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RE: Another Cycling Fail for the Collection
Your poor mother!
Oh yes. And poor you too @abh12345. Sounds like a cracked rib to me too. 😢
I still haven't gotten over you riding around in flip flops and the li-lo incident.
Maybe resting in bed is not such a bad thing! 😂
Hope you feel fully recovered soon. 💙
:) She has been worried, and today I've been brought a pan of soup! I actually asked for teabags but those were forgotten - Soup not a bad substitute though :)
The flip-flops haven't been to blame for an incidents yet, but I was glad to be wearing trainers yesterday. Not that they gripped the floor when I put my feet down before wiping out.
Bed and Steemmonsters it is. Thank you!
I hope you enjoyed playing Steem Monsters more than I did. 😂
Did you get any of the new summoners? Somewhat predictably, I didn't. 😢