The Economy Is Failing, Cryptocurrencies Are A Threat To The Central Banking System:Jeff Berwick
Today's Guest: Jeff Berwick
The Dollar Vigilante
The Anarchast
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Intro Music: YouTube Free Music Hey Sailor by Letter Box
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Here is an article in the Economist Magazine from 1988 predicting 30 years from now the world would be using a one world currency.
Plays just fine for me, audio only, normal for X22.
The "European Union" was mentioned in the 1953 movie "Roman Holliday". It wasnt called the EU but thats clearly wath they were talking about. It was in a scene where Audrey Hepburn was getting interviewed by the press. Late in the movie if I recall.
Good movie, I recommend watching it just for the movie. 5 Stars.
It's a classic, and favourite of mine... (Don't tell anyone!)
I can't see bitcoin being our saviour. In fact I think it will fizzle out and disappear in a few years. Blockchain with utility and asset backed crypto's are the future, but probably based on a different protocol such as hashgraph. Bitcoin is a great concept but it's just fundamentally flawed in many ways. What it has done is created an entire ecosystem of decentralized applications which will change the world, hopefully for the better.
I pray every day for humanity and for crypto currencies to spread across the world like wild fire!
Thank you Brother Dave & Jeff - I listen and learn from both of you guys daily and appreciate your awareness in not only forewarning us but preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. My upvote & resteem is well deserved. Rock On / STEEM ON gentlemen...
Hi David, we’ve been watching your youtube videos daily (a&b). When you mentioned that you were now using (i guess for a “c” daily edition?), For your info, I tried this morning to access and x22 report, without signing in to It does not work unless one signs in.
Q: If you were to supply the entire link to your report, woukd it work without having to sign in??? BTW: Thank you for your enlightening work.
Same here, ipfs must be shitting the bed
Worst quality video going my 1990 camera phone has better quality WTF
Good video Dave. The solutions id simple make Bitbean Legal Tender.
BitBean (BeanCash) to the Moon. Y'all know it's going to be the world reserve currency. John Mcafee's dirty little secret is that he hoards & stashes BitBeans. lol