CV-19 Suramin and transhumanism

in #cv4 years ago (edited)

Courtesy of Project Camelot

  1. CV-19 is an alien technology bioweapon, designed and built-in numerous bioweapons labs run by several nations.

  2. There is a secret group responsible and this is a secret network of hardcore two-faced Satanists energized by the Darkside and they go back over 4,000 years and have many different names, but they all worship the evil forces/spirits of the Darkside which are inhuman, drastically evil and hate all of God's creation.

  3. Its purpose is to prepare humans' cell biology and antigens to be physically compatible with Alien ETs so that Alien ETs can walk freely above ground and share space with humans, mix blood without becoming sick.

  4. Most aliens become lethally sick when around humans unless they have been Covid-ized.

  5. The CV-19 jabs are designed to transform many cells of the human recipient into mini-DNA factories that will produce the desired DNA that they are programmed to manufacture inside each cell where the materials of the jab have entered.

  6. The initial cells where the jab cells have entered just keep manufacturing the desired DNA which is emitted from the cell to spread to others, finally to be shed from the jab recipient out of their lungs into the air and to be inhaled by others.

  7. This exhaled DNA enters others' bodies over time.

  8. These inhaled DNA particles transform the cells of those who inhale them over time and establish the desired compatibility with Alien ETs when enough particles are inhaled. This is a secret type of herd immunity that has been custom-designed in secret.

  9. Not everyone needs to have the Jab in order to make this process work, only a minimum threshold number estimated to be 40-50%. Those who are running this program at the top (several top non-governmental elites) believe that it is necessary to be able to give the jab to teenagers and children over 7 (there is some talk about giving Jabs to kids at 2 years old) in order to have this needed baseline threshold met.

  10. Once this baseline threshold is met, the system can be taken "online" and the menu of what the intra cell MNRA factories produce can be changed at will remotely.

  11. This means that the specific menu for what these MNRNA (Jab) recipients produce inside their cells can now be externally, remotely programmable using advance pulsed beam microwave, scalar, or certain military-grade microwaves such as 5G.

  12. Because this process incorporates a design of continual emission of newer and newer DNA by the Jab recipients, not every single human must receive the jab to get everyone infected with these periodically upgraded nano-sized intra-cell DNA factories.

  13. Only those top few controllers at the top and their closely associated bioweapons designers who designed the specific MNRA of the Jabs know what these intracellular MNRA factories have been set up to produce.

  14. The overall goal here is to set up a system of Jab-recipient emitters to get those who refuse the Jab "infected" over time and also re-infected with any upgrades which have been remotely instructed.

  15. In this way the human species can be changed over time, sterilized, and taken only to be "hived" like honeybees, and mass behavior can be elicited and easily controlled.

  16. This is a monstrously evil plan to sterilize, reduce the population of and eventually destroy the human race as it is while transforming it over time into a new transhuman custom-designed new race that is remotely controllable and has constant on mental access to the Internet as designed and censored by the top elite controllers.

  17. During the 1950, the largest governments of the world formed secret alliances with certain Alien ET groups in order to get their advanced high technology. In the process, their leaders were seduced and allowed this process to be "privatized" to certain topo defense and aeronautical manufacturers in order to keep it secret from the governments involved. This was especially true in the USA where Majesty 12 was set up and declared that the USG had no access to these top secrets help by these private contractors.

Mathew 24: 22 "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened." One of the arguments against these main points is that if this were true, the Cabal would just manufacture the DNA and spread it in their chemtrails, food water, etc.

Answer: They tried this off and on and it failed for many reasons. Unless the DNA is manufactured inside the human cell and ten spread through exhalation, it cannot add the needed antigens to be absorbed by others after inhalation and/or ingestion. Chemtrails have been used to soften up the human species in the following ways: the aerosol dispensing of nano-barium, nano-aluminum, and other compounds and chemicals have been highly successful to mold the masses in some ways. After ingestion and transport across the blood-brain barrier, some of these are "flashable" by special pulsed beam microwaves and scalar waves, making them instruments of mass-mind control, while helping to bring about dementia type memory losses earlier than otherwise, sometimes many years early in some victims.

What the aerosol dispensed compounds that are ingested cannot do is manufacture hiving in humans to a large centralized master quantum computer system by connecting them wirelessly. This master quantum computer will eventually have the Internet under its control and completely censored, thereby being able to remotely sensor the masses' access to knowledge and history. This is referred to as the "BORG" by insiders.

According to Dr. Judy Mikovits, the only antidote for these intra-cell manufactured DNA micro-strands is Suramin.

Lucifer and 1/3 of the angels who rebelled with him were cast out of Heaven by God Almighty and they are all doomed to judgment and destruction. Lucifer blames and hates God for his rebellion and is trying to destroy everything God Almighty has created especially His humans made in His image, animals, Earth, and all its beauty and benefits for mankind. And at the same time, Lucifer has built up a worldwide spy system to mimic the omniscience of God Almighty that he can never have.

And Lucifer is now also attempting to build up a worldwide system of hived transhuman followers that are no longer human but have highly altered DNA, highly altered brains, and CNS and eventually become the merger of iron and clay (aka the merger flesh and computer). Aliens have been attempting to do this in DUMBs for many years (since about the mid-1960s and so far all efforts have ended in failure any future efforts are doomed to failure too).

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