Current Affairs GuidesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #currentaffairsguide5 years ago (edited)

Current Affairs Guide

The Combination of three words – Curren, Affairs and Guide, commonly also referred to as the Current Events Scenario, combined together to device an interesting term to a subject of study. Current means, day to day life and most recent and affairs mean events, issues, activities happening at national and international level etc. Although the term "Current Affairs" is more relevant and widely accepted and spread among aspirants studying for Indian civil service examination.

Welcome to Current Affairs Guide, Launched in the year 2020. Our curatorial proficiency and award-winning approach to writing on current events are unparalleled. Our unique strategy of capturing current news and events has accustomed it as the go-to the source/origin of the content and reach its verticals and horizontals for a wide reach.

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How Current Affairs is Different than News

Taking into account the broader perspective Current Affairs Guide can be termed as a subset of journalism where the emphasis is on thorough assessment and analysis and discussion of current news scenarios, recently occurred or are in progress at the time of live broadcast. This varies from regular news broadcasts where the stress is on news being reported prepared for immediate and simple presentation as soon as possible to wide audiences spread across the entire globe, often with a least of assessment.

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Current Affairs Guide also varies from the news and entertainment magazine, whereas the emphasis is on the format in that the events are discussed on an urgent basis. UK's Office of Communications narrates Current Affairs is an elaboration and assessment of current events and current issues, including geopolitical, industrial controversy, cross-border cold wars or public policy issues. The office differentiates Current Affairs Guide from the coverage of news from location, broadcast of the of special events like parliamentary proceedings, and the broadcast of consumer affairs, among other discussions.

Current Affairs Guide circles around recent activities and events in various walks of life and different industrial & non-industrial segments, commercial & non-commercial, national & international. It covers topics such as economy, politics, sports, industrialization, science and technology innovation, climate & environment.

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Coverage of Current Affairs

Coverage of the Current Affairs Guide is far-reaching and deeply rooted among students, aspirants and educators. Current Affairs Guide encapsulates within its fold various occurrences in different categories as well as related concerned developments. For example economy, politics, sports, industrialization, science and technology innovation, climate & environment. The current events can be of utmost national or international importance or be most relevant at the state, or district level. Similarly, if we take into account about International coverage, the reach could be in relation to the different aspects of international politics, world economy, science & technology innovation, climate & environment, and coverage could be inter-continental anticipates, North and South America, European, Southern, Eastern and Central Asia, Far reach of an outpost of Africa, Gulf countries etc. Looking at this enormousness in coverage and range of Current Affairs Guide it can be clearly mentioned that an individual should scale the limits of current affairs guide on individuals requirements and objectives.

We work with exceptional minds, subject matter expertise and brilliant content creators to put forward our writings and post to the rest of the world. Eliminating the bias and showcase the juice of current events and affairs, with an intent to provoke inspiration in readers (especially civil service aspirant).

In modest and simple words Current Affairs Guide is the one-stop solution for authentic everyday current affairs and current events happening across Pan India and globally.

Current Affairs Guide is also an initiative to help, and encourage Indian graduates to appear for Civil Service Examination and assist them to prepare for following posts and examination

  • IAS
  • IFS
  • IPS
  • IRAS
  • IRPS
  • IRTS
  • CBEC
  • IOFS
  • IP & TOFS
  • IPoS
  • ICLS
  • IDAS
  • IDES
  • ICAS
  • IIS
  • RPF
  • ITS
  • IAAS etc.

We are also the number one choice for everyday readers.

We encourage you to to be part of our Current Affairs Guide community. We carefully write and curate current affairs posts and every single post is verified for its originality and only after proper validation, it makes it's way to Current Affairs Guide portal for students and aspirants appearing for a wide range of Indian civil service examination mentioned above.

For more information visit https://CurrentAffairs.Guide


Where is your chinese counterpart, that one hit hard last time? Touch the electric fence for Irish cirac. https://CurrentAffairs.Guide is a fantastic domain name.

I don't know where he is .....

Who he conquers the world, starts with a simple Blog. Maybe you understood this. Welcome to the world of Blogging.

hahaha Thanks

Nice and simple website, Keep writing and keep posting.

I already told you, writing will never disappoint you. Good niche for content writing, also very relevant domain name. Congratulations Samrat.

Thank you, Guruji

Thank you, you are most welcome.

Very Good Evening. Brilliant, I never knew, the website had a considerable amount of content on current affairs. This is outstanding and unique. Keep it up. One quick question, can I write and post my own article on current affairs?

yes, you can submit your writing, condition it is based on current events, well written, 1000+ words, plagiarism-free (i.e. unique and frshly written) and no commercial promotion without permission. let me know.

You are late in the race, there are plenty of other already posting daily current affairs at-least twice a day. You need something additional to step-up the game, think about it. However a good website.

I might be a little late but I will catch up very fast. thinking of creating videos as well. what say??

Keep it Alive, I guess this is your fourth blogging attempt. Lolz. Consistency matters and being alive on the blogging platform despite any earning is the second big thing after worldwide lockdown. Congratulations.

Don't know, I am giving my best to make it happen, SEO is a big headache for me.

वेलकम बैक, टू स्टीम जगत भाई, कहा थे इतने दिन, हमे तो लगा आपको कोविद-१९ खागया । वेबसाइट तोह एकदम बढ़िया बनिए है. Keep in touch.

Dhanyawad Bhai ..

I will write the next article, provided someone play me for my efforts.

Thanks for the comment.

What you guys talking about ???? what happened to our Space Science and Astronomy forum??

It is on hold, we ran out of finances, hence we are finding new ways to finance our ventures.

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