Ideas Never Die

in #current4 years ago (edited)

*#ZombieLies Is the euphamisms I prefer

Mont Perlin Soiciety MPS
Feel free to compare there stated purpose to what I believe they have accomplished

Good resource is
:Philip Morowski
I have yet to figure out how to post a link to a YouTube video got to copy an past sorry

•The End of soviegne spending
Say what you will ,gold standard or not deficit spending is how the dollars are originally created since 1776. It is a ledger asset liabilities double entry accounting. Money creation has always evolved from credit not barter. The question is whom controls the ledger. A some what democratically elected Congress nation state or some Usurious private banking cartel like the IMF. Mont Perlin planted the seeds of destruction with a little twist. Soviegne Debt hysteria is as old as Time calling the act of government creating money at all inefficient an waist full was a stroke of genius.

Example basic research R@D is now run threw private hands an the market. A full blown Ponzi scheme. 90% of these entities never bring a product to market never mind turn a profit.

They are unicorns in every sense of the word.
Here is the rub the original funding stills starts from Federal grants to your local University. Then it's cycles threw investors such as your buddies wealthy uncle banks venture an hedge funds. I'm no dought missing a few skips an jumps. Basically they all get to pre-bid on equities stake an exchange for funding.

This whole process expands private credit ledgers exponentially other than Uncle Tommy or another fool with a pen. No one puts up existing money or collateral up front . The money is produced out of thin air in exchange for promissory note or Bond. Piece of paper with name date an signature promising to pay x interest by Y date your an a managers signature plus a witness. Then you pitch it to wall St an venture capitol. Load up with even more unpayable debt . Then you foisted it on your local stock market exchange to be publicly traded by the suckers. Early funders get out hopefully with a nice chunk of change. How the story ends becomes uderly irrelevant.

Most times retail traders bid up the price nicely. That's any non institutional investors. Then help to make it crash when even the deaf an blind guy can see it's moving up parabolically on the chart in price.
*Parabolic refers to when you trace the price of A asset or commodities on a chart. It appears to go straight up exponentially.

Inevitably it crashes back down to earth in the same manor. So called value investors repeat this process. Pushing the price down farther and farther. in order to cover this up and because of foolish rules written by the sane people. They must switch exchanges an put a disclaimer. Should say burning garbage but they call it the over-the-counter market instead. This is great for the company I guess. They can do something called the reverse split. Magically make those very same stocks worth more value. This scam is so effective that it's common practice.

Remember to thank and pray to Daddy Milton every night if you're one of these participants. His exact quote the only problem with the free market is there's never enough markets
Inflation is an always an everywhere phenomenon 🙊🙉🙉🙈😋

Gotta get back to work tbc.........


Why does it say there is a comment can't read it?

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