5 Alps Days D#4 Pista Ciclabile Alpe Adria
31st of May 2018.
Because of great forecast for thursday the 31st, I planned the longest route of my 5 days expedition to Alps. Bicycle lanes across Slovenia, Italy and Austria are such a beauty, I couldn't resist spending one whole day cycling only on them.
Small restaurants and caffes designed only for cyclists are available every 10 to 20 kilometers so you can take the rest when necessary.
Although I initially planned even longer route through Austria to the the west, it wasn't possible due to some unpaved roads that I came across. If I have had a MTB or cyclocross bike that day, I would have certainly explored them. With a road bike and 25mm tyres it just wasn't an option that thursday.
I couldn't resist visiting Valbruna near the end of the route, described as "The Queen of the Julian alps", but was surprised how empty it was at this part of the year. On the oposite, Kranjska gora is full of life these days.
After 133 kilometers and almost 7 hours in the saddle, I came back to Kranjska gora and foun one interesting event - Specialized Trail Days. Cheers!
Track day 4:
You can find all 5 days gallery on the link below:
5 Alps Days photo gallery (Flickr, 300 photos)