Our Current Global Paradigm of Humanity

in #current8 years ago (edited)

Whether you are in the United States or in Dubai, UAE or in Shanghai ,China right now, most of humanity is living in utter denial that our way of life is going to end. Our entire way of life, or paradigm, is built off of

unsustainable debt that has been passed on from one generation to another. This debt has been used to fund the world's largest military i.e. the United States Military,to secure the human and natural resources of the world, for our corporations to harvest the low cost inputs to their products, to create massive profits, to be recycled on Wall Street, to buy more influence in the media and politics, and for the wealthy who own this world

 favor. At the center of all of this is the Dollar.

"Paper is Poverty. It is only the ghost of money, and not

money itself". –Thomas Jefferson

Most folks are completely ignorant of how the economy works or even what the Dollar really is. The Dollar was originally defined in 1792 as a unit of pure silver weighing 371 4/16th grains (24.057 grams). Silver coins widely circulated in the United States were eventually replaced with Silver Certificates that acted as paper

receipts for the real silver on deposit at the bank or at the Treasury Department. Paper money was at first only a symbolic representation of real wealth like gold and silver.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who

makes its laws." –Baron Rothschild

Over time, humanity became so detached from the real wealth that the bankers and politicians seized upon this. They knew that humanity, above all else, was motivated by money. Forget about all political, racial or religious motivators — when it comes to money, we are all the same religion. This explains why the love

of money and the things we do for it enables so much immoral behavior. Those cunning men that run the world’s banks know this very well. They gradually set about to take all of the real wealth out of the system and replace it with meaningless symbols of money, our current paper Dollars. Of course, they had complete control over issuance of the symbolic money and thus all of humanity.

In 1873, the fourth Coinage Act demonetized silver and put America on the Gold Standard. This had a devastating effect on the majority of Americans. The money they used on a daily basis, silver, was no

longer allowed to be used to pay off debts and taxes. This, in turn,made the gold necessary to pay for these debts and taxes worth much more. So the effect of the ‘Crime of 1873’ is that it crippled the

economy and sent U.S. into the worst economic period in the history of the United States. Who benefited from this? The bankers — it made their gold and loans worth much more. They eventually foreclosed on

thousands of homes and millions of acres of lands.

In 1913, a cartel of the most powerful men in the U.S. and Europe schemed to create the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve Bank is a cartel of the most powerful banks and is completely privately owned.

Just before Congress broke for Christmas on December 23, 1913, the Aldrich Act was passed and established the third privately held central bank of the United States — the Federal Reserve. The first two privately held central banks were the First Bank of the United States (1791–1811) that started the war of 1812. The Second Bank of the Untied States (1816–1836) ended with an assassination attempt on President Andrew Jackson when he killed the second bank. The same year they passed the creation of the Federal Reserve is also the

creation of the IRS and the Income Tax.

The Aldrich Act ceded the Constitutional power of Congress to coin and regulate money to the most powerful men in the world. In fact,President Woodrow Wilson later lamented his involvement in enacting the Federal Reserve by saying:

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my

country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its

system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The

growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities, are in

the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the

worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and

dominated Governments in the civilized world. No longer a

Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by

conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government

by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant


Since the Federal Reserve is privately owned and they issue the world’s debt, this means that there are families that are literally trillionaires. Forget about Bill Gates and Warren Buffet… The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs, and many other families literally own the world. Our debts are their assets.

What should scare most Americans is that the majority of the owners of the Federal Reserve are not even Americans. And those that are American, have no loyalty to this country. They are actively striving

for a world where there is no nation strong enough to resist their debts and their will. They want a one-world government where they are in total control.

"Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a

secret cabal working against the best interests of the

United States, characterizing my family and me as

'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the

world to build a more integrated global political and

economic structure — one world, if you will. If that's the

charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." —David

Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405

In 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) declared that Americans could no longer own physical gold. U.S. citizens were ordered to bring their gold to the local Federal Reserve branch to receive paper

certificates in return. Soon after the confiscation, FDR devalued the Dollar relative to gold, giving those private bankers — who now owned all the gold — an overnight 69% profit. For the next 42 years, it was illegal for the average American to own gold.

In 1964, with the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the repeal of his Executive Order 11110, the bankers and politicians demonetized silver out of our coins, replacing it with a worthless alloy that now acts as the symbol of money. This allowed the politicians to pursue the welfare/warfare state of the "Guns and Butter" policy of Lyndon B. Johnson. This is a perfect example of the sick symbiotic relationship of the bankers and politicians. Bankers gain profit from creating debts. Politicians gain power from the programs they finance

through debts. In the end, we the people are left paying the bill.In 1971, Richard Nixon defaulted on the international Dollar status as being ‘as good as gold’ by closing the gold window to foreign creditors. This essentially made the Dollar a pure fiat currency with no backing. Through Henry Kissinger and the planned oil shocks, the Dollar was later backed by oil and America's ability to defend that oil.

Today the Dollar is merely debt. For every Dollar that enters the economy, a debt must be created. If the U.S. Government wants to buy a new computer to spy on you, they can tax the money out of the economy. Or, if there is not enough money, they can sell a bond. U.S.bonds are most likely, bought today by the Federal Reserve with money created by the Federal Reserve out of thin air.

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The actual process to create money is so simple that it repels the mind. Actually, the government cannot simply print money out of thin air; it first must create a debt or a bond in order to get spending

money. For example, they can create a $1 billion bond that will be paid back in 10 years and earn 5% interest. The Federal Reserve then buys this bond with self-created Dollars. They can do this because

they have the monopoly on issuing the currency. Congress gave that power to them 100 years ago with the Aldrich Act. And thus, through this process and ever since they were given this power, the debts have

mounted every year — in excess of the debt and interest accrued the year prior.

The sick thing is: only the $1 billion in principle enters the economy.But where does the 5% come from to repay it? The only solution is for more debt to be created, in excess of the debt AND interest already in the system. When you realize that every Dollar that comes into existence is brought into the economy with debt, you also logically conclude that if all of the debts were paid off there would be NO money left in our economy. But it's worse! Even with the debt paid off, there's still 5% interest owing.

"Debt is slavery of the free." —Publilius Syrus

Are beginning to see how insidious this rigged game is? Most people are so dependent on the system that enslaves U.S. that they end up defending it. They fear what the world would look like with a Dollar

collapse, so they continue to enable it with their debts, careers, and votes. This has warped our world so horribly that the worst in humanity is enabled to continue on a path to control the world.

To summarize, since 1971, we have essentially been able to create money out of thin air and pile on more and more debts — from the Guns and Butter of LBJ yesterday to Obamacare today. We have

spent the great inheritance of this nation like spoiled heirs looking for the next high. This short term, instant gratification mindset will leave future generations with no wealth, no skills, and no sense of direction.

This debt has is so large and is such a drag on the economy that the world economy cannot experience real recovery until that all of that generational debt is wiped away. The $16.6 trillion Dollar U.S. Federal Debt is not even the biggest problem; rather, the bigger dilemma is the estimated $140 trillion Dollars of unfunded liabilities that have been racked up since World War II. We never hear about this unfunded liability debt because the government does not keep their books with the same accounting methods you or I employ. Their

methods allow them to simply act as if there are no future liabilities.  That is, until they have to pay for it, some later election year. In the constant search for more votes, power and money, our politicians have promised the world to the voters of today, but we all know this is at the expense of our children tomorrow!

Now that the aging Baby Boomers are past their peak earning years and are entering into retirement, we can no longer ignore these unfunded liabilities. Especially since the generations following them not as numerous, yet have already racked up huge amounts of consumer and student debt earlier in life. All of this in the face of an

ever-worsening economy, declining resources, growing debts, and a shrinking manufacturing base. The macro picture shows nothing but an unsustainable path that will end in the total collapse of the Dollar.

In 2005, Alan Greenspan was asked by Congressman Reed if we can sustain Social Security? The most powerful banker of our time said that the Federal Reserve, "can guarantee cash benefits as far out and

whatever size you like, but we cannot guarantee the purchasing power."

The implications of that Congressional testimony are simply stunning. It is an admission that at the end of this road, the powers that be are simply going to kill the Dollar. This very same Dollar is at the nexus of every personal interaction and ultimately controls the world. This is the modern day version of the nuclear powers playing with Mutually Assured Destruction. This situation offers no out; the bankers and politicians will never reign in their power, and instead will continue to inflate the money supply until the Dollar dies.

The U.S. Federal Debt and the Unfunded Liabilities are in bad shape, but that is not all. We also have huge personal, student, local, corporate, state and global debts compiling during this extraordinary time in human history. Have you ever wondered how is it possible that every person, government and corporation is in debt? Well, when you understand that our money is debt, and the privately central banks of the world own that debt, you see that it's like we're in a lifesize game of Monopoly.

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