Updated: With New Information - Can Someone Please Explain What's Going On Here? It's Stuff Like This That Will Kill Steemit

in #curie8 years ago (edited)

i wish i could have written this whole post with memes
look at this shit
I was going through the picks today, and was having a lot of fun. So much stuff to choose from, and so many stood out from the title alone. What was inside was even better, exotic and stunning beauty from places you'll probably never go.

Some of the subjects you'd assume to be sleep-inducing and ready to write-off, but the author clearly found something worth sharing, and the effort was so evident it was like they were grabbing your face and positioning just right so you could see it the same way.

I literally remember (probably because it was only a couple of hours ago) just kind of grinning in awe or in playfulness in response to a few. It's what I expected to see, and some had gone impressively far beyond, which I was very grateful for (while I am referring mostly to the heavily creative content, a lot of the posts containing anecdotes or that just read conversationally like honest dialogue were surprisingly enjoyable, as I don't typically care for that.)

wait i'm confused

Only, now I'm confused.

Before I continue, I want to sincerely apologize in advance to the author. This isn't about singling someone out and making them feel bad--I don't know you at all, so believe me it's not personal, and I'm sure you have other content that's great. But in spite of feeling reluctant and anticipating some awkwardness, there's really no point in being here if I can't have an honest discussion about content. If that's the case then I might as well save time by figuring it out now and cutting my losses.

Alright, after several posts, I came to this one


Yea, I was just kind of bored and looking to procrastinate. I thought it was going to be some new trick, like the one where you learn to peel an egg by cracking it, and then just rolling it on the table to remove the whole shell at once. Or where you put the egg in a glass of water and keep shaking, yielding similar results . Or the really cool way, where you remove a little bit on from the ends of the egg, in holes about the size of quater, and then hold it up to your mouth, and BLOW to pop the egg out of it's shell. I know, right? Bad-ass eggery. Wait sorry that's a real thing, strike that. Eggishness. That'll have to do. Moving on.

Unique, novel, quirky, clever, bad-ass, epiphanic, life-changing, universe-imploding, yada yada yada, you get the point, that's what we're hoping for (at least in pretense while avoiding that paper...or running down the last ten minutes of work...).

But...it's just something you can buy at the grocery store. In fact, the same grocery store where you can actually see the cashiers and baggers using said product in exactly the manner described. So like me, and what I assume must be a large portion of "everyone", I think it's safe to say that most people can considered as "already in the know"probably for quite a while now,f you've ever bought groceries. Okay scratch insightful and novel off of the list. Hm, okay but surely the--the pictures are...taken with a webcam from the 90s? Err...k...then...uhh...Effort...is a...nope...
what did i just read
Okay, well, that's weird, but I'm sure there's a catch somewhere, so scroll down scroll down scroll down....no....scroll up scroll up scroll up...nada. That's it. Ironically, NOW I AM actually interested. It's gotta be some kind of cipher right? Posted under some topic I'm not aware of like ScavengerHunts? Oh, or maybe it's some kinda test? Is this how curie scouts for new scouts, by waiting for people to question the selection of this post?

Because really, and again no offense intended sir, try putting a gun to my head and I'm still not sure I could tell you why this post was chosen as to be featured as exemplary....I dunno...satire? Is that it? Yes, I actually did a double-take and checked to see again, if I somehow missed that it was posted in some other topic...nuhuh. It would have been far closer to making some kinda of sense (perfect sense really if you take the time to go through it) if this were chosen as satire for _______ (fill in the blank, because I really am not trying to be a prick to the author or anyone, not right now about this anyway).

not sure if

C'mon now, stop it, will you please just point out what it is that I'm missing.

Because, otherwise, there's just no way anyone can defend this selection on the basis of its merits. Sure, I get that quality can be fairly subjective sometimes, but the having the slightest shred of authentic artistic integrity would be enough to compel anyone into agreeing, at the very least, on this particular case. And really, it's a shame that I even have to point this out.

somebody please

How does this compare with the original intent of one of curie's own founders of, "ending the Steemit “circlejerk” on the front page"? Is this selection in line with curie's stated objective to bring "Rewards and Recognition to Steemit’s Undiscovered and Emerging Authors"?

Undiscovered, sure, possibly. But emerging? Not evident from this post. Deserving of recognition and rewards? Over some of the content I have personally seen get passed over? After watching my buddy actually write about and then publish his gratitude to curie's work? I guess I probably should've told him I tried to submit his stuff but space had to be made for this hidden gem of teh interwebz...well he's gonna know pretty soon now, hah.

And yea, I know i'm starting to go overboard now, and I figured out why. It's because I felt personally slighted by this, even though I'm well-aware there was absolutely zero intent in that regard. But it's also due to the fact that I actually tried, and took some of my own time to try to support the spirit of this community and, yes, my friends, which they would've understood perfectly if I had chosen not to due the a lack of effort or quality on their part (not at all a concern with these guys anyway). And, basically, I feel like I got played, and I'm not even entirely sure of what's going on really. Either way, I'm not at all unclear about why I was excited to join, learn about, and support the ideas and ideals of this platform, most of which I believe are very similar to what curie is supposed to be trying to pursue and/or achieve. But to describe this specific decision to pick this particular selection...

Antithetical, incompatible, irreconcilable.

The first words to surface. Anyway, I'm done. If this doesn't get through to the people at curie, or if the members of this community examine this honestly and fail find issue with it?

Then I'll at least I'll have gotten a straight answer.

update: Ok, so i looked through the guy's posts...they're almost all just reposts of youtube videos from a circle of alternative media channels. While I actually visit a lot of those channels and like their content, AGAIN, isn't that antithetical to the point of groups like curie? To find contributors of original content? I wanted to give curie the benefit of doubt, but this is just...ugh. what's the point? This is just going to go on and on, because people will just forget about it. Exactly the same as the real world -___-
another update: so @blustreak has an interesting theory. i wouldn't go that far, not without any evidence, but it the logic's sound. anyway, i submitted for consideration and it was read, so my fingers are crossed :p here's the image @blustreak was talking about:

jackie chan


Quite an amusing read, and quite funny as well. But we rather not assume a higher ground when doing our curation. We may increase our standards over time (although, still kinda subjective). However, I think the considerations for this are the following:-

  • That account has been actively posting external materials (which @curie wouldn't reward, but others may).
  • There was suddenly a sliver of human-ness in that account - so we gave it a hit to encourage original content.
  • Account seems to be here already for quite some time, powering up, not much cashing out.
  • It may seem obvious to you to do this. The title is: Life Hack: Simple, Fast Way to Open Thin Plastic Trash Bags. I personally would just use my saliva to open trash bags. But what if you need to do it wholesale, in mass quantities of plastic-opening? I wouldn't have thought of this, for sure.
  • Sometimes we do also reward a bunch of photographs and all that. What's the value in those? And what's the value in this?

Plus we have 2-3 layers of vouching for each suggested post. But I agree, rewards like this may dishearten certain folks. Sometimes it's error, sometimes it's just plain disagreement. In any case, thanks for bringing this up.

I appreciate that you took the time to respond.

If that's really it, then so be it, but objectively, it is not a thoughtful post that took much effort, and I think that is clear to everyone. And like I said in the post, cashiers and baggers use this in the grocery store, so we've all seen it before. And who besides cashiers and baggers even have this problem? That's why the comment highlighted in the image above was especially suspicious.

Also, to reward a tiny sliver of human-ness (and not an abundant amount at that) still seems contrary to the spirit of curie, and it also means you guys passed up the tons of people who have been producing original content for a LONG time. The effort required to produce ANY original content should not be underestimated. Plus, the guy was already making a bunch of money, just look at his wallet! That's just like throwing salt in the wound, hurtful to many that donate their time, money, and effort to support curie.

As to your last bullet point, it seems like you're attempting to appeal to the "subjectiveness" of curating. Look, I'm rescinding my apology to the author, and will come right out and say, "No, this is not a good post, by ANY standard, much less the standards set by a group of curators seeking outstanding work. Objectively, it is not good, period." I wanted to be polite, but now I just need to be direct. If this was a mistake, then it should be left at that, instead of defending something so clearly indefensible. I wouldn't mind setting up a poll to see how many in the community would agree with this opinion to make this crystal clear. And the fact that this was approved through 2-3 layers? If anything, that's even more disappointing and frankly, downright suspicious. I think this actually gave legs to the idea that @blustreak suggested.

Well, I did submit my post for consideration. As you point out, it was amusing, and entertaining. Also, it looks like it's gotten a lot of votes, and generated discussion, so the community has seen the value in it. I'm wondering if I have a chance to make it to the next selection list. Anyway, like I mentioned in your chatroom, I still support the vast majority of the work you guys do, and I really hope this is just an isolated incident.

Thank you!

We're a small team running 24/7 most of the times, and even that we can only manage to go through only half the amount of posts that's up everyday. I know about original content - my blogroll is pretty much it as well. What we do - we also scan for plagiarism and all that. And note that's the reason why channel curie in chat is there: for anyone to suggest worthy posts (usually not for self-promotion, but it is allowed)

i saw that too man. glad i didn't have to point it out lol

sup dude. o btw i tried to submit one of your posts when you weren't looking. REJECTED!! hahaha

Hi, I just read your post. I'm new so I'm not entirely sure of all the mechanics of how steemit interacts with the cryptocurrency, but the comment from @wilmaballsdrop and your reply to him made me think. I have no evidence and am not accusing, but due to the nature of my work, I naturally come up with theories in situations like these. It sounds like curie gets donations for its work? And also the cryptocurrency is also naturally generated from views and upvotes and such? Well, such an anomalous post could be a sign of someone or some people within the group, funneling some of the money to "shelf accounts"? Haha that's actually pretty clever if that's what's going on. I suppose this is all voluntary though. Anyway, that's some intuition that led you to question this. Good job.

woh...i did not think about that. i was more thinking like, somebody was just helping one of their buddies out. that makes sense though. might have to do a follow up investigation lol

dude i know right?! it's almost like an inside joke or something?? but if you wanna help out your friends or whatever this is, can't you just do it quietly without using curie? i mean, people donate their money and stuff (time, effort, etc.) to this don't they?

btw, i wanted to add this image to the post, hope it's ok. just let me know if you'd prefer not to and i'll take it down. thanks!

Ok, so i looked through the guy's posts...they're almost all just reposts of youtube videos from a circle of alternative media channels. While I actually visit a lot of those channels and like their content, AGAIN, isn't that antithetical to the point of groups like curie? to find contributors of original content? I wanted to give curie the benefit of doubt, but this is just...ugh

Excellent long musings! IMPRESSED :-) Up-vote!

thanks! i submitted it to curie for consideration...i'm not enthusiastically optimistic tho :(

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