CYPHER GEMS!! 'Round 49-64 of the Cypher Jam!!!' 白蚁. (... the story so far!)
Alot has changed in the last 4 months with Steemit, STEEM and cryptocurrency in general. Most would say for the worse, but I think it's important to see where we are in the bigger picture! Anything that has an impact and works will be attacked by those against it.
On a much smaller scale, 2 years ago, as a beatmaker, sites like facebook were showing my posts to 10% of the following that I had built up over the years, because I refuse to pay them for such a thing!! Now its completely different!
Forget the $!! The Worldwide Cypher Jam would not even be possible on a site like facebook!!
Remember!! The seed has already been planted!!
It is your world and it is your internet!!!!!!
... So, the winning Cyphers from rounds 49 to 64!!! ... Season 4 if you like!!!
These are decided each week by hiphop heads outside of steemit. I do this to let people know how we do ON steemit! ... AND WE SMASH IT!!!! Shouts to everyone!! This is the realness!!!! 白蚁.
Round 49: @scribblingwilly
Round 50: @burningzeal16
(vid unavailable)
Round 51: @scribblingwilly
Round 52: @orbital753
Round 53: 9 WAY SPLIT!! (I'll put @tygertyger here)
Round 54: @scribblingwilly
Round 55: @burningzeal16
(vid unavailable)
Round 56: @scribblingwilly
Round 59: (3 way split) @yakuhi
Round 60: @yakuhi
Round 61: @privat
Round 62: @kenentertainment
Round 63: @scribblingwilly
Round 64: Split @scribblingwilly and @privat
Rounds 33-48
Rounds 17-32:
Rounds 1-16:
Thanks to everyone who has jammed with me so far, because without you, this does not work!!! (hope I aint missed anyone!): Big up @kenentertainment @scribblingwilly @wolfnworbeikood @tygertyger @burningzeal16 @onemedia @redsfallin @yakuhi @jamesgetsit @vandigital @boycharlieplays @hostioso @paulmoon410 @talea.monet @voyceatlas @loganhate @privat @riggsyfort @verbal-d @orbital753 @vachemorte @omegarift @edprivat @benja @jtulip @geechidan @thedruid @alao @d-vine @yusaymon @bryandivisions @enginewitty @scottychams @fresheiremusic @bsusushba @positivity420 @base33 @mickeymic @phorecite @basilmarples @kopusmellini @thomasduder and everyone who has supported this directly or indirectly!! I will keep making beats, and keep posting them! ... At risk of sounding cliché, I do this for the music, not to make money! crypto or otherwise!!!
The beats for The Cypher Jam are unlisted videos. They are only available with Steemit. You can see them all however via this secret unlisted playlist:
Thank you for being so mighty awesome man, for your dedication, love for music & your realness <3
Mucho respect, love & enormous amounts of huggins coming your way <3
Straight back at ya @d-vine with all you do for the music communities on here!!!!!!!

Maybe you could up the ante. Throw in some Notes from Choon or WLS or some other kind of bonus for the pot?
Posted using Partiko Android
I like your thinking man!! Def!! I have been making some links and thinking bout this, especaily wanna involve choon somehow. And the WLS/Steem rabbithole is an interesting one. The great thing about having it all with steem however, is the ease of sending rewards without asking for wallet details, its all quick and internal. But yeah, new year, new things man!!! Watch this space!!
... As far as the cypher jam, a big thing for me is getting new people on here too! Ive had a few successes, but so many more people have had issues getting an account on here, that they give up.
THIS HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL THO!!!! I still see this as very much the start!!!!!
Appreciate your continued support man!!!!!!! 4 real!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nuff respect @enginewitty !!!
One of my pursuits as a witness is to address that onboarding issue. Been a real pain. Have personal friends offline I brought to the chain say fuck it cuz it took so long. I be watchin, don't worry😎
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah man!! Seems to be a common theme. Its quite 'fixable' tho with this new MIRA thing i'm reading about, right? Big up for all you do on here man!!! It is appreciated bruv!!!!!!