in #curie7 years ago

Technology has caused a complete shift in the way people experience the world and live their lives. Personal computers, mobile phone, CCTV cameras, GPS system, among other form of technology have directly impacted human life. The internet particularly has revolutionized human experiences. This write up evaluate the positive and negative ways in which technology has impacted human life.
A few decades ago, the internet was just emerging, and different groups of people and organization reacted differently to the internet development. Some saw an opportunity to reach the entire world, to expand their business markets, and to get in touch with family and friends across the world. Other people were cautious at first, pointing to the increase in the spread of social evils such as pornography and crime. In the current world, technology has grown even more with new inventions in major sectors.
One of the most important changes that technology has brought to human life is communication. Individuals can communicate across the world in real time. Smartphones have taken communication to a whole new level. Instead of picking a phone to call someone or going over to distant places to chat, smartphones have made it possible for people to hold virtual chats. Social media has made communication even simpler and more efficient. Such sites like facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat and many others enable people to instantly share information including news and pictures.
An event occurring in a remote part of China or on a mountain in Vietnam is relayed live and the whole world gets to know about it and to see photos without writing for traditional media houses to deliver such information. Information is more readily available than in the past. Greeting cards are gone and mobile phones have taken over.
Businesses have benefited immensely. Many firms have cut costs and experienced steady growth in their sales revenue due to a reduction in the number of people required to perform tasks as robots and other machine capable of interacting with people and other highly efficient machines take over key operations. Employees can work from home, giving them more freedom. Video conferencing for instance, has made it possible for people to art on time and traveling costs.Meeting involving participant across different parts of the world can be held online. Online banking has made it easier for people to access financial services from the safety of their homes, and to pay for goods and services at physical and online stores without necessarily carrying cash. Online dating has become a common phenomenon. In the past, people needed to meet physically, thus there was a limitation in terms of how many potential mates one could reach out to at any given time. With online dating, however, a man in Nigeria can date ten girls from ten different countries, and set up an online meeting with each of them. It could lead to marriage.
The rate at which readers use physical libraries has decreased tremendously.This is attributable to the availability of books on smartphone, e-reader, and tablets. Online learning has made it possible for students to access education from across the globe. Additionally, TV and Radio experiences have change significantly. No one has to remain a prisoner to their TV set as television and radio are now integrated into smartphone, tablets,and even on laptops. GPS services have made driving easier and CCTV cameras have interisized surveillance. Also, newer technologies such as artificial intelligence and 3-D printing have added to human independence.
On the negative side, however, technology is Ercoding the human species. Pornography has become rampant, and this is perpetuated by the ready availability of internet all over the globe. The internet and thus pornography is accessible from, many other devices, mobile phones.This is a phenomenon that is breaking up marriages and Intensifiging moral decadence. Human trafficking, prostitution, drug trafficking and other social evils have been facilitated by technological devices.
In this 21st century, terrorism stands out as one of the greatest threats to human lifes. Terrorist group have turned to the internet to spread their message of hatred and violence. They recruit followers all over the world through specific website and social media platforms. Cybercrime has also become a new threat to the world. Depositor’s bank account are now more vulnerable than before, and billions of dollars are lost annually. Cybercrime also perpetuates racism and hatred as hackers spread negative, devastating social political and religious messages to their targets.Furthermore, human intelligence such as increased use of robots poses a threat to human race. It is argued that robots will, at home, at one time, completely phone out the role of human beings in some sectors. Moreover, human cloning and other forms of genetic technology have been decried as unethical practices.
In conclusion, technology is just as beneficial as it is destructive to human race. On the overall, technology is more beneficial than destructive. As long as government’s and other regulatory bodies play their roles in ensuring that security is not compromised and that people‘s freedom are not trampled, technology will continue to benefit mankind.


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