| @runrudy | Build a BrushBot - Geek Dad Projects | 57.199 SBD |
 | @akareyon | Abalone - a minute to learn, a lifetime to master | 56.594 SBD |
 | @blinova | Dream Sunset. Kata Beach. Own Photographs | 51.357 SBD |
 | @dashfit | Everyone is busy with Halloween, I am getting ready for Million Mask March #Anonymous & Tutorial mask decorating | 48.011 SBD |
 | @andrew.power | The "Secret Science"? | 40.920 SBD |
 | @swedoise | I ain't afraid of no ghost. Or am I? | 39.903 SBD |
 | @leahmchenry | ❤️ Original Song: Prisoner (Celtic Folk Metal) | 37.132 SBD |
 | @paulhallman | Original Song and Photos - Paul Hallman - Mountains | 37.415 SBD |
 | @samstonehill | Time-lapse of the week #2 - Beautiful Bali & Taman Petanu Eco Neighbourhood | 36.298 SBD |
 | @missk | How to Be a Good Sports Parent - From Their Coach. | 34.703 SBD |
 | @kommienezuspadt | Another crypto-comic character design! | 31.528 SBD |
 | @morning | My Multilingual Baby | 29.495 SBD |
 | @nonameslefttouse | Haffanower: The Peace Offer | 28.103 SBD |
 | @futurefood | In Conversation With a Tomato. How Biotech Can Alter Our Relationship With The Food We Eat. | 27.990 SBD |
 | @contentking | My Name Is Human - Highly Suspect Has Blown Me Away! | 27.154 SBD |
 | @yanfromjd | The Spotlight - Lisa Rose Metz - JoyDancing | 27.996 SBD |
 | @whiskylover | Whisky as an Investment? | 26.266 SBD |
 | @yanik | Figure girl | 26.168 SBD |
 | @modernmama | "FML, my toddler whines constantly!" - a video to make you think twice about being a stay-at-home mom and tips to avoid loosing your marbles. | 26.763 SBD |
 | @steemed-open | Just Breathe - Especially in the Thick of It | 26.993 SBD |
 | @okkiedot | A colorful night - Landschaftspark Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany (part 2) | 26.175 SBD |
 | @iamwne | I Build Cities For Fun & Profit | 25.267 SBD |
 | @nadin3 | Dessert art American flag and Russian flag! Десерт арт Американский флаг и Российский флаг! | 25.136 SBD |
| @son-of-satire | Blood: Oaths and Offerings - An Original Novel - Part 1/Prologue | 25.718 SBD |
 | @mevilkingdom | This week's summary : Toy photography #6 by @mevilkingdom | 25.760 SBD |
 | @bitfilm | Bitfilm of the Day (October 13, 2016): The (Almost) Famous | 25.554 SBD |
 | @slickwilly | Check Out My Fugoo Boom Box The Bluetooth Waterproof Speaker You Didn't Know You Needed | 24.474 SBD |
 | @elewarne | Globalization and Art - What is art in an age of diversity and globalization? | 24.304 SBD |
 | @dburklen | Vape Chronicles: Episode #1 My vape story. Why I started vaping and the evolution of vape through my eyes | 24.370 SBD |
 | @gavicrane | Time lapse video of me working on this fantasy illustration in my sketchbook | 24.060 SBD |
 | @ekaterina4ka | Jacket is Handmade for Daughter by the Birthday. Кофта на День Рождения дочери своими руками. | 24.202 SBD |
 | @forestwest | 10 ingredients to power up your breakfast | 24.211 SBD |
 | @freelancewriter | My Top Picks For The Best PCs | 24.468 SBD |
 | @kibela | Shishkinskye petroglyphs. Ancient rock carvings. | 24.218 SBD |
 | @whatsup | Just show up! Sometimes you have to fail to succeed. | 23.226 SBD |
 | @tommycordero | 💋Pushing for adoption one relationship at the time: the Makeup analogy 💄 | 23.881 SBD |
 | @anomaly | Why I Don't Punch Dolphins Anymore (An Original Story, Part 28 - Leaping Faith) | 23.036 SBD |
 | @therealpaul | What Do We Have Here? Author not Typing | 23.850 SBD |
 | @exploretraveler | Wonderful Wanderlust: 25 Indispensable Travel Tips 1-3 | 23.746 SBD |
 | @seansclevername | What Are You Doing RIGHT NOW?? | 23.627 SBD |
 | @padre | Black White | 23.029 SBD |
 | @artbyjessyca | Introducing my Grandma Jann Harmon and her incredible paintings! | 23.963 SBD |
 | @paper-pecado | My original draw - Espejito | 23.153 SBD |
 | @awispa | My art: music CD cover | 23.706 SBD |
 | @nathanjtaylor | Iris Ink Drawing w/ Water Color and Digital Color | 23.490 SBD |
 | @featherhowlart | 🖕Original Art🖕 - 13102016 - Violence (With Re-Draw Comparison!) | 23.914 SBD |
 | @exploretraveler | Travel Tips that could save your life! | 23.883 SBD |
 | @alex2016 | How to make a women bag of genuine leather. Step-by-step tutorial. Part 3. Как сделать женскую сумку из натуральной кожи. Пошаговый туториал. Часть 3. | 23.611 SBD |
 | @sharingeverybite | How the Ridiculously Hilarious Johnjay & Rich Radio Show Will Strengthen Your Relationship | 23.948 SBD |
 | @witchcraftblog | My new recipe: mint syrup. | 23.731 SBD |
 | @cjclaro | OpenMic Night Week 2: She by Elvis Costello | 23.122 SBD |
 | @richristow | Looking for Teaching Jobs in China? Reasons to Not Pick a Megacity | 23.505 SBD |
 | @antizvuk | The lights of distant future. | 22.999 SBD |
 | @eugenia | Love Story - I LOVE YOU - part2 | 22.843 SBD |
| @strangerarray | Delete the Indelible Part IV | 22.573 SBD |
 | @trueart | Autumn Garden - is my Art Inspiration (Part 1) | 22.410 SBD |
 | @cynetyc | Romanian pickle recipe | 22.076 SBD |
 | @everittdmickey | TEOTWAWKI (An Original Novel - Chapter 37 ) | 22.649 SBD |
 | @mcsvi | Life Is Small In The Jungle - Let's Celebrate It | 22.844 SBD |
 | @ethanjames | More ORIGINAL poetry. @ethanjames as author. | 21.716 SBD |
 | @woman-onthe-wing | Natural Beauty Using Natural Ingredients - #2 Homemade Nourishing Hair Rinse (to replace shampoo) | 21.423 SBD |
 | @dr0tcl | The Console Conundrum | 21.229 SBD |
 | @unhorsepower777 | The Legend of the Horse (Original translation of Filipino fiction) | 21.168 SBD |
 | @lloyddavis | I'm Crazy 'bout My Baby (Waller/Hill) 1931 (cover) | 21.034 SBD |
 | @bvltva | Uncharted Expectations: Part 2 (Original Story-Romance/Fantasy) | 21.813 SBD |
 | @loveon | Unhappy? Fighting with Loved Ones? Feeling Unfulfilled? Need Direction? Need Validation and a Fresh Perspective? Try Symbols! | 21.890 SBD |
 | @beginningtoend | Poetry Slam Challenge #6 / When Grandmother Died | 21.067 SBD |
 | @snooway | A tale of three teachers | 20.211 SBD |
 | @scaredycatguide | ScaredyCatGuide to Real Estate Investing – Part XII – The Estoppel Letter | 20.877 SBD |
 | @tinalynge | Blue Phoenix - Chapter 34: An Unlikely Opponent | 20.283 SBD |
 | @harand | The old mans cottage | 20.840 SBD |
 | @martin-stuessy | How to Connect Your Telegram Group to Your IRC Server | 19.650 SBD |
 | @avantmidi | Earl Nightingale's most important lesson: Think, Serve, Succeed | 19.698 SBD |
 | @michelle.gent | Deadlier Than The Male - excerpt exclusive for Steemit | 19.404 SBD |
 | @tanyabtc | Griffin | 19.049 SBD |
 | @ghostfish | The Dream of Illustrating and Writing a Children's Book | 19.385 SBD |
 | @verbal-d | Poetry Slam Challenge # 6 Sky's The Limit Entry: Invaluable Investment | 18.310 SBD |
 | @coolbeans | Our Chili Cook-Off Extravaganza! | 18.000 SBD |
 | @mgaft1 | The Ritual | 18.897 SBD |
 | @thefinalgirl | Original Work: You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home, Chapter 5, Part 4 | 18.640 SBD |
 | @surfermarly | Travel photograph story: Island of FUERTEVENTURA - The coolest desert on Earth! | 18.630 SBD |
 | @lightsplasher | In Search of Heron Pictures | 18.280 SBD |
 | @keuudeip | The wanderer in three sea… The epitome of a true wanderers | 17.748 SBD |
 | @timbot606 | Tyrant - an original poem | 17.603 SBD |
 | @razaak | Tutorial 5: Streams & String Manipulation//Bonus: Search & Replace program Example!//Learn by doing | 17.513 SBD |
 | @aubergedulis | Spring is coming... | 12.864 SBD |
 | @freeradical2 | Robots "won't give a fourpenny fuck about the temperature." | 9.239 SBD |
 | @jenkinrocket | Japanese 101 - Lesson 0 | 9.416 SBD |
I am listed :-) That makes me to continue next episode.
Thank you so much @curie I feel super special!
My first post after introduction and I am on the list!
That made my day 😀😋
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Continue the awesome job :) You too, have a great weekend!
Thank you, have a lovely weekend too!
When can I get in this list ??? Actually it's easy or difficult to achieve results like these?
Thanks Curie!
very good job, another great job of selection @ curie, excellent authors chosen congratulations to all nominees
Thanks again @curie! A great encouragement to steem on!
Thanks @curie, if it is not too taboo here is the conclusion to the my story you shared.
I'm very exited and appreciated, will continue to share my world, thanks @curie!
I made the list again? This is fantastic news. Thank you to everyone involved. Please keep up the good work.
Great work @curie team, congratulations to all the selected posts.