In 2017, The Insider Threat Epidemic Begins
Just as American and European critical infrastructure executives were beginning to wrap their minds around the devastation of the Office of Personnel Management breach, ransomware erupted onto the scene, followed by concentrated DDoS attacks such as the Mirai botnet attack on Dyn, which enabled a quantum leap for cyber criminals. Now, all techno-forensic indicators suggest that an under-discussed cyber-kinetic attack vector will ubiquitously permeate all critical infrastructure sectors due to a dearth of layered bleeding-edge military grade cybersecurity solutions. Unless organizations act immediately, in 2017 The Insider Threat Epidemic Begins.
In this brief, entitled “In 2017, The Insider Threat Epidemic Begins” the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology offers a comprehensive analysis of the Insider Threat Epidemic, including research on:
Characterizing Insider Threats (the insider threat cyber ‘kill chain,’ non-malicious insider threats, malicious insider threats)
The Insider Threat Debate
Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines to Combat Insider Threats
Non-Technical Controls
Technical Controls
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