have nicer jobs, but are most of the people who see them as a threat going to learn new technology? Are they going to get a new job? Or just blame others for the fact that times are changing?

The truth is that if we don't accept technology, if we don't invest more in learning math and science and support technological innovation; it isn't any one ethnicity that will steal our standing in the world. It will be us letting us go because we are too lazy to adapt.


gingerlocks you have written a piece that should be in the US newspapers. I am white (British) and in fact we could once call ourselves English but that has other connotations so I'll stick with British. My husband is an American born artist but is now British. Incidentally he is a real "Heinz 57" from his background. We don't have Fox News here any more so we can't keep up with the rubbish they tell their viewers, but I'm glad they took it off the air, it was polluting the airwaves. I'm preparing a letter for Mrs Theresa May to protest that they should not award Mr Murdoch to purchase the remainder of his SKY shares so we don't ever have his views here. Your points about DACA so true and we have many friends on both sides of the pond from many backgrounds That means we don't have any problem with colour or race or religion and are shocked what's happening in the US. Never usually write about political themes but this shook me up. Very glad for your post. Thank you JV

Thank you so much. It has always angered me the way so many citizens of the US see immigrants but today my best friend (who is a born citizen as well) confided in the what may happen with her husband. He's honestly one of the best men I've ever seen any of my friends end up with and it makes me angry to my very core. I've always loved writing but my biggest annoyance is that 'president' Trump if you could call him that doesn't care how we think and feel. It's like a nightmare everyday knowing he's the president. Your kind words mean so much.

My pleasure, it angers me too and this is probably the first time I actually wrote something bordering on the political! Anyway I do hope your friends find a solution, or better still the president does. I personally think the whole thing is awful. Best Wishes. JV

How is it that Democrats can tell me that I can't hold "dreamers" responsible for the crimes of their parents but it's okay to hold me responsible for slavery even though I've never owned a slave or know anyone who has?

DACA recipients will be used by Republicans to bargain with congressional Democrats for tax reform, building a border wall, etc. I live in New York City and studied in college with many Dreamers, but when Obama created the Executive Order he knew it was temporary. It has always been the duty of Congress to pass an official law to make Dreamers citizens or permanent residents. The office of the POTUS does not hold the power. Overall, even though Dreamers' lives are a bit upended right now, the bright side is at least now they will finally have a lasting, legal decision made by Congress within the next 6 months. Or else, they are deported. Since Dreamers will most likely become Democratic voters, it is in the best interest of the Democrats in Congress right now to pass legislation to clarify their legal status once and for all.

Implement Daca in Mexico, Africa etc. make their countries great again.

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