13 interesting things that maybe you did not know about dreams

in #curiosity6 years ago

hi guys from steemit, welcome to a new blog let's start, we know that it is advisable to sleep certain hours a day, that we do not have to exercise before getting into bed and that napping can be a good thing to relax during the night. On World Sleep Day we will discover something new that you did not know about dreams: are they the same for everyone? Are you able to remember everything you dream at night? Can you control your dreams?

1-Differences between men and women

The differences between men and women also exist in dreams, which should not catch us by surprise. They affect the content, because while the male sector tends to dream of aggression, women have complex dreams with more details and characters and usually do it with both sexes equally. Men dream more about men, twice as many girls do.

2-Dreams, in color or black and white?

t may seem somewhat unusual, but about 2 out of 10 dreams we have (and remember) are black and white. There is this small percentage of the population that dreams without any color, although research says that we tend to dream in pastel colors instead of bright colors like those we see in our day to day anywhere we look.

3- Odors influence dreams

Everything influences when it comes to dreaming, both your experiences and your mood or day-to-day things. However, smells are also a crucial pillar for dreaming: if we are in a room that smells bad our brain will associate it with something unpleasant and the confabulation of the dream would give something negative. If the opposite occurs and you fill your room with good smells, the dream will be more relaxing and pleasant.

4- There are universal dreams

There are special dreams that depend on the experiences of each person, but there are other universals that are recurrent in any individual regardless of the cultural differences that exist. For example, dreams where they persecute us, we are attacked, we fall into the void, we find ourselves naked in public or we are immobile before something important.

5- Negative emotions prevail

In a huge catalog of dreams, there are emotions that can occur while we are asleep. Those who remember their dreams tend to memorize dreams where negative emotions prevail. Joy and surprise are relegated to the background; anxiety, stress, fear, hopelessness or sadness usually predominate in dreams about positive emotions.

6- Nightmares with an origin

At that time when work is very stressful, when we do not have a good time with our partner or have complicated family problems, it is the moment when nightmares make their appearance. What you should do is discover what can be the origin of those dreams because there is always something that triggers them: worries, stress and anxiety are usually reasons for your dreams to become your worst nightmare (never better said).

7- The control of dreams

The question is simple, is it possible to control dreams? It is an unusual phenomenon called lucid dream that happens when we are aware that we are dreaming and we are able to control the dream to take it to where we want. There are people who possess that special ability, although 50% of the population remembers having done it at least once in their life.

8- The reaction of your body is as if you were awake

The experience when we sleep and dream is recorded in our body and brain almost in the same way as if we were awake. It makes sense to think that the body reacts in the same way to a stressful situation, to an erotic dream or an act of vandalism. That is why sometimes we wake up suffocated, angry or with anger, because what you have lived in the dream your body has also experienced in reality.

9- If you remember your dreams, you are different

The normal thing is that the majority of the population does not remember their dreams after a few minutes after waking up. Only some privileged have the ability to recall in detail what happened during a night, which could be due to a region of the brain called temporoparietal junction that shows more spontaneous activity during sleep and also when you are awake.

10- Why do not we remember dreams?

The brain does not work as awake as it is asleep, so it will process information in a different way. According to researches to sleep patients, it has been discovered that people who sleep a lot have inactive brain areas that play a fundamental role in memories and memory, just during the MOR phase of sleep, at the moment in which we dream.

11- We forget dreams easily

How many times have you gotten up with the feeling of having had a dream (good or bad) but after a while you have completely forgotten it? Do not worry, you're not the only one, 95% of dreams are forgotten very quickly within minutes of waking up.

We dream many things throughout the night, dreams that happen one after the other. Reason why the brain has no chance to settle the memory, will only remember the emotion of something pleasant or unpleasant. If on the contrary you have woken up during the night, it is possible that you have better memory of your dream because it will have settled better.

12- All living beings dream ...

Any living being has the ability to dream: mammals, reptiles and birds have REM sleep phase and therefore it is very likely that they have this ability, something that may not happen to insects and fish that do not have REM phase. A curious fact is provided by the cetaceans that sleep only half of their brain, the other remains active to continue swimming in the water and stay afloat. They dream in a different way to ours.

13- We always dream

It is an undeniable truth, we dream absolutely every night since we were born. According to research shows that we do it in periods of between 5 to 20 minutes per night, which could add an average of about 6 years throughout our lives. We do it almost always during the REM phase but we are constantly dreaming that not remembering something does not mean that it has not happened.



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