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RE: Another Cycling Fail for the Collection
Looks like me and my brother as kids on the bikes there, nice! Yes we had blonde hair and looked like girls due to mum's hair-doing :)
What a terrible record though! haha
Check out your bike though, what a beast! Did you spray it, or one of the owners before you? Over here, that usually means it's been stolen.
70 lbs haha, they don't make them like they used to!
That's not paint, it's rust. I bought it from a guy who'd had it sitting around in a garage for years and the humidity got to it. I sanded it down and painted it copper. Here's the during phase...

...and the after
That paint spill on the cement wasn't me... lol
I love how it looks. Someone stole it from outside my house once. I put a picture of it on craigslist with a reward and within an hour, I got a call from a lady who saw a dude riding it down her street. I was able to figure out where the guy lived and a big burly friend went over there, knocked on the door, decked the thief and carried it back to me.
It's like a mini Post in my comments :D
The bike certainly looks a lot better, new owner taking much better care of it.
I wish I had a burly friend last year who could deck whoever robbed my bike.
So Craigslist isn't just for drugs and sexy time? Who knew!
i like your bike Kerry!