An other day an other ride with the Mountain Bike.
Today I focused my ride on uphill Training. I went to my local Spot in the Forest, where I decided to go to the "stone root" Trail.
Here you can see my bike leaning on a tree trunk, at this point the adventure also begun :D

I rode all the way up to my goal: The "stone root trail". It took me about 15 min to reach it.

Here we are. This is the Starting Point of the "stone root trail". You can see clearly how the way is changing 'to be


Here some impressions of the nature around


Now I rode the hill up again, after this part I am reaching the roots.

This is the root trail part (You can see how big they are :D)


It is a good training, to ride uphill through stone or root fields. You are training your condition, coordination and also balance skills.
I rode a few meters further and then down the hill again. For me it is a good training to ride uphill. Like I said you are training so much abilities which you can use for your rides and you are becoming a better feeling for your Mountain Bike :-)

I like to do Vlogs but I haven't the right cam in the moment. So for the future you can be sure: It will be more interesting stuff ;-) Have a nice day! And ride save.
Good Blog Entrie :-)