Protecting Businesses Online: Before, During, and After
Businesses own valuable data nowadays, including customer information, business secrets, historical event data, etc. To have full protection towards this valuable digital asset to them, businesses have to take action before, during, and after a manual attack or natural disaster.
Before: Do a web vulnerability scan to make a “body check“on your system
A web vulnerability scan is a tool that allows you to scan your website or app for security vulnerabilities. It is one of the many tools that are used in the process of information security. It is a process that is used to identify potential security vulnerabilities in a website. Besides, it usually involves scanning and testing the site's content, code, and infrastructure for any vulnerabilities that may allow malicious entities to gain access to sensitive information or take control of the site. There are two ways to do a web vulnerability scan: manual scanning and automated scanning.
Manual scanning
This involves going through the website and checking for any vulnerabilities manually. This is a time-consuming process and can only be done by skilled professionals. A web vulnerability scan could be done even if you are deploying other cybersecurity methods like mpls vpn network as it aims to spot the threats that these methods have missed.
Automated scanning
This involves using software that automatically scans the website and checks for any vulnerabilities. This is more efficient but also more error-prone than manual scanning because it relies on algorithms that have not been trained to identify all possible vulnerabilities.
This is a critical step for any business as it provides insight into the security of the website and data. It also helps in identifying security risks and weaknesses so they can be fixed before they are exploited by cybercriminals. Some cybersecurity solutions, such as unified threat management solutions, would combine the wisdom of experienced experts and AI power to optimize the protection of companies’ information.
The mentioned methods mainly work in a prevention role and lower the risk that a company being damaged by cyber threats. Cloud data centers, on the other hand, is a big part in minimizing the damage when an attack or a disaster has already happened.
During: Lower damage that the incident would cause
In today’s digital world, there is a lot of sensitive information that needs to be stored and accessed remotely. It is not possible to store all this information on one single device or in one location, which means that when it comes to cybersecurity, the cloud data center is one of the best solutions for businesses. The main reasons for this include more secure storage, better disaster recovery, better remote access control, and decentralized risks. The benefits of utilizing a cloud data center are obvious.
For one, they have the capability to minimize damage from cyber threats by storing and processing data in different locations. Secondly, they can help businesses save time and money on IT infrastructure investments, as it is much cheaper to rent space in a cloud data center than build one from scratch. The use of cloud data centers has grown exponentially over the last few years due to the many benefits that they offer businesses.
After: Review and do better next time
While minimizing the damage is crucial, businesses also have to make some changes to be more prepared to block other threats. Security incidents are hard to be discovered before they happened. However, it is for sure that the weak point is still there after the attack or disaster takes place. Therefore, the response should always be optimized by investigating the attacks. Security Incident Response could be a service that is offered by third-party professionals to businesses. The experts would look into the cases and remediate the threats. As a post-incident solution, it could play a major role in preventing other losses in the future if similar cases happen. The security incident response should never be omitted to provide all-rounded cybersecurity protection.
Cybersecurity is a big category. There is always something more than these methods to make further improvements. Keep it up and explore more if your business has achieved the above-mentioned ones!