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RE: Another Cycling Fail for the Collection

in #cycling6 years ago

Ha ha, that was a real cavalcade of cycling mishaps... I think my favorite for comedy value is:

being blown over by wind due to trying to take a fully inflated li-lo home from the beach was pretty cool too. The full bar of people it happened outside of enjoyed that one.

For a sharing of the sheepish-ness I'll describe my best cycling mishap.

This happened about 3 years ago when I used to do a regular ride down the river Mersey along otterspool parade. I was turning a corner near the beginning of the ride by the marina when I noticed an ideot dog walker with one of those retractable leads and a little Yorkie dog blocking the path with the 'cheese wire' lead so I swerved to go between the small gap between the river's railing and a bench. The space was probably just big enough to get the bike through safely but I misjudged it and the pedal clipped the bench as I rode through sending me up and over the handlebars with the bike crashing down on top of me afterwards. Luckily, having been a crazy skateboarder as a teen, my slam reactions kicked in and I managed to kick the bike away as I went over so it only landed partly on me, and take the majority of impact on my chest and leg. I got away with a few bruises and a sprain on one of my wrists.

The dog walker was freaking out, especially as I was swearing at him pretty loudly, but he couldn't speak English, I think he might have been Polish tbh, and kept asking me something or other in another language.

It's weird when you cant take in a lung full of air. Being winded does that, and so does a sharp pain every time you get half full.

That is exactly how I felt after that incident, except I think you may have slammed worse than me cause mine receaded after 10-15 mins.

Anyway, take it easy with the Codeine buddy, that sht will fck you up 😂


I was hoping someone would share a mishap :D

haha 'cheese-wire', those retractable leads are dangerous all round and the owners don't seem to know how to control them with the dog heading out into the road, and getting too close to people while the owner looks puzzlingly at the device.

Nice job on booting the bike away from your head / danger regions, I have never possessed such skills.

I was going pretty slow, but yeah, concrete is pretty unforgiving and the left side of my body took most of the impact. Can't see any bruises - even more disappointing without war scars to prove!

Rarely do I take meds and that means they work pretty well when I do ;)

Rarely do I take meds and that means they work pretty well when I do ;)

Ha ha

So right about now you're taking a ride and looking back at your bike thinking

WTF, these pain meds are the bomb!

Nice job on booting the bike away from your head / danger regions, I have never possessed such skills.

That is completely from my skateboarding days. I really had the worst injuries as a skater, but developed some very good injury avoidance instincts after a few years of skating.

After you do this:

for the first time, you do everything you can never to do it again. And the slam instinct just sort of kicks in 😂

It's a nice looking afternoon, and I still need those teabags!

Even though my wheels failed me to some extent at the weekend, i think i'd still go for rubber over weird leg contraption thing as above. I bet the cornering on that is shocking! (Also, is that why the coffee is a 'good price' at your local bike shop? :) )

Never really understood skateboarding. It must be the most dangerous sporting activity going. Once you can skate, is it then compulsory to perform sink or swim tricks like the railing? Bunch of nutters!

It's a nice looking afternoon, and I still need those teabags!

Definitely, you should get out. A Brit without tea is a dangerous combination 😂

Also, is that why the coffee is a 'good price' at your local bike shop?

Ha ha, yes the coffee is a good price, and the repairs cheap... But you come home with a strange looking bike 😂😂

You hit the nail on the head about skating. It's insane, pure and simple.

Once you learn how to Ollie and pop a few kickflips and grind blocks etc, it just sort of snowballs. The best way I can describe it is a bit like a drug experience if I'm honest. When you get to the point where you're advanced enough to go at rails etc, it is an extremely intense adrenaline high. I stopped when I was about 30 cause the doctor told me that I was risking permanent damage to my knees. But I can still remember the feeling of cruising about the city centre with music in my ears jumping on and off pavements, ledges, weaving through traffic even. That feeling of the city being like a playground is the best thing. The big tricks on rails etc, are something different. It's like pure adrenaline and buzzing off that with a bunch of other nutters, egging each other on to do more insane stuff. I don't miss that really, but the cruising through town creatively using the cityscape, I miss that big time. I still have dreams where I'm crusing about from spot to spot, never falling off my board no matter what I attempt. Ha ha, the dream is smoother than what the reality was.

Another day without teabags, things are getting serious!

Sounds like a sweet dream - maybe i'll be dreaming about having a cuppa on my bike tonight :)

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