Golden swallow
Swallows (Tachycineta euchrysea) are endemic swallows of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea (split between the Dominican Republic and Haiti). It has become extinct from Jamaica. It is limited to isolated mountain forests composed mainly of Hispanic pine (Pinus occidentalis). The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) considers this species a susceptible species. The exact cause of the extinction from Jamaica is unclear, but possible factors include predation of exotic mammals and habitat loss, although there is not much evidence to support the theory of habitat loss. The last subspecies discovered was in Hardwar Gap (located on the border between St. Andrew and Portland Parish), where three birds were seen on June 8, 1989.
The Jamaica subspecies is a relatively small swallow with a bronze upper part and a bronze color on the side of the head. Ears and earrings become dull, and the forehead area is greener than bronze. On the other hand, the shoulders, back, hips and upper tail cover are bronze. The smaller and median concealment layers are more like copper, and the larger and main wing concealment layers are more like dark green. The primary, secondary and tail are dull turquoise. The lower part is mostly white. The legs, feet and irides are dark brown, and the bill is black. The females are similar, but the breasts, occasionally with throat and tail recesses, are mottled gray-brown. In addition to being darker overall, the juvenile is also a mottled gray-brown. Hispanic subspecies, T. The main difference of sclateri is its deeper forked tail, blue-green forehead and upper tail cap, and blue-black wings and tail.
In Hispaniola, this swallow breeds from April to July, where it lays a grappling hook consisting of two to four white eggs. It used to breed in Jamaica from June to July. Eggs are placed in cup nests, which are mainly found in Hispanic pine trees. It also nests in caves, under the eaves of houses, in burnt shelves and nest boxes. This swallow is an aerial insectivore. It usually feeds on insects at a height below 20 m (66 ft) and rarely feeds at a height above 30 m (98 ft). When foraging, people will explore most habitats outside the forest.