How cognitive chatbots provide supreme customer experience and transform service desk interactions
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) is no more a fairy-tale ,we see them everywhere around us. Right from helping us to know the delivery time of our ordered food, suggesting friends on social media, recommending products on e-commerce sites, to our very own personal assistants like Siri, Cortana, etc., AI has managed to influence our daily lives immensely.
Now, AI is taking a centre stage in creating customer experience strategies. By leveraging cognitive technologies, organizations can gain insights from various touchpoints to improve customer interactions and make a valuable business decision, in addition, get insights on customer buying behaviour’s and preferences in real-time.
How leveraging AI can transform your service desk.
IT service desk has become an indispensable component of business success. In every organization, it is the service desk that is flooded with support requests like installation of printer, slow browser, upgrade for a new version software, password reset, and a whole lot of things. With the latest technology developments, IT technicians and administrators face the pressure to stay ahead of the curve, communicate effectively, and deliver efficient services to every end-user while being within the company’s budgets.
Is AI only the future of Service desk?
Besides personal lives, AI has already started revolutionizing the work environment, and the Service Desk is no exception. There are many hysteric conspiracy theories on AI overpowering human intelligence and beyond. But in reality, AI only assists humans at a better pace. With every new technology, there is a loss of roles to some extent, but at the same time, new opportunities emerges, and new jobs are being created. AI Service Desk only frees employees from doing monotonous, repetitive tasks, and does not replace their roles. So that employees can spend more time and expertise in offering better customer experience.
AI chatbots for service desk empower your agents to select the right channel and engage with the customers in the best possible way. Your internal customers often complain about:
• Lack of immediate response
• Services offered are not appropriate
• Not easily available to solve even simple problems
• Challenging to follow instructions to resolve while working in remote
• Clueless on the issue that was reported earlier
With AI-powered chatbots, your IT desk can take better control of the workflow, reduce delays, eliminate repetitive tasks. While working in unison with the chatbot, it fosters increased customer trust and becomes a “closed-loop” virtuous circle” of learning and trust.
Tryvium Service Desk powered by AI and ML capabilities, which can be integrated with ITSM, HRIS, and CRM offers a highly personalized, seamless customer experience. With Tryvium, you can deliver intelligent interactions, connect customers with the right agents, and improve resolution times.
To know more on how cognitive chatbots provide supreme customer experience and transform service desk interactions, please download our ebook