Mushroom found in Cahita National Park
Hi friends,
This is a picture of a mushroom I ran into while walking in the Cahita National park.
Not quite sure if its edible or not but it surely looks awesome. It is some kind of umbrella like and covers still alive tree, usually you can see some different types but in fallen trees.
I hope you like this.
PS: I'm also testing @cyanescensbot bot to see how it works.
No bot vote sadly.
This is the programmer of Cyanescensbot.
Only posts with pictures of cyanescens will be upvoted.
I will program a message for incorrect posts.
Thank you for your interest in my bot.
Everything should be running now even for early birds like you. lol
P.S I believe those are Reishi.
Error # 1: This picture contains no Cyanescens Mushrooms.